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UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Printable Version

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UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Infolurker - 10-13-2024

Don't you just love Globalists?

Quote:We have been expecting the United Nations to fully empower itself from an international cooperative body to an international governing body (world government) for some time. The globalists have dreamed of this, and constitutionalists have feared it for 80 years -- even before the nation rejected the League of Nations after World War I.

They have themselves ever pushed toward that end, making name changes over time that only partially revealed their intent: internationalists, world government, the establishment, New World Order, World Order, and now globalism -- even the Great Reset movement. This is nothing new. It was accomplished Sept. 22-23, 2024, with no Biden Administration, Democrat, RINO, or Deep State media pushback and no vote of the people. It's no longer coming. World Government is here.

It is also not new that the Biden Administration should advance the United Nations government over all nations, ending the sovereignty of nations, especially our own, as preserved in our constitution. Biden was always a prominent globalist, even publishing his loyalty to it in 1992 ("How I Learned to Love The New World Order," by Senator Joe Biden, June 16, 2021, ). Today, virtually all globalists in America are Democrats or RINOS.

World globalists have always viewed a nation's sovereignty as their enemy and wanted the World Health Organization Treaty to give them power over nations, but it was defeated. The vehicle they use to destroy national sovereignty is the World Health Organization (WHO), and the issue used is fear of a pandemic. The word used is emergency. What can't be portrayed as an emergency? This time, they took their request for more power to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 22-23. The United Nations adopted a 66-page document called "The Pact for the Future." It was passed through a new procedure called the "Silence Procedure.''

This procedure made it a pact. If no one objected enough to argue against it, it was on the record as automatically adopted. Apparently, 193 countries, including the United States, expressed no objection. The problem is that without defining an emergency, the UN gets to decide what an emergency is, which gives it unlimited power. National sovereignty is destroyed. A world government, with the only limitations being those it imposes on itself, rules.

Congressional warning of the United Nations' intent to unilaterally end national sovereignty came only from Republicans. They gathered on the grounds of the Capitol, hoping the national media (mostly controlled by the Deep State) would cover them. Party leaders intentionally did so on September 17, Constitution Day, the anniversary of our signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, which brought freedom from excessive government to us and those nations modeling it. Our constitution governs this nation and is a gift from God that cannot be trumped by government. Unless resisted -- and Biden/Harris did not -- what happened at the UN is a fatal blow to freedom and our constitution.

Some remarks regarding this mostly secret UN empowerment follow: Congressman Bob Good of Virginia reminded those on the grounds of the Capitol that President Trump had pulled us out of the WHO because it was working for world government, which Joe Biden reinstated and today fully supports. Good quoted from a chapter in the 66-page document "Summit for the Future's" website "called 'On transforming global governance ascending beyond the powers being sought by a subordinate agency,' the WHO, the UN is seeking even broader and more powerful authority," adding "they seek to facilitate the evolution of the UN from an international cooperative body to an international governing body." He said, "The American people didn't vote for this, and they don't support this."

Congressman Ralph Norman, South Carolina, "called on Donald Trump to 'draw out' of Kamala Harris 'whether or not she supports world government, and if she doesn't, for her to disavow what the Biden administration is doing right now to try to bring it about.'"
An unnamed congressman said, "They want to cede our sovereignty over to the United Nations and, in particular, the World Health Organization." He spoke of our annual assessments of $850 million to the WHO "to become enslaved to them." We need out.

 Why? "Because the World Health Organization has become captured by 'our international adversary, China.'" And, "We can't give up any more of our sovereignty."

Congressman Ronnie Jackson voiced what everyone probably felt: "With regard to the United Nations, I said it before, and I'll say it again. I think the best thing we can do for the United Nations is to go to New York and push the entire thing off into the East River."

Yet another unnamed Congresswoman said, "They are going to approve a platform, an emergency platform that will operationalize automatically. What does it mean to operationalize automatically? It means that once they have passed it through the United Nations, they don't have to ask other countries to approve it. They will just go forward with their protocols."

