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The Skripals Investigation. It's Starting Again. - BIAD - 10-14-2024

Oh dear, it seems to be that those in the hallowed halls of Government who like to glean more expenses from
the public coffers and who enjoy a fine living arriving at conclusions that are palatable to those they allegedly
serve, have decided to begin a long-delayed inquiry into something that happened six years ago.

On the Rogue Nation archived website, we did a quite intensive probe ourselves into the semi-failed Novichok
poisoning of a former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, an investigation firmly set
alongside the news reports from the mainstream media.

Today in 2024, the focus seems to be on the only death in this incident, a Ms. Dawn Sturgess. The narrative
has changed from the factual to a-more emotive slant and I would suggest certain realities will be 'ironed-out'
to offer a different view of who the external casualties of this case were.

The story goes that former-Colonel Sergei Skripal was living a low-key life in the English town of Salisbury in
2018 and staying off the radar after being convicted by Russian authorities in 2006 of spying for Britain.

When the US swapped him and three others for undisclosed reasons in 2010, Skripal was sentenced to
thirteen years imprisonment by the Moscow Regional Military Court, but pardoned in the same year by
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

With the UK's MI6's assistance, Sergei Skripal -now devoid of rank, and with his wife moved to Salisbury and
continued to provide information to the UK and other Western intelligence agencies for some time afterwards.
His wife -Lyudmila, passed away in 2012 due to cancer and Sergei lived alone in a house he'd purchased a
year earlier in Salisbury. She was buried near their son -Alexander, who died in St Petersburg 2017, but he
was somehow transferred to the UK six years after the Skripals had decided to live in Salisbury.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2396]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2395]
   Yulia.                                                                                       Sergei.
Back to March of 2018 and his 33-year-old daughter -Yulia, decided to travel from Moscow and visit her sixty-six
year-old father at his modern Wiltshire home in a quiet cul-de-sac. During a walk around the shopping centre of
Salisbury, Sergei began to feel light-headed and Yulia took him to a park bench in a children's small play area
in order to rest and this is where the true story began.

Of course, the information provided below has vanished from the original BBC link offered in the archived RN site,
the security services of the UK and the state-funded news-outlet are paid by the same people!!

Originally posted on their site by the BBC 8th October 2018 and yet oddly found on the archived Rogue Nation
website 15th March 2018, 01:51pm. There's no 'update' comment from the BBC at the time of writing.

A BBC timeline:
*Yulia Skripal flew into London's Heathrow Airport on a flight from Russia at about 14:40 GMT on 3 March.
*On 4 March, at about 13:40 GMT, Mr Skripal and his daughter arrived at the Sainbury's upper level car park
in Salisbury city centre.
*Police said the pair went to the Bishop's Mill pub before going to Zizzi restaurant at 14:20 GMT, staying until
15:35 GMT.
*At 16:15 GMT emergency services received the first report of an incident.
*Police found the pair on a bench outside Zizzi restaurant in an "extremely serious condition".
*A police officer who fell ill after attending the incident - Det Sgt Nick Bailey - was also taken to hospital and
remains in a serious condition.

*Of the 38 [The BBC later updated this to 48] people who have been seen in hospital in relation to the incident,
34 have been discharged.
*Only Mr Skripal, his daughter Yulia and Det Sgt Bailey remain in hospital.
*One person is being monitored as an outpatient but is not showing any signs of exposure.

To help, here's the 14th October 2024 from Wikpedia.

'On 4 March 2018, Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia, who was visiting from Moscow, were found
"slipping in and out of consciousness on a public bench" near a shopping centre in Salisbury by a doctor
and nurse who were passing by. While at Salisbury District Hospital, they were put into induced comas
to prevent organ damage.

Following the incident, health authorities checked 21 members of the emergency services and the public
for symptoms. Two police officers were treated for possible minor symptoms, said to be itchy eyes and
wheezing, while a third, Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who had been sent to Sergei Skripal's house,
was in a serious condition.

By 22 March 2018, Detective Sergeant Bailey had recovered enough to be discharged from the hospital,
and by 15 January 2019, he returned to active duty...'

Basically, that was it for now. A pardoned ex-double agent had an attempt on his life by what was presumed
the Russian Government and his daughter was collateral damage. Those bad Ruskies had done it and after
some time, the pair recovered from something called 'Novichok'.

Where Sergei and Yulia went after this attempted poisoning, nobody knows and for a short time, the media
and ourselves resigned themselves on chewing with speculation. 'The poison was administered in the play-area
by someone passing the bench, the stuff was smeared on Sergei's front-door handle...' and on it went.
Yer' gotta keep those dwindling ratings going.

