(06-05-2024, 07:10 AM)Bally002 Wrote:(06-05-2024, 06:40 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote:(06-05-2024, 06:36 AM)Bally002 Wrote:(06-04-2024, 11:56 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote:Look up Daniel Boones account. Good read.(06-04-2024, 11:03 PM)Bally002 Wrote: G'day Light,G'day, Bally002.
The Aussie equivalent is named the 'Yowie'. Aboriginal terms for them are Thoolagal, Myngawin, Tjangara, Jimbra, Wawee, Pangkarlangu, Ghindari and many others depending on what part of the continent those locals lived well before 'whitefella bin comealong.'
The Europeans began recording sightings in the early 1800's during settlement and there were many accounts written up in Newspapers. One of the most known later sighting was by Bill O'Chee, in the 70's along with a school excursion in which the students and teachers spied the Beasty for over two days. Bill O'Chee later became Australia's youngest Senator at the time and throughout his tenure in Parliament maintained the sighting along with witnesses. It's an interesting read and video interview of Senator Bill in later life.
The last Aboriginal story I came across was in the early 2000's when I was working in the Tanami Desert. The 'Warlpiri' Aboriginal Senior Constable working with me one night advised me while driving into a certain area and waiting in a concealed area for 'grog' runners. (Modern day moonlighters if you may). Described 'Gorilla' man or that 'Big Hairy' man, attacking a local and trying to choke him. The constable was spooked and so we drove off to another location more in the open. The term 'gorilla man' came much later in Aboriginal speak I imagine to describe to the 'Cardia' (Whitefella) what the beasty resembled.
Many sightings over the years up until now but alas no photographs. A few hoaxers.
Kind regards,
Edit to add. 'Daniel Boone's' account with his son is more fascinating to me. A great story in the early Americas and a believable man of prominence who relates shooting a Sasquatch.))))
That would make them too old, and too spread out to be anything man manipulated into being. Unless it is people having sex with gorillas....but I highly doubt that.
So, an Ausie Bigfoot, huh? I never thought they were seen anywhere else but up in the pacific northwest or up in the forests of Canada.
That's weird to me now. It just seems like in all these years some hunter somewhere would have taken one of these out and had a nice trophy on display.
But, alas....natta.
I'll do that now. Thanks brudda
I live quite close to this area of sightings of the Yowie and Big Cats. Been through the areas many a time.
I like that name "Yowie."
I'm guessing these things are mostly out in that aborigine areas that no normal person goes through? I'm unto survival training and I heard that "Outback" is just about the most gnarly place on earth. Almost impossible to survive.
It would be a great hiding place.
They live.
We sleep.
We sleep.