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8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Printable Version

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8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Gordi - 10-10-2024

This is a very recent video upload by Deborah Hatswell of BBR Investigations in the UK.
It tells the story of a couple who were confronted at their home, late one night by 8-12 terrifying "leaping, bounding and screaming" Ape-Like creatures.

The incident took place in the 1980's, at "Hale Cottage" in Hale Green, Sussex, England.
Hale Cottage had a reputation for having a history of strange paranormal events occuring there, but nothing quite as scary as this...
The events described were relayed directly to Deborah Hatswell via video call, from the man (Tom) who witnessed these events unfold in person.

There were apparently many remnants of the incident still visible the next day, in the form of broken tree branches, disturbed grass and damaged hedges around the witnesses' garden.

The 4 to 5 foot tall Ape-Like creatures were described as having massive thigh (and other leg) muscles, long spindley arms, largely covered in dark hair, and giving off a horrible stench.

Shooting one with both barrels of a shotgun apparently had NO EFFECT!

The closest match that I could find, in a quick search of "known" cryptids, were "Devil Monkeys".

Strange Ape-Like visitors, or over active imaginations/drugs/hoax??

You decide....


RE: 8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - 727Sky - 10-10-2024

I always hate it when you shoot something and it doesn't stay dead !

RE: 8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-10-2024

This one brings back a few from the memory hole. I'll place a list below . .

1924 Ape Canyon Attack.

1924 Albert Ostman kidnapping case.

And this one, except it was "little green men", the 1955 Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter.

RE: 8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Ninurta - 10-11-2024

(10-10-2024, 10:26 AM)Gordi Wrote: ...

The closest match that I could find, in a quick search of "known" cryptids, were "Devil Monkeys".



I agree, it does sound like the descriptions of "Devil Monkeys".

The size, shape, gait, and canine teeth sounds like the descriptions of the Devil Monkeys from around here. Some witnesses describe them as "baboon-looking", probably because of the large canine teeth.

I'm not sure what to think of the reports of Devil Monkeys here. The reports started in the 1950's,meaning that, like "chupacabras", they have no real history going back in time. That would seem to me to indicate a fabrication, but there are many people who swear otherwise, and that they've seen them with their own beady little eyes, so I dunno. Could be an invasive species that just moved in around the 50's, I suppose.

There is a county road here that intersects with Rt. 460 at Witten's Fort in Tazewell County, VA (between Tazewell and Claypool Hill), right at the blockhouse of the fort, that is known as a haunt of the Devil Monkeys. Quite  few people have claimed sightings of Devil Monkeys on and around that road. It might be worth mentioning that there is an ancient Indian village complete with a burial ground right across that road from the fort, on the same side of the highway. It was excavated in the 1960's and 1970's, around the time the Devil Monkey reports started. I recall that when I was in high school, a kid whose brother was helping with the excavations brought an Indian skull from the grave yard to school one day in a paper bag. I recall thinking how disrespectful that was to the Indian in question, and how illegal it was to remove it from the excavation without paper work and permissions.

There was an incident on the other side of the Clinch Mountain ridge from there, somewhere around Meadowview I think, of a Devil Monkey pursuing a car down the road one night with that peculiar bounding motion mentioned. It left claw marks in the paint of the car as it tried to catch it, but the car got away.

I've never seen a Devil Money, but there ARE "things" in the woods here that defy explanation in a conventional sense. Once I thought I'd seen a troop of them in North Carolina, but it turned out to be an even stranger tale than Devil Monkeys. I was walking the perimeter fence at High Point Chemicals in High Point, NC on patrol one morning about 6 am, when I heard the damndest bunch of screeching and tree shaking going on on the other side of the hurricane fence near some rail tracks. it got my attention, and I looked and beheld a whole troop of monkeys jumping and thrashing around in the tree tops and making a hell of a racket.

I stopped and rubbed my eyes, thinking I must be asleep or near it and hallucinating, because there are no monkeys in North Carolina roaming free in the woods. The monkeys were still there, loud and rowdy as ever. I moved on, getting away from them, because monkeys are generally not know for blowing up tankers of explosives, so hallucination or not, I didn't consider them a threat. 40,000 gallon tankers of some explosive chemical were what I was guarding, and I didn't figure monkeys, imaginary or real, to be a problem with them.