March marched on and it wouldn't be until late July of 2018, when two other characters stumbled onto this stage
of spy-craft intrigue, a brace of people not usually held in such regard by the BBC as appropriate players in their
usual  style of reporting.

(A running commentary of the current inquiry)

(To Be Continued)

RE: The Skripals Investigation. It's Starting Again. - BIAD - 10-15-2024

It's ironic and in a way, amusing that many of the daily news articles that are hopefully perused by viewers have
so much verve installed into them as to purvey a sense of serious appeal and then seemingly forgotten about
when the next day arrives, one might begin to think it's just a money-making racket based around advertising
diverse products via commercials.

But here at Rogue Nation, we will continue to watch as earlier narratives transmute into a more convenient
portrait that suits a current manner of political thinking. Something the same mainstream media believes
we're actually interested in.

Just as within many episodes of past-and-present TV Detective series and soap operas, the forum of the
working-class seems to struggle to hold intrigue and guileful aspects to entertain and usually, the equation
or structure of an incident is fairly straight forward. I would offer that any Police Force would agree with this
mode of thinking, Subject A is seen fleeing a scene of a crime and invariably, Subject A is the culprit.

As said above, the media are quick to move a narrative along until it wanders into areas not conducive with
what they deem interesting. Names of people get dropped due a driven agenda and when looked back on,
a timeline and relevant facts can become confusing.

The Skripals were supposedly poisoned by a Russian-constructed nerve-agent, the ex-spy and daughter were
out in the open at the Maltings Shopping Centre in Salisbury when Sergei Skripal began to feel the effects of
this deadly toxin. Hearing of the elderly man twitching on a park bench with his daughter Yulia and in such
distress, a passing nurse -Alison McCourt, rushed to his aid.

Yet it was sixteen-year-old Abigail McCourt -the daughter of Alison, who was applauded by the media and
even received an award for her alleged bravery of telling her mother about the sick man slumped on the
bench. The reality was that Alison was an army colonel and chief nursing officer, a factor that was vital
and strangely coincidental considering the security-connected situation.

But... just as the Wikipedia account states in the the first post:
'On 4 March 2018, Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia, who was visiting from Moscow, were found
"slipping in and out of consciousness on a public bench" near a shopping centre in Salisbury by a doctor
and nurse who were passing by. While at Salisbury District Hospital, they were put into induced comas
to prevent organ damage...'

Who was the Doctor and who was the nurse? It couldn't be the mother of Abigail McCourt, the sixteen-year
-old teenager from Larkhill told The Guardian:

“It was my brother’s birthday and we were out celebrating, and we were coming home and I saw them
on the bench,” Abigail, who learned first aid at school, told the Salisbury-based radio station Spire FM.

“At this point people were still walking past and I don’t think anyone had really noticed them. I told my
mum because I thought he was having a heart attack. We went over and it developed from there.

“We went home and the next day I was talking to some of my friends about it, and at break someone
Snapchatted me and said, ‘Is this the thing you were talking about?’, and I was ‘OK, wow’. “I was a bit
shocked, to be honest, because I don’t think I was expecting that to have happened. I needed to phone
my mum and see if she was OK. It was a bit surreal.”

Abigail, who underwent hospital tests to see if she had been contaminated by the deadly nerve agent,
was speaking after winning a Spire FM local hero award. Abigail, who was nominated by her mother,
said she put her first aid training to good use and believed she made a difference...'

Any reference to a coma or her mother's health?

Later it was initially added by the media that a Policeman -DS (Detective Sergeant) Nick Bailey also attended
the scene and became ill from contact. This 'Bobby-on-the-beat' narrative swiftly changed to where DS Bailey
actually came into contact with the Novichok chemical during an inspection of Sergei Skripal's home.

In the attempt to rectify the error of DS Bailey's whereabouts on 4th March 2018, two other Police officers were
interjected into the narrative. PC Alex Way and PC Alex Collins were now said to have attended to the Skripals
on the bench at the Maltings but do not appear to have had any health issues.
Simply, another interchange from the media.

However, it's now 2024 and there's been enough time to adjust and manage what message is required to
deal with today's political situation. The traditional enemy of the West -the 'Emmanuel Goldstein' of Orwell's
famous book, is still in play.

People with posh voices and wearing expensive suits are preparing themselves to reach a verdict on what
occurred after the retired Sergei Skripal became exposed to the lethal toxin cunningly placed some where
the MI6-friendly gent could touch it and with words coated in syrup, explain how Putin's gang went about
fooling the British Intelligence Services. I'd suggest the phrase 'poorly-funded' will surface to explain how
the alleged poisoners bamboozled these James Bond-types by flying into England on a commercial airline.

