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For Only 19 Dollars a Month - Printable Version

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For Only 19 Dollars a Month - Michigan Swamp Buck - 12-07-2024

I'm sure we've all heard this in commercials for charities,

Quote:Your donation of only $19 per month, less than the daily cost of a cup of coffee . . .

I know I've heard this over and over again, but it took my buddy to come over and visit and mention that most charities ask for $19 per month for me to realize what I must have already known.

The online sources have an explanation, basically that this magic number evolved from advertisement experience. Any higher or lower gets less results and they have explanations for all that. They go by the "odd pricing" theory for that top figure of $19 per month and go by advertising costs to justify not going any lower.

Still, I'd like to hear what the Rogues have to say about this one.

ETA: I started to keep track of what commercials used the magic number and notice three right away, Wounded Warriors, ASPCA, and a life insurance company. The search results will produce a pretty long list.

RE: For Only 19 Dollars a Month - p358 - 12-07-2024

You can determine the value of a charity by the amount paid to the top ten execs.

The higher the pay the less worth the charity actually is.

None of the big ones are charities ... they are set up to get huge personal kickbacks from the advertising complex.

If you want to be charitable, do so locally. Most of them are big scams.


RE: For Only 19 Dollars a Month - Michigan Swamp Buck - 12-08-2024

"And if you act now, we'll include this Shriner's blanket and Fez hat"

RE: For Only 19 Dollars a Month - NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-10-2024

I have volunteered and worked at community organizations, and I have served at my church for over 14 years. Most volunteers give more than their time and effort. I have paid out of my own pocket many times for items needed.

My church has the option of a love offering, an offering where you decide where your tithing money goes. It is amazing to me how those monies seem to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Over the last year I received 3 love offerings, and they arrived just in the nick of time, and I never said a word to anyone about the need. As crazy as it sounds, it all seemed divinely arranged.

I hate those commercials. I would never give them a dime. If I feel strongly about the cause, then I will invest my time and money in it, but only for what is local.

I can't solve the world's problems, until I help my neighbor with his.