I wasn't about to put the incident in my reports, however. Whether I needed a "vacation": or not, I didn't want one!

As it turned out, I found out later that day from a radio news report as I was heading home that a bunch of eco-terrorists had attacked a research facility and "liberated" a bunch of test monkeys from it. In their words they "released the comrade monkeys back into their natural habitat to be free again". Dumbasses. North Carolina HAS no "natural habitat" for monkeys. The ones that weren't caught and recovered most likely starved to death or froze to death over the following winter. So much for monkeys in North Carolina.

I also recall an incident in the 1990's that made the news back then of a troop of "apes" or "big monkeys" that were reported by several motorists on Rt. 52 which runs across the state of Virginia from coast to mountains near the southern border. The monkeys were reported to be "throwing things" at passing cars along that motorway by several people. No actual monkeys were ever retrieved, however, despite diligent searches by the Sheriff's Department.

So, traveling in groups, 4 or 5 feet tall, bounding movements and large canine fangs along with a simian appearance does seem to fit the description of our "Devil Monkeys".


RE: 8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-11-2024

I had passed over the similarity to the Appalachian devil monkey when I was probing around in the memory hole for my previous post. I sort of remembered that one, so I decided to look it up and I must say that I either forgot about that cryptid or never heard of it before (as unlikely as that may be).

Ninurta, I found your post interesting because you mentioned the desecration of a Native burial in relation to this tale. That had me thinking about the Beast of Bray Road sighting on an old burial mound or other strange beasts on or near Native burials or even in the average European-type cemetery. 

These are paranormal beings apparently as in many of these reports they were shot at with no effect. I believe these creatures are physically real as they leave physical evidence of their presence, however, they may be from an alternate reality or another point in our space/time. They are, for whatever reason (I suspect ripples from space-warping technology) phasing in and out of reality and going from non-existence to invisible, to semi-solid, then to full physical manifestation. Once the "ripple" moves past, the creature will then phase out in reverse order. The problem with this theory is that any evidence like hair or scat would likely phase out the same time the creature does. It will still leave tracks and other evidence, but no hair, blood, poop, DNA, bones or dead bodies, or what have you, as that disappears rather quickly.

I think of this alternate reality theory as more of a time shift. These realities are out-of-phase, some at a faster rate and others at a slower rate, like a frequency range. All this was inspired by Star Trek (The Next Generation) in "Time’s Arrow", episode 26 of season five, and "Phantasms", episode 158.

Quote:The Enterprise travels to Devidia II, bringing Data's second head. A temporal disturbance is discovered on the planet. Though no life forms are visible, Deanna Troi senses the presence of suffering humans. The crew determine that the aliens are slightly out of phase with time. Data notes that his android body has a phase discriminator that would allow him to see the aliens.

Quote:In 2370, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D became infested with these organisms, which arrived on board inside a new, recently installed warp plasma conduit. The conduit had been manufactured on Thanatos VII using a new interphasic fusion process, which drew the organisms to it. The organisms then lay dormant within the conduit until the Enterprise crew activated the warp core. The organisms impeded the functioning of the core by interrupting the plasma flow.

RE: 8 - 12 Horrible Ape-Like Creatures Attack a Rural Cottage in Sussex 1980's - Michigan Swamp Buck - 10-11-2024

I thought I'd "expand" on the time-shift theory I'm proposing.

Given that as a wave expands, its frequency decreases, resulting in a longer wavelength, perhaps time is similar in its properties. If the earliest moments in time are farther away and if those moments are traveling nearer to the Big Bang's wavefront, then those moments in time may have expanded to the point of being at a longer time wavelength than the here and now that is more compressed. 

If space/time is being warped by some force, then it is possible that a ripple is created when the warp rebounds back to normal space/time. This may create conditions (like Moiré patterns) where two nearby time frequencies can overlap for a short duration and manifest these creatures and anything else from the past or future, like dinosaurs, aliens, and UFOs.