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Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Printable Version

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Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - SomeJackleg - 09-24-2024

saw these two threads on ats,

Quote:You should be aware by now that we are short staffed and stretched thin. That coupled with the staff abilities being hamstrung by a previous administrator and a most contentious political environment have caused a reevaluation of moderating strategy. Post removals are having no effect. Warnings and in-thread admonishments are having no effect. Short term post bans are having minimal effect, and only while the post ban is in place.

Effective immediately, anyone failing to adhere to the requirements we have shared, to the point of absurdity, resulting in a Political Trolling post deletion will generate a lengthy post ban, length to be determined at staff discretion. You can reasonably assume it could last until after the US election. This is not negotiable or up for discussion.

As a reminder, new accounts are no longer being activated, so circumventing a post ban with a new account is no longer possible, and full account bans are permanent.

Please proceed accordingly.

Important if Actively Posting

Quote:From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (Redux)

now i can see the back and forth between members, or some of the shit that was posted during the hack / crash/ or deliberate sabotage by lets just say owner and his helpers post removals or bans.

but the site is is all but dead, and trying to run it like it is a thriving web site like it was, doesn't make much sense. 
plus it also seems to me that mods target certain people, while they let at least one spew all kinds of bullshit and use half ass covered insults, down right threats, and antisemitic rhetoric, hate filled speech for the west especially for the UK U.S. and NATO with down right lies and people pointing it out with facts and very seldom do they remove his post or threads. 

come on man, you haven't heard from the owner for almost 2 years, no management other than the mods, who are short handed and only have the ability now to  remove posts, threads, temp bans, and perma bans. no new members can join cause the email part is down and they can't even do the resets they were doing.

it's obvious that someone wants the site to die or just doesn't care what happens to it. why ban people for making fun of slo joe, cackling kam a la, ol farty, woketards, libtards, dem cultist, or calling people out for what they are. and who's is deciding, just the super mods? i've seen a coupe of mods and one super mod, post political trolling and baiting posts that are just as bad as everyday members that have never been removed and may not agree with the 30 to 65 members or so that have come back after the sabotage.

it's just a matter of time now and your doing just what the owner or the ones behind the scenes wants.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - p358 - 09-24-2024

Just in time for the Election!

Do you notice only one side is constantly hit by these bans.

ATS has been neutralized and this has obviously been planned as a staged assault.

There are only a handful of threads created each day and so the mods can't be having that much of a problem.

Look at who has already been banned and who has not.  That is the real story here.


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Ninurta - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 12:59 AM)SomeJackleg Wrote: saw these two threads on ats,

Quote:You should be aware by now that we are short staffed and stretched thin. That coupled with the staff abilities being hamstrung by a previous administrator and a most contentious political environment have caused a reevaluation of moderating strategy. Post removals are having no effect. Warnings and in-thread admonishments are having no effect. Short term post bans are having minimal effect, and only while the post ban is in place.

Effective immediately, anyone failing to adhere to the requirements we have shared, to the point of absurdity, resulting in a Political Trolling post deletion will generate a lengthy post ban, length to be determined at staff discretion. You can reasonably assume it could last until after the US election. This is not negotiable or up for discussion.

As a reminder, new accounts are no longer being activated, so circumventing a post ban with a new account is no longer possible, and full account bans are permanent.

Please proceed accordingly.

Important if Actively Posting

Quote:From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (Redux)

now i can see the back and forth between members, or some of the shit that was posted during the hack / crash/ or deliberate sabotage by lets just say owner and his helpers post removals or bans.

but the site is is all but dead, and trying to run it like it is a thriving web site like it was, doesn't make much sense. 
plus it also seems to me that mods target certain people, while they let at least one spew all kinds of bullshit and use half ass covered insults, down right threats, and antisemitic rhetoric, hate filled speech for the west especially for the UK U.S. and NATO with down right lies and people pointing it out with facts and very seldom do they remove his post or threads. 

come on man, you haven't heard from the owner for almost 2 years, no management other than the mods, who are short handed and only have the ability now to  remove posts, threads, temp bans, and perma bans. no new members can join cause the email part is down and they can't even do the resets they were doing.

it's obvious that someone wants the site to die or just doesn't care what happens to it. why ban people for making fun of slo joe, cackling kam a la, ol farty, woketards, libtards, dem cultist, or calling people out for what they are. and who's is deciding, just the super mods? i've seen a coupe of mods and one super mod, post political trolling and baiting posts that are just as bad as everyday members that have never been removed and may not agree with the 30 to 65 members or so that have come back after the sabotage.

it's just a matter of time now and your doing just what the owner or the ones behind the scenes wants.

You know, I kinda agree with their rules as stated... for the most part. Generic name-calling of an entire demographic gets on my nerves, too. Things like "Libtard", "Demon-rat", "Repuglican" and the like just gets on my last nerve. It displays a sophomoric lack of ingenuity, originality, or creativity on par with kids in a schoolyard. It has no place in conversations where the grownups are talking, and just sounds like a bunch of children talking about each other's moms.

