ABOUT THAT GOLD MOVEMENT - EndtheMadnessNow - 02-07-2025
February 5, 2025 / Joseph P. Farrell
Something is going on with gold in recent weeks and days, and you may not have noticed with all the focus on the mid-air collision at Reagan National Airport, and to my rank amateur's mind, not enough dots are being connected to interpret it. The bottom line is, there is a massive move of gold into the United States. The question is, why? Here are three stories, and each has its own answer (our thanks to S.D., B,.H, and V.T., for these articles):
Bank of England struggles to meet gold demand as $82B stockpile shifts to New York
JPMorgan Plans $4 Billion US Gold Delivery Amid Tariff Fears
ZH — "It has nothing to do with Trump tariffs"
Notice that one story is offset by another: the gold transference is due to Trump's tariff plans...but wait, no it isn't. It's the third article that, for our purposes in today's blog and high octane-off-the-end-of-the-twig-Wile E. Coyote-nosedive-into-the-canyon speculation, that I think is on to something, but again, I don't think is casting a wide enough net nor considering all the dots to connect. In that third article, "ZH-'It has nothing to do with Trump tariffs'", that offers the following trenchant observation and conclusion on the curious movements of so much gold:
Quote:Gold and silver are being pulled into New York for reasons beyond tariffs. A new pipeline is now draining metal from the LBMA, just as another had already been pulling gold and silver toward China from the LBMA for years.
Recently we labelled this phenomenon as repatriation.
Yesterday, ZeroHedge published a premium post on the same issue. While they avoided the word “repatriation,” they openly questioned why gold is moving to COMEX, concluding that tariffs alone don’t explain it. Their report highlighted contradictions from officials managing the narrative.
So, in a nutshell, the amounts of gold indicate that the USA is quietly and deliberately repatriating gold. If you've been following the repatriation-of-gold story over the past decade or so, you'll recall that the whole thing began when Germany repatriated some of its gold reserves from Great Britain, France, and the USA to Germany. At the time, most figures had it that Germany had the second largest amount of reserves in the world after the USA. After the "repatriation" was "concluded", a number of stories began to appear in the alternative media - many of them authored by German Lars Schall who was following the story very closely - that neither the amount repatriated with what the Bundesbank had called back, and what was called back was of questionable assay quality. Germany was joined very quickly by other countries demanding their gold reserves be repatriated, among them Austria and the Netherlands. Then, to make matters very much worse, Venezuela joined the "repatriation gold rush", demanding its reserves at the Bank of England be physically returned to Venezuela.
The Bank of England's response was... well... classic. It effectively said that the BOE did not like the current Venezuelan regime (no doubt because it was cozying up to Russia at the time), so its gold was not going to be returned. Or to translate it into Banksterese: "We don't like you; you can't have your gold; we need it more than you; have a nice day, and go away." As all of these stories were going on in those years, other stories began to circulate, also involving gold: multi-billion-dollar loans in China had been collateralized with gold, only it turned out that the "gold" was simply gold-clad tungsten bars. Well, that was China, and of course, "everyone knows" that the Chinese cannot be trusted, and what does one expect from a country where corruption and fraud reign (just look at their construction standards). But then there was a similar story from - of all places - Canada, involving similarly-clad tungsten fraud, only this time it emanated from the Royal Canadian Mint!
So my first point in raising these old stories is that we may be, and in my opinion are, looking at a new facet and component of that story, one that suggests that, increasingly, various people are realizing that there is such massive fraud in the system, fraud involving gold, and its potential fraudulent rehypothecation, that the only way to check if there is massive rehypothecation is, quite literally, to take possession of physical gold, and then to compare notes with other countries and groups possessing it. Note, not possessing the paper titles of ownership and other certifications, but the bullion bars and specie itself. Think of it as the "bullion and specie" side of "the Great Reset."
So why is that going on? This is where it possibly gets even more intriguing. For some time I've also been following and blogging - and where necessary, trying to raise warnings as well - about the recent moves of so many American states to establish bullion depositories, gold and silver reserves for the individual state, and to establish state-backed currencies. In many cases, these states are talking solely about electronic means of transfer, and are not talking about what I regard as the absolute essential for such systems to work: a physical medium of exchange (and not just electronic blips), and real convertibility of those blips, or physical media of exchange, into the bullion or specie equivalent, along with the ability to conduct personal transaction in said specie or media of exchange. While following this development and issuing these warnings over the past few years, one warning which I have issued at the beginning of this movement was the most important caution:
that caution was, that in a world where a certain amount of bullion was secretly recovered by the United States after World War Two, and then used as a secret reserve to finance all manner of covert operations and black projects research, that the potential existed to rehypothecate that secret reserve fraudulently, over and over again, creating massive liquidity, "backed" by a fractional reserve (so to speak) of bullion. That system of expanding secret financial instruments, "backed" by a fractional and potentially endlessly rehypothecated reserve, had eventually to be supplemented by other commodities lest the financial instruments secretly circulating were propped up on too narrow a reserve basis, and thus, "drugs" became the other "gold" in the system. (For my detailed exposition of this system, see my books Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations, and Covert Wars and Clash of Civilizations).
What the movements of these states are uncovering - whether deliberately or inadvertently is here not necessary to the argument, though I suspect in some cases (like Texas) it's deliberate - is the fact that one cannot have any sort of bullion-or-commodities backed currency system without having an accurate estimation of the actual physical amount of that commodity is in existence, and who possesses it and in what amounts.
And the only way to do that, is to take physical possession of it, assay it, and measure it, and then publish the data. If one is off by an order of magnitude, let us say, in the amounts, and is in turn creating liquidity and financial instruments on the basis of a vastly over-estimated amount, then the system can be sustained for a while, but the moment it comes into question, and repatriation begins, then the hidden system is in trouble, and must create a new kind of two-way mirror behind which to cloak its activities. This is why merely electronic currencies of transfer being contemplated in so many American states will not work. "Gold-'backed' crypto-currencies", anyone?
See you on the flip side...
The Giza Death Star
RE: ABOUT THAT GOLD MOVEMENT - sailorsam - 02-07-2025
(02-07-2025, 12:03 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: Quote:
So why is that going on? This is where it possibly gets even more intriguing. For some time I've also been following and blogging - and where necessary, trying to raise warnings as well - about the recent moves of so many American states to establish bullion depositories, gold and silver reserves for the individual state, and to establish state-backed currencies.
This is where it possibly gets even more intriguing. For some time I've also been following and blogging - and where necessary, trying to raise warnings as well - about the recent moves of so many American states to establish bullion depositories, gold and silver reserves for the individual state, and to establish state-backed currencies.
is this in reference to American (South, North, Central) nation states? If we're talking about individual USA states, that's not going to happen.
this sort of thing is at such a high RATS level that I can't comprehend it.