Explanation: The main problem with 'common sense' is that it is 100IQ or less, stupid in nature. And why would I settle for that eh? I want an UNCOMMON sense that will guide me through all the bullshyte.
Possessing an Uncommon sense is a RARE gift of genius that only smart people will really appreciate ok, because it has unique insights into dealing with anything and everything. Don't follow the herd and be and become prey to mob mentallity, as that panders to the lowest common denominator and is a shyte reality.
Personal Disclosure: I will be 'reasonable' when they can actually see and identify real reasons based upon rationality and logic!
Until then, they have fucked around and now they can and will find out the limits of their own stupidity, which has led them up the garden path and over a cliff of credible uncertainty in how to deal with undesirable mindsets and dangerous attitudes safely eh?!
There is no such thing as safe and or safely as there is always a risk that must be taken and odds are youre going to lose in the long run and or the end. It is a kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, law of the jungle reality and the only way to actually deal with that is to not rely on somebody elses morality. Combat rules are for the stupid ok. You are not irreplacable so don't get too high and mighty in your own self worth and learn to value something greater than yourself, which is the TRUTH, which unfortunately most people can not handle as it is explosive in nature in the hands of the stupid dumb cunts that ruin it all for everyone by being woke karens/kevins ok. WHOAH! We got a problem here as the karens/kevins have gotten their hands on some half truths and are running amok with it and detonating civilization and civil reality everywhere they can, and we are going to need a go team of special demolition bomb defusal engineers and mechanics to put things right again. I will continue to gamble on God working it out and settling all scores ok. Your milage may vary eh?!
From my humble opinion at woke kevins and karens ... just shut the fuck up and sing the song ok. I am an ASSHOLE OK!
Life is gonna suck ok! ...
Possessing an Uncommon sense is a RARE gift of genius that only smart people will really appreciate ok, because it has unique insights into dealing with anything and everything. Don't follow the herd and be and become prey to mob mentallity, as that panders to the lowest common denominator and is a shyte reality.
Personal Disclosure: I will be 'reasonable' when they can actually see and identify real reasons based upon rationality and logic!
Until then, they have fucked around and now they can and will find out the limits of their own stupidity, which has led them up the garden path and over a cliff of credible uncertainty in how to deal with undesirable mindsets and dangerous attitudes safely eh?!
There is no such thing as safe and or safely as there is always a risk that must be taken and odds are youre going to lose in the long run and or the end. It is a kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, law of the jungle reality and the only way to actually deal with that is to not rely on somebody elses morality. Combat rules are for the stupid ok. You are not irreplacable so don't get too high and mighty in your own self worth and learn to value something greater than yourself, which is the TRUTH, which unfortunately most people can not handle as it is explosive in nature in the hands of the stupid dumb cunts that ruin it all for everyone by being woke karens/kevins ok. WHOAH! We got a problem here as the karens/kevins have gotten their hands on some half truths and are running amok with it and detonating civilization and civil reality everywhere they can, and we are going to need a go team of special demolition bomb defusal engineers and mechanics to put things right again. I will continue to gamble on God working it out and settling all scores ok. Your milage may vary eh?!
From my humble opinion at woke kevins and karens ... just shut the fuck up and sing the song ok. I am an ASSHOLE OK!
Life is gonna suck ok! ...
Quote:"This is a special moment right now
We'd like to take this time to tell all the kids at home, send the parents out of the room, this is a kids' song."
Life's gonna suck when you grow up
When you grow up, when you grow up
Life's gonna suck when you grow up
It sucks pretty bad right now
"Hey, if you know the words, sing along!"
You're gonna have to mow the lawn
Do the dishes, make your bed
You're gonna have to go to school
Until you're seventeen
"It's gonna seem about three times as long as that."
You might have to go to war
Shoot a gun, kill a nun
You might have to go to war
When you get out of school
"Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse!"
You're gonna have to deal with stress
Deal with stress, deal with stress
You're gonna be a giant mess
When you get back from the war
Santa Claus does not exist, and there is no Easter Bunny
You'll find out when you grow up that Big Bird isn't funny, funny, funny
Life's gonna suck when you grow up
When you grow up, when you grow up
Life's gonna suck when you grow up
It sucks pretty bad right now
You're gonna end up smoking crack
On you're back, face the fact
You're gonna end up hooked on smack
And then you're gonna die
And then you're gonna die
"Song for the kids."
"Well, I think I smell a lawsuit in that one; what do you think?"