I always let them stand here, however, so that the reader can gauge the poster's intellectual horsepower, and act accordingly. For me, it always makes me question their objectivity on everything else they have to say, based upon their inability to objectively label their opponents. It calls into question the veracity of the rest of their post, in other words. I.E. if they can't even think straight in their labels, what ELSE are they not thinking straight about in their posts?

Singling out specific politicians with re-naming concerning attributes they legitimately have, like "Slo-Joe", "Heels-up Harris", "Orange Man" and the like don't bother me at all. It's an "if the shoe fits..." sort of situation for me.

But calling Trump "Drumpf" never made any goddamned sense to me at all - what they hell are they trying to say? What kind of slur is that? Looks more like a case of dyslexia and misspelling to me. It just never has made any sense to me, even though I've heard Leftists around here (as in where I live) do it, too. Not a damned one of them has yet been able to explain to me WHY they do it, other than that it's just something they read somewhere on the internet when they were getting their daily talking points and marching orders. That put them in the "they're not hitting on all cylinders" bin for me, because they are not thinking originally, just repeating what they are told to repeat... they are not thinking on a level above that of a parrot, in other words. "Bird-brained" seems to apply.

The problem is that the enforcement is subjective rather than objective - it's an "officer's discretion" situation. That doesn't sit too well with me, because it tends towards uneven application - "laws for thee but not for me", which is a hallmark of the Left in the US at least.

With that said, I don't know how they are handling it. maybe short term post bans until what's left of the Staff can discuss matters in the back room before a final disposition. if they're doing it that way, then I don't think unequal enforcement is such a problem... so long as all political viewpoints are represented in the discussion in that smoke-filled back room. That would tend to be a little more even handed, as staff could serve as a check on one another. if they're doing it that way, I'm fine with it.

If, however, it's just arbitrary and subject to one individual's discretion, then that's a problem, because most people are unable to apply rules evenly and across the board. they'll develop natural animosities, and act on those without any restrains applied.

I also don't know what goes on in the back room over there. Why are they short-handed? Can they not create new mods when attrition takes hold? Are there more back-end problems than the general public is aware of? Or is the problem that they are just not creating new mods to replace the ones that leave, even though they have the ability? OR is it just that they can't find anyone interested in moderating what is increasingly being perceived as a dying site by the membership? Maybe they just can't find members interested in moderating? Which of those alternatives is factual will have a bearing on the final assessment and disposition of the site.



RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - SomeJackleg - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 03:15 AM)Ninurta Wrote: a bunch of children talking about each other's moms.

what you don't like momma jokes,


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Ninurta - 09-24-2024

"Yo mama" jokes are cool - as long as they show ingenuity and creativity... but telling the same old "yo mama" joke over... and over... and over... and over... and over... and over... again and again just gets stale and old!

Maybe if they created a filter to replace words like "Libtard" with (DUMBASSERY SPOKEN HERE!) in big red letters, maybe THAT would get some folks' attention over there!


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Schmoe - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 03:15 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(09-24-2024, 12:59 AM)SomeJackleg Wrote: saw these two threads on ats,

Quote:You should be aware by now that we are short staffed and stretched thin. That coupled with the staff abilities being hamstrung by a previous administrator and a most contentious political environment have caused a reevaluation of moderating strategy. Post removals are having no effect. Warnings and in-thread admonishments are having no effect. Short term post bans are having minimal effect, and only while the post ban is in place.

Effective immediately, anyone failing to adhere to the requirements we have shared, to the point of absurdity, resulting in a Political Trolling post deletion will generate a lengthy post ban, length to be determined at staff discretion. You can reasonably assume it could last until after the US election. This is not negotiable or up for discussion.

As a reminder, new accounts are no longer being activated, so circumventing a post ban with a new account is no longer possible, and full account bans are permanent.

Please proceed accordingly.

Important if Actively Posting

Quote:From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (Redux)

now i can see the back and forth between members, or some of the shit that was posted during the hack / crash/ or deliberate sabotage by lets just say owner and his helpers post removals or bans.

but the site is is all but dead, and trying to run it like it is a thriving web site like it was, doesn't make much sense. 
plus it also seems to me that mods target certain people, while they let at least one spew all kinds of bullshit and use half ass covered insults, down right threats, and antisemitic rhetoric, hate filled speech for the west especially for the UK U.S. and NATO with down right lies and people pointing it out with facts and very seldom do they remove his post or threads. 

come on man, you haven't heard from the owner for almost 2 years, no management other than the mods, who are short handed and only have the ability now to  remove posts, threads, temp bans, and perma bans. no new members can join cause the email part is down and they can't even do the resets they were doing.

it's obvious that someone wants the site to die or just doesn't care what happens to it. why ban people for making fun of slo joe, cackling kam a la, ol farty, woketards, libtards, dem cultist, or calling people out for what they are. and who's is deciding, just the super mods? i've seen a coupe of mods and one super mod, post political trolling and baiting posts that are just as bad as everyday members that have never been removed and may not agree with the 30 to 65 members or so that have come back after the sabotage.

it's just a matter of time now and your doing just what the owner or the ones behind the scenes wants.