Another unnamed congressman identified likely emergencies to follow: "Pandemics, high impact events involving a biological agent, disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance, disruptive activity in cyberspace, or disruption to global digital connectivity, major events in outer space, or black swan events." This leads to their getting "involved pretty much whenever and wherever they want to" (House Republicans Rally Against --The UN & World Health Organization to protect American Sovereignty, live press conference on Capitol grounds, Sept. 17, 2024). Countries, as ruling governments, will become virtually obsolete.

Welcome to the Deep State's New World Order. Everyone on Earth is controlled. Sounds like Lucifer's plan that made him a dark angel -- an enemy of God and man.

Harold W. Pease, Ph.D., is an expert on the United States Constitution and a syndicated columnist. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspective for over 30 years. To read more of his weekly columns, visit Opinions expressed are those of the author.

RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Ninurta - 10-14-2024

Yeah, they did it, they made their power grab... but now the rubber meets the road, and they'll have to figure out how to enforce their will. That might not prove to be so easy as they think.

The guy down the road could, conceivably, come up to my gate and make the bold claim that he runs my house now. I feel like that might not go just the way he planned it to, however. I don't think it would be very long before he was tripping all over himself, trying to get AWAY from my gate and off my property. I'm not sure he would make it, to be honest. It doesn't take as much guts to make a bold but unfounded claim of authority as it does to try enforcing it.

The UN is in pretty much the same position. They've staked their claim, now they'll have to enforce it... and with what? The UN has no army of it's own - it has only the armies that member states volunteer to it. Do any of those member states seriously think they could make an invasion of America to enforce UN edicts on us work? Remember that "rifle behind every blade of grass" thing that gave the Japanese pause for thought. Nowadays, we're much more divided than we were then, so there is only a rifle behind every other blade of grass - still not good odds when the lead starts flying.

See, that enforcement of alleged authority thing works ONLY as far as the people you are trying to enforce it on cooperate. If they decide not to, well,things can go south pretty quick in that case.

They can keep on screwing around and find out. The day will come when we put someone in office that's had about enough of their shit, and just plain tells them to get that HQ the hell out of our country - the Hague is nice this time of year. Why not relocate there? Ya don't have to go home, but ya ain't stayin' here...

One of the plain facts is that the congress has ratified no such treaty, so it's not operational here, no matter how much the UN wishes it was.That's written right in to the Constitution,

Besides, I come from a long line of folks who dealt with treaties, and most of them simply refused to comply if they didn't put their own mark on the treaty themselves. I didn't authorize the UN to lord it over me, I didn't sign any treaty with them - did you? If not, then just lock and load and dare them to try to enforce it on you.

See who blinks first

The long and the short of it is that they can CLAIM all the authority they want, but if we've not given it to them, and we refuse to cooperate in their little power grab, then what they're left with is a fistfull of air, and that's all.


RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Cvastar - 10-14-2024

I am trying to research this; it's complicated. If I find anything understandable, I'll pass it on.

RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Infolurker - 10-15-2024

Here is a good one:

(Reinforces the elitist Agenda 2030)

RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-16-2024

I'm not going to have the attitude of, "Oh yeah, the UN, and that world power grab of theirs. Just a paper tiger, no way they can enforce it."

The UN and the globalists have money, think tanks, and their member governments have access to covert intel. You'd have to believe that they believe that they can pull it off based on their information and research. I don't think they just throw shit on the wall to see what sticks and then say, "Oh well" when it slides off onto the floor. Then again, maybe they do that, but I just can't ignore any risk they pose.

RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - Cvastar - 10-16-2024

This system isn't friendly to quotes.  See:

That confirms the pact isn't legally binding and as pointed out  by previous poster, isn't a treaty that's been ratified by the Senate.

RE: UN Empowers Itself To World Government With No Biden Administration Pushback - xuenchen - 10-16-2024

Kamala The NWO GoGo Girl says Let's Pass this a.s.a.p. 

[Image: 8aUB.gif]