This is a whopper-doozy of an intriguing article...
Quote:Like carbon for moneyHey Buddy, Can You Spare a Watt?
UPDATE 24MAR25: As if on cue, more revelations about the deep, deep fraud that is the NGO circuit actually running the world, and if you’re American, you’ve been paying for almost all of it. Stick with Radio Far Side and be ahead of the news.
OK, I think I’ve figured at least part of the global hide-the-sausage game we are all unwillingly or unwittingly playing.
Care to take a little trip to Low-Earth Orbit (LEO)? For this trip, I’ve adjusted the orbit to give us a bit higher apogee, so we can appreciate a little more of the Big Picture than usual.
As long-time readers know, a great part of my time is spent writing and editing high-level documents for NGOs and QGOs (quasi-governmental organisations). While the BRICS are trying to create a global trading currency based on a basket of national currencies, the Bumbledicks are trying to create a global currency based on electricity. Hear me out.
As best as I can piece all this together, the world has been operating with something called the PetroDollar (PD) since roughly the Nixon administration. While the US controls the PD, it is not the Federal Reserve Note (FRN), much less the Constitutional dollar most of us think of when we hear the word “dollar”.
The word "dollar" originates from the German word "Thaler," short for Joachimsthaler, which referred to silver coins minted in Joachimsthal (now in the Czech Republic) in the early 16th century. The term "Thaler" was widely used for large silver coins across Europe and evolved into various forms in different languages.
We are generations removed from that concept.
What seems to be going on is that NGOs will replace national and regional governments. These entities will act as local legislative, judicial and executive branches of a global UberCorp. Nation-states will vanish, with NGOs playing cops, judges, enforcers (executive), and legislators. They will take orders directly from UberCorp.
Keep in mind, this is “their” apparent concept. I’m just amalgamating what I read (and edit). Whatever UberCorp is, it is centered in the EU, and the EU is trying to create other EUs all over the planet.
If you’re wondering why the EU is in such a huff over Trumpism, this is why.
The global currency will be a kind of cryptocurrency based on generation, storage and use of electricity. The PetroDollar was based on petroleum, obviously, but the new currency is based on any fuel or device used to generate, transport, transform, or consume electricity. Hydrocarbons will only be a small part of this mix.
Carbon, the most ubiquitous element on the planet, will form the “small change” part of the new currency. Let’s call it Globobux for convenience, signified by REC. The flow of money, called “velocity” in our current markets, will be measures by electrons, or “physical electricity”. Capturing, storing and trading carbon will be the new Fort Knox to back Globobux.
Why RECs, I hear you ask. Good question. Gold star for you.
A REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) is a market-based instrument that represents proof that one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity was generated from a renewable energy source and fed into the power grid. Keep in mind that petroleum is a renewable resource created by electro-chemical processes — whether in the ground or in the lab.
It is essentially the “proof of work” (PoW) we discussed a week ago in “A Blockhead on Blockchain”. In other words, a REC is defined by the date the electrons entered the grid, plus data about the way those electrons were “created,” plus the time, place, fuel, and generator that created them. Sound familiar? Add SHA-256 encryption using a nonce and you have a block on the blockchain, very similar to Bitcoin.
The entire Climate Change/Global Warming/Energy Transition farce is all fabricated in order to: 1) create the REC system, 2) get you and me to buy into it, and 3) terrorize us with doomsday climate narradigms so we don’t back out.
The world has been divided into Regions (continents basically). The Regions are divided into Trade Zones (EU, NA, ECOWAS, ASEAN, MERCOSUR, etc.). The NGOs will eventually replace national governments. I don’t yet know what name these entities will have, but Local Issuers will become county/city/precinct subdivisions.
Essentially, I’m looking at a national government, replaced by corporate entities, with a global overlord running the show.
At the moment, the primary focus is on creating Global Standards (ISO, WTO, WHO, IFRS and the like), which are being “harmonized” at the Trade Zone level as we sit here.
The way is works is the global standards organizations create the rules, the QGOs generate synthesis at the regional level, and the NGOs install and operate the local functions.
The NGOs are the foot soldiers running around bribing and cajoling individual de jure governments to pass implementing legislation and regulations, so that all the pieces snap together like a giant puzzle.
This is not a “conspiracy theory”. I’m reading and editing the policy papers, and watching the organizations at work. There’s a huge amount of detail behind all this, and I encourage the dear reader to select any term I’ve used here and do a little research. The only thing I am adding to it is my guess as to how it all fits together.
The Big Question is, what is UberCorp. There is obviously “something” planning and directing all this, but what it is is anyone’s guess at the moment. BlackRock, Vanguard and their cousins are at the Vice President level, but they aren’t the UberCorp.
Larry Fink is clever, but he’s not that smart. The term “idiot savant” comes to mind.
