It was a new word to me... Chrisom and there seemed to be a lot of it.
'Anciently, a chrisom, or "chrisom-cloth," was the face-cloth, or piece of linen laid over a child's head
during baptism or christening. Originally, the purpose of the chrisom-cloth was to keep the chrism,
a consecrated oil, from accidentally rubbing off.
With time, the word's meaning changed, to that of a white mantle thrown over the whole infant at the
time of baptism. The term has come to refer to a child who died within a month after its baptism—so
called for the chrisom cloth that was used as a shroud for it.
Additionally, in London's bills of mortality, the term chrisom was used to refer to infants who died within
a month after being born...'
Collins Online Dictionary:
1. Christianity -A white robe put on an infant at baptism and formerly used as a burial shroud
if the infant died soon afterwards
2. archaic -An infant wearing such a robe
3. A variant spelling of chrism
Based on the above, some may suggest the word 'suffocation' could be used too.
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