In this particular case, the subjects were a forty-four year-old woman and a fellow-dependent on the welfare
system of the UK. Dawn Sturgess and forty-five year-old Charlie Rowley were spending the Summer of 2018
doing what they usually did, taking in the rare British sunshine along the banks of Salisbury's River Avon and
purchasing cheap lager with their unemployment allowance.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2399]
The late-Dawn Sturgess  and Charlie Rowley Today.

But I'm sure those of the silver-spoon will say it better. Let's see.

The Ongoing Inquiry:

RE: The Skripals Investigation. It's Starting Again. - BIAD - 10-16-2024

Well, we're now getting down to the nitty-gritty. The British services that cater for the many types of care
have offered their hackneyed statements to show how they're faultless in the death and injuries of all
those involved.

The narrative is being cleaned up, raised to a more-middle-class setting of perception with certain details
regarding regular visits to Chemists for prescribed medicines being mentioned, but not enlarged upon.
Relatives of Dawn Sturgess had previously stated drug-use wasn't an issue and yet the deceased woman's
so-called 'partner' -Charlie Rowley, was known to the Police for using heroin and dealing class A drugs.

The towns of Salisbury, Amesbury and its environs were scoured for any clue to the nerve-agent and yet,
it took these two people not trained in Police disciplines to find it. But where and how?

Today (Wed 16th Oct) from the BBC link:

'The most striking moment from today’s hearing was the recounting of the moment Dawn Sturgess
and Charlie Rowley opened that perfume bottle which contained the chemical weapon.

Transcripts of several police interviews with Charlie – at times contradictory on certain details
–describe their struggles to open it, the oily texture, the unremarkable smell and the speed at
which Dawn become severely unwell.

A question surrounds the way it was wrapped. Charlie’s statements were at times contradictory
but always pointed to needing a knife to cut through the strong thick plastic packaging.

Tests from Porton Down show it as the same type of novichok used to target the Skripals,
but was it the same vessel? Commander Murphy today said he had a “strong view” it was
but cannot be sure. If so, had it therefore been sealed back up again before being discarded?
Or does it raise the potential for there perhaps being more than one vessel? The inquiry has
been told it will return to the issue of the packaging in a later hearing.

But where – and when – did Charlie find that bottle in the first place?
That remains a vital question to all of this, yet he doesn’t seem able to recall.
In one police interview he says the poisoning, along with his drug and alcohol issues, have left
him struggling with his memory.
It is possible Charlie will appear at a November session via video link...'

The questions are valid. A neighbour called Tom Ricks -who knew the pair, suggested Dawn and
Charlie had gone to a park called Queen Elizabeth Gardens to acquire drugs from the folk who
hang around there. Heavy drinkers relying on Government benefits would also congregate in the
public recreation ground and being a vulnerable crowd, this would make sense for those wishing
to obtain a clientele.
But would this milieu be palatable to a hearing like this?

Let's see what Day Four brings.


RE: The Skripals Investigation. It's Starting Again. - BIAD - 10-18-2024

(10-16-2024, 08:13 PM)BIAD Wrote: ...Let's see what Day Four brings.


Is it that those who deem themselves judicial require working only a couple of days-a-week or
could it be the death of a working-class female doesn't rate too well against a former popstar
falling from a balcony and a terrorist biting the big-one in Rafah?

Could it be that they're merely emulating the duration the Novichok-laced perfume bottle sat
undiscovered in a vague location we're still waiting to find out?

Whichever it is, the BBC have dropped their coverage of the Skripal poisoning along with most
of the UK's traditional media. Charley Rowley is said to appear at a Hearing in November, when
I guess he'll straighten out his conflicting statements to the Police on how and where he acquired
the unopened perfume box.

Even The Salisbury Journal states:
'...The Journal will be across the hearings in print and online every day' and yet all is quiet four
days later.

Maybe there's a livestream somewhere that you've missed? - I hear you say. Well, let's look at
the official website 'The Dawn Sturgess Inquiry.' on YouTube. Up to now, the videos are of the
of some RT footage of the alleged poisoners, lawyers and Medical service personnel speaking
about an incident that weren't at until after Ms. Sturgess became ill.

All officialdom and all skirting around the immediate questions. How did two-or more, known
Russian GRU spies -Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov get into the country without the UK's
security services picjkng them up...? and how was it that Charley Rowley's friend Sam Hobson
was immune to the Novichok?

Mr Hobson said he was there at the Housing Association's flat when the 'found' perfume box was
opened... he said so.

We'll wait.