Quote:The SNP-led Scottish government has tried to soothe concerns. Siobhian Brown described the act as "ambitious" while also insisting it would "not necessarily" criminalise anything that was not already criminal. Asked whether "misgendering" someone or making a comment about their religion would be a crime the minister replied: "This will be up to Police Scotland. I wouldn't say misgendering if you say something on social media for example it would be up to Police Scotland to determine."
It's good to see that some Scots (see there how I avoided the term "Scotsmen" thereby not committing a gender-related thoughtcrime?) have mastered the fine art of passing the buck, and laying responsibility and blame on some doorstep other than their own!
Here's a tip: Police Scotland weren't the hateful gits that passed this law. Let those who did deal with the fallout themselves rather than trying to saddle someone else with it.
"Hate Crime" is really just a euphemism for Orwell's "Thoughtcrime". We're not heading towards 1984, we are THERE!
What has happened to Scotland? These people are alleged to be the descendants of Highlanders, Picts, Border Reavers, and other assorted folk who never had a history of being Milquetoasts. Where, and when, did they go off the reservation? When did they start letting mere words hurt them right in the butt?