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Weather modification? - ancientlight - 10-04-2024

Just reading through some of the comments here:

Makes me think there could be something suspicious going on.
Some of the comments:

"There’s an election coming and western North Carolina is supporting Trump"
"The closed the airspace which has prevented private helicopter pilots delivering aid to the people."
"There are reports on the ground from multiple sources that fema is doing a number things that are interfering with volunteers."
"This administration's, as well as the media response to the hurricane has been truly revolting. At this point all I can think is that they are intentionally doing it in the hopes that some potential Trump voters die"
"There are valuable resources in the ground, this whole thing is to get them off and mine the resources, this is not a conspiracy theory."

The response to this disaster reminds me a lot of what happened in Maui with the fires.
It's very suspicious all.

Zero trust left in the goverment and so called FEMA OK

Appearantly it's lithium and quartz , the ground resources the government is after.
Same happend in Maui, but for the land.

Disgusting traitors all of them .

RE: Weather modification? - EndtheMadnessNow - 10-05-2024

"SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and FEMA is both failing to help AND won’t let others help." Here's a 4 min helo flyover the devastation.

From a few vids on youtube I watched some of the locals that came across as down to earth authentic were saying all the help is coming from local communities banding together. No help from FEMA or other gov't agencies.

Sorry Americans, FEMA is broke, Godspeed on the next hurricane.

[Image: KFICHSS.jpg]

My area got hit by a tornado last July. Local gov't requested FEMA aid which several FEMA stooges came out to assess. "I'm from the gov't and I'm here to help." Aid was denied. I live in a predominantly republican district. Luckily I only had trees to deal with, though it cost me $2500 for the clean-up. Not complaining as others near me had their houses & small businesses wiped of the map.

RE: Weather modification? - ancientlight - 10-05-2024

It's criminal how FEMA is run , how the government is run by criminal gangs just laundring tax-dollars to other countries, and then dare say they're too broke to help the tax payer  OK

RE: Weather modification? - 727Sky - 10-05-2024

(10-05-2024, 04:20 AM)ancientlight Wrote: It's criminal how FEMA is run , how the government is run by criminal gangs just laundring tax-dollars to other countries, and then dare say they're too broke to help the tax payer  OK

Welcome to present day America where all the illegals get the money and first rate living conditions while the citizens get screwed as usual.

Anything that follows this regime has got to be better !

Quote:SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and @FEMA is both failing to help AND won’t let others help. This is unconscionable!!

They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed.

wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies … my blood is boiling …

Video in Elon’s tweet

p.s. I hear Blackrock wants land because lithium mine, but that’s just conspiracy theory spreading on Twitter/X…


Elon reposted tweet saying some sheriffs threatening to arrest FEMA because they are stopping other aid attempts.

I could see how this fed/local standoffs could escalate to civil strife if not war.

RE: Weather modification? - Ninurta - 10-05-2024

Yeah, FEMA is utterly useless and mismanaged. I don't even worry about FEMA camps and UN Blue Hats any more, because if they operate with FEMA's usual efficiency, we won't see them here for several centuries to come.

Even though I live in the "disaster area" as declared by Comrade Bidenov-Harriskiyy, I've only seen exactly ONE "disaster agency" pickup truck, and that from a state agency rather than FEMA, and it was just passing through, sight-seeing.

Meanwhile, I'm clearing out fridge and freezers of destroyed grub meant to get us through the winter, and scrambling to figure out how to re-fill them.

In the same vein, British pensioners are currently trying to figure out whether they will eat or heat through the coming winter for much the same reasons - government coffers have been emptied to make sure the purely internal Russian Civil War can remain ongoing, and the pensioners are left holding the bag, staring into empty money pits.

Things are tough all over... while Comrades Starmer and Bidenov-Harriskiyy live large off the fat of the land at everyone else's expense. What the hell do they care? It ain't THEM under the gun!


I can't help but notice that most of the comments above are dead-on the money - the area devastated is a huge Trump-supporter area, and we've been left for dead by the current regime to fend for our damned selves.

Things that make you go "hmmm..."...

ETA: I just made the journey out again to take another load of destroyed food to the trash dump. We don't have trash pickup here, we've either got to burn it on our own or take it to the dump. The road is mostly clear now, thanks mainly to the locals. Still a couple of trash fires smoldering where folks downstream cleared the accumulated creek trash of limbs, leaves, and whatnot that washed downstream off of their bridges and assembled it into piles for burning. I reckon some folks must still be out of power, judging by the power company trucks sitting there with flashing lights at the staging area I passed. Either they're still in recovery mode, or else they're sitting there fattening up their paychecks with fake pay chits. I dunno which, as I've not roamed the countryside yet to see how other areas are doing.

You know, after this debacle, I'd hate to be the first few tax collectors that come in here to shake down the locals so the feds can keep up the illegal aliens and the Russian Civil War in style while we sit here and get skinnier...


RE: Weather modification? - ancientlight - 10-06-2024

Sounds like another land grab, similar what happened to to Maui