(03-29-2024, 09:14 PM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: Just an opinion, but I think the veils between the dimensions are becoming thinner and thinner. Activity from the dimensions above and below us are bleeding into our dimension at an increasing rate. I can't say exactly for sure what is causing this- could be anything from God to solar activity to the rotation of our core speeding to mad scientists screwing around with CERN or anything in between. Let us just hope (or pray, your preference) that it all doesn't straight up collapse because I have a feeling we probably really don't want to co-exist physically with some of the beings inhabiting our neighbor dimensions.
I believe that's true. I've been noticing a lot more activity lately.
About a week ago, I saw a white mist-like "something" dart rapidly across my field of vision from right towards the left while I was sitting right here where I'm sitting right now. It wasn't more than two feet or so in front of my face, perhaps 2 feet wide and about 8" tall. A minute and a half later, I noticed a movement on my left, maybe 8 feet away, out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked instead of vanishing right away as it usually does, I saw a black mass sort of like a shadow, maybe 2 or 2 1/2 feet tall, about 10" wide, looking like it was standing there, shimmering or scintillating, rapidly fading in and out of view until it just vanished.
Neither was very substantial looking - I could see through both of them to whatever was behind them.
No idea what it was, or what it was all about, but I've no doubt that activity has been increasing lately.