... coming back in from yet another mission. Sun has already set but the destination airfield will be illuminated for the returning fliers.
The aircraft's pilot is once again enjoying the spectacle before him.
Beneath his bomber, the Pacific Ocean stretches endlessly. Out here there are no lights down below, and hardly any land or islands at all.
Engines are running well. Crew is attentive, at their stations, and waiting calmly to reach their destination and chalk up another successful mission.
The dark water's horizon merges with a black sky that is ablaze with stars and planets. Some are so bright they reflect off the surface of the water below, making it appear as if the aircraft is pushing through deep space itself. It is a transformative experience for the young pilot.
Sometimes, he and the crew spot lights moving in the sky or in the water below that cannot be identified and which perform astounding maneuvers.
* * * * *
This really happened.
The pilot's name was Gene Roddenberry.

The aircraft's pilot is once again enjoying the spectacle before him.
Beneath his bomber, the Pacific Ocean stretches endlessly. Out here there are no lights down below, and hardly any land or islands at all.
Engines are running well. Crew is attentive, at their stations, and waiting calmly to reach their destination and chalk up another successful mission.
The dark water's horizon merges with a black sky that is ablaze with stars and planets. Some are so bright they reflect off the surface of the water below, making it appear as if the aircraft is pushing through deep space itself. It is a transformative experience for the young pilot.
Sometimes, he and the crew spot lights moving in the sky or in the water below that cannot be identified and which perform astounding maneuvers.
* * * * *
This really happened.
The pilot's name was Gene Roddenberry.

Fire In The Hole