I have a rather lengthy thread on ATS about things seen from the corner of your eyes. I may copy and paste it here as a thread, but I don't have time so here is a link.
From Out of the Corner of Your Eye
Check out the link for the rest, it may be enlightening.
From Out of the Corner of Your Eye
Quote:Many people who have experienced a paranormal occurrence have reported seeing ghostly things from out of the corner of their eyes. People will catch fleeting glimpses of things moving in their peripheral vision only to have them disappear when viewed directly. These "corner of the eye" type of visions are most often the case under lighted conditions, however, such stories claim that at night, inside of a darkened room, illuminated specters and darkened shades become directly visible.
Some might say that such is the flight of fancy of our minds when faced with the diminished information obtained from the extreme limits of our vision. Others, like myself, would entertain the idea that perhaps the human eye has the ability to sense things outside of the range of what is considered normal vision. There is a whole universe of things we can't see directly, but perhaps under the right conditions we can see the unseen.
Check out the link for the rest, it may be enlightening.
A trail goes two ways and looks different in each direction - There is no such thing as a timid woodland creature - Whatever does not kill you leaves you a survivor - Jesus is NOT a bad word - MSB