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Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls - Printable Version

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Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls - 727Sky - 10-12-2024

Quote:Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls – Gov. Glenn Youngkin Responds
by Cristina Laila Oct. 11, 2024 6:20 pm
[Image: IMG_9221-2-1024x553.jpg]
Governor Glenn Youngkin
The Justice Department on Friday announced it is suing the state of Virginia for removing non-citizens from its voter rolls.
“The Justice Department announced today that it has filed a lawsuit against the State of Virginia, Virginia State Board of Elections and Virginia Commissioner of Elections to challenge a systematic state program aimed at removing voters from its election rolls too close to the Nov. 5 general election in violation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA),” the DOJ announced.
“Section 8©(2) of the NVRA, also known as the Quiet Period Provision, requires states to complete systematic programs aimed at removing the names of ineligible voters from voter registration lists no later than 90 days before federal elections. The Quiet Period Provision applies to certain systematic programs carried out by states that are aimed at striking names from voter registration lists based on a perceived failure to meet initial eligibility requirements — including citizenship — at the time of registration,” the DOJ said.
“As the National Voter Registration Act mandates, officials across the country should take heed of the law’s crystal clear and unequivocal restrictions on systematic list maintenance efforts that fall within 90 days of an election,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “By cancelling voter registrations within 90 days of Election Day, Virginia places qualified voters in jeopardy of being removed from the rolls and creates the risk of confusion for the electorate. Congress adopted the National Voter Registration Act’s quiet period restriction to prevent error-prone, eleventh hour efforts that all too often disenfranchise qualified voters. The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy and the Justice Department will continue to ensure that the rights of qualified voters are protected.”
The lawsuit comes two months after Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin ® issued an executive order that codifies election security procedures to protect the 2024 election against intentional fraud.
Governor Youngkin’s policies include:
** We use 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody.
** We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet.
** We do not mass mail ballots.
** We monitor our drop boxes 24/7.
** We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily.
Governor Glenn Youngkin responded to the DOJ’s lawsuit:
Quote:With less than 30 days until the election, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice is filing an unprecedented lawsuit against me and the Commonwealth of Virginia, for appropriately enforcing a 2006 law signed by Democrat Tim Kaine that requires Virginia to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls – a process that starts with someone declaring themselves a non-citizen and then registering to vote. Virginians – and Americans – will see this for exactly what it is: a desperate attempt to attack the legitimacy of the elections in the Commonwealth, the very crucible of American Democracy. With the support of our Attorney General, we will defend these commonsense steps, that we are legally required to take, with every resource available to us. Virginia’s election will be secure and fair, and I will not stand idly by as this politically motivated action tries to interfere in our elections, period.

RE: Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls - Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-12-2024

I can see how this might cause problems for a few honest people, however, unless illegals could register and vote on the same day, it would screen them out of the voter rolls. 

With things changing at the state level in regards to voting, the National Voter Registration Act needs to be revised or eliminated. If you can't change the voter rolls 90 days before an election, then you shouldn't be able to register in that same time period. I find it interesting that it was made into law in 93, just over 30 years ago when electronic voting (and the internet) began to become more commonly used.

RE: Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls - Cvastar - 10-12-2024

Looks like VA waited too long to clean up the voter rolls?

I recall that Texas did something similar some time ago, earlier this summer I think.

(10-12-2024, 01:02 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I can see how this might cause problems for a few honest people, however, unless illegals could register and vote on the same day, it would screen them out of the voter rolls. 

With things changing at the state level in regards to voting, the National Voter Registration Act needs to be revised or eliminated. If you can't change the voter rolls 90 days before an election, then you shouldn't be able to register in that same time period. I find it interesting that it was made into law in 93, just over 30 years ago when electronic voting (and the internet) began to become more commonly used.

Too early for me.  Hadn't thought of that but you're correct. Same day registration/voting laws have given rise to a need to revise the National Voter Registration Act.  In light of your information this entire exercise is useless really.  The lawsuit is a "show" case to demonstrate to the party base they got their back since they see cleaning up voter rolls as disenfranchisement.  All of which is useless with same day registration/voting.  Motor voter laws make all of this election integrity business virtually useless.

RE: Biden-Harris DOJ Sues Virginia For Removing Noncitizens From Voter Rolls - Ninurta - 10-14-2024

I don't think we have "motor voter" laws in Virginia. I know I had to go down to the registrar's office in person, with an ID, to register. The only thing my driver license does is prove who I am before they'll hand me a ballot at the precinct.

Some of that may have changed, however - during the last election, I was told by the registrar's office that they don't issue voter registration cards in Virginia any more. I found that out when I went down and registered in this county after I moved here, and two weeks later still hadn't gotten my registration card, so I called the registrar, and that's when I found that out.

What the hell does that governor think he's doing? We might not have enough dead people voting Democrat this year, so they might NEED those illegals to vote for them to have a showing at all!

I'm also instructing the vote counters here to look for "Printed in China" in the margins of the ballots they verify this year... so the Democrats might really NEED those illegal votes!

Geez! You'd think Youngkin is trying to make the elections look legitimate or something! What the hell is he thinking?

My real question here is: if places like Pennsylvania and Georgia can suddenly change their voting laws the week before an election to throw it to the Democrats, why the hell can't Virginia at least clean up it's voter rolls a couple of months before the elections? I sense some more of those two-tier "selective enforcement" shenanigans going on...