I spend a couple of pages in my book discussing all the academic theory, philosophy and reasoning behind the need for a global government, but I have yet to find a suitable candidate for it.
We are looking at a maelstrom of power and wealth flowing into a central vortex, but its exact nature and location are obscured by sea spray, rain, and clouds. It’s by design, of course. It doesn’t want to be seen until it’s too late to change course.
If you want to see the new economy coming online, look up RECs, TIGRs, RE markets, and the various mechanisms for monetizing and controlling the most basic forces in the Universe. Most of the news cycle is designed to keep you from doing exactly this, so it’s a radical act to educate yourself.
Let’s try to summarize the existing system in “their” own words:
Quote:“Voluntary international MRV frameworks like GHGP, RE100, and SBTi, are the most adopted systems for corporate electricity buyers. In addition, the market is currently witnessing the emergence of a new paradigm of regional and international compliance MRV systems that may use RECs and similar market-based instruments to substantiate compliance-level clean electricity claims. Notable examples include the EU’s CBAM, and the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)’s International Financial Reporting Standards 1 and 2 (IFRS S1 and IFRS S2).”
Essentially, there’s a verification hierarchy, driven by the EU, in which units of energy in the form of electricity can be traced with precision back to the point and fuel of origin. In other words, a blockchain on which an energy-based currency can be traded and taxed.
Quote:“These systems respectively focus on addressing emissions associated with the trade of physical goods, as well as corporate disclosure of environmental performance.”
Here we see carbon, the most plentiful element on the planet and basis for all life, being monetized as the foundation for a currency. This functions in much the same way as the ancient “gold standard”.
Finally, we see this:
Quote:“Each EAC [Ed. - Energy Attribute Certificate] must have a unique tracking number and should only reside in one account at a time to prevent double counting. Clear procedures should be established to resolve disputes over the validity and enforceability of claims, particularly in complex markets with multiple instruments.”
This essentially defines every bank note and cryptocoin in use. Thus, we are seeing the creation of an energy-based currency using blockchain technology intended minimally for cross-border transactions. The second sentence is just another way of saying “all debts public and private” and “full faith and credit”. It’s judicial authority to enforce contracts, which is a governmental function vested here in a private entity.
Note that I withheld the citation because the work is not yet published. However, the information can be found from multiple public sources. Every link is to a primary “legitimate” source. No tin-foil hats and wild-eyed ravings. The real thing.
As we’ve noted before, “they” are building the pyramid from the top down. There is a clear effort to rearrange the world into economic, rather than political entities. The UN forms the legislative branch, the QGOs and NGOs are the executive branch, and a gaggle of corporate entities known for now as trade zones form the judicial branch.
Money, once based on the element gold, then on hydrocarbons, and now on electrons, is being recreated as we speak. Sections of the world are already trading the RECs, and more are coming online.
The social credit system, the neo-economic system being forced down our throats, is being installed at the corporate level. We commonly refer to it as the ESG/DEI system.
Since humas have resisted this system, it is being installed in our “jobs”. Since we rely on “jobs” for revenue, and the “jobs” are almost all from corporate entities, the social credit system is simply installed at the level where most of us maintain survival.
If you want to eat, buy clothes, pay for shelter, have transportation, then you will comply with “job” requirements. If you don’t comply, you are let go and eventually become unhireable. If you can’t get a “job,” then you become reliant on government “safety nets,” where you once again face compliance issues to maintain welfare, health care, unemployment benefits, and/or retirement income.
If you can no longer buy food, pay for shelter, or get clothes without using e-funds, then eventually you will comply or be forced to live in the literal wilderness. If the only e-funds available to use for all your needs are based on gold, or oil, or carbon and electrons, then that is what you will use, or get used to fighting raccoons for nuts and berries.
In summary, the social credit/compliance system is being installed from the top down. We are being surrounded by it and eventually the switch will be thrown and no other system will exist. This is not a “conspiracy theory”. Once you know what to look for, it’s everywhere.
Once upon a time, salt and square nails were forms of currency, based on scarcity and need as a preservative for food, or fastener for construction. Those days have come and gone, replaced by other things. The one constant is that everyone uses a currency, or they starve in the cold, dark wilderness.
Today, the one thing everyone needs is electricity, and as long as “they” control the generation and transmission of it, “they” can make us dance on their strings.
Doulas Adams wrote about a civilization who used leaves for money, but there were so may leaves that inflation soon reared its ugly head. Their solution? Burn all the trees.
Today’s cultural enrichment is selected both for its relevance, and because most folks here probably haven’t see it. The film is called The Platform (2019), a Spanish film about economic disparity and social capitulation. I think you’ll like this one. It’s got a “Cube” vibe to it.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." – Thomas Sowell