You know, I kinda agree with their rules as stated... for the most part. Generic name-calling of an entire demographic gets on my nerves, too. Things like "Libtard", "Demon-rat", "Repuglican" and the like just gets on my last nerve. It displays a sophomoric lack of ingenuity, originality, or creativity on par with kids in a schoolyard. It has no place in conversations where the grownups are talking, and just sounds like a bunch of children talking about each other's moms.

I always let them stand here, however, so that the reader can gauge the poster's intellectual horsepower, and act accordingly. For me, it always makes me question their objectivity on everything else they have to say, based upon their inability to objectively label their opponents. It calls into question the veracity of the rest of their post, in other words. I.E. if they can't even think straight in their labels, what ELSE are they not thinking straight about in their posts?

Singling out specific politicians with re-naming concerning attributes they legitimately have, like "Slo-Joe", "Heels-up Harris", "Orange Man" and the like don't bother me at all. It's an "if the shoe fits..." sort of situation for me.

But calling Trump "Drumpf" never made any goddamned sense to me at all - what they hell are they trying to say? What kind of slur is that? Looks more like a case of dyslexia and misspelling to me. It just never has made any sense to me, even though I've heard Leftists around here (as in where I live) do it, too. Not a damned one of them has yet been able to explain to me WHY they do it, other than that it's just something they read somewhere on the internet when they were getting their daily talking points and marching orders. That put them in the "they're not hitting on all cylinders" bin for me, because they are not thinking originally, just repeating what they are told to repeat... they are not thinking on a level above that of a parrot, in other words. "Bird-brained" seems to apply.

The problem is that the enforcement is subjective rather than objective - it's an "officer's discretion" situation. That doesn't sit too well with me, because it tends towards uneven application - "laws for thee but not for me", which is a hallmark of the Left in the US at least.

With that said, I don't know how they are handling it. maybe short term post bans until what's left of the Staff can discuss matters in the back room before a final disposition. if they're doing it that way, then I don't think unequal enforcement is such a problem... so long as all political viewpoints are represented in the discussion in that smoke-filled back room. That would tend to be a little more even handed, as staff could serve as a check on one another. if they're doing it that way, I'm fine with it.

If, however, it's just arbitrary and subject to one individual's discretion, then that's a problem, because most people are unable to apply rules evenly and across the board. they'll develop natural animosities, and act on those without any restrains applied.

I also don't know what goes on in the back room over there. Why are they short-handed? Can they not create new mods when attrition takes hold? Are there more back-end problems than the general public is aware of? Or is the problem that they are just not creating new mods to replace the ones that leave, even though they have the ability? OR is it just that they can't find anyone interested in moderating what is increasingly being perceived as a dying site by the membership? Maybe they just can't find members interested in moderating? Which of those alternatives is factual will have a bearing on the final assessment and disposition of the site.



Agreed.  Whenever I read a "libtard" or "republicunt" I imagine a "hyuck" coming from the person who typed it

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-24-2024

As far as I know Trump's earliest known male ancestor is Johann Philipp Drumpft. Donald Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump immigrated to the United States in 1885 at the age of 16. His grandfather didn't use the name Drumpf, although that had been the original spelling of the family's name, it had already been changed during the reign of Napoleon around the turn of the 19th century, according to the transportation association in Kallstadt.

The Germans in Kallstadt cannot understand the name use of Drumpf for Donald Trump either. I never have either.

What Trump's ancestral village in Germany thinks of him

As to the ATS children...

[Image: jKMyWif.jpg]

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Ninurta - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 04:05 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: As far as I know Trump's earliest known male ancestor is Johann Philipp Drumpft. Donald Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump immigrated to the United States in 1885 at the age of 16. His grandfather didn't use the name Drumpf, although that had been the original spelling of the family's name, it had already been changed during the reign of Napoleon around the turn of the 19th century, according to the transportation association in Kallstadt.

The Germans in Kallstadt cannot understand the name use of Drumpf for Donald Trump either. I never have either.

What Trump's ancestral village in Germany thinks of him

That's interesting information, but it still doesn't make it make sense to me that Left-wing folk think that "Drumpf" is some kind of pejorative, especially in light of the fact that it hasn't even been used in Germany in over 200 years, before the Trumps even migrated.

Are they trying to make fun of him because his family were immigrants? if that's the case, they've got a whole lot of Americans to piss off before they're done.

My oldest Male ancestor whose name was recorded was named "Odin". No last name, just Odin. He lived on the Jutland Peninsula of what is now Denmark around the time of Christ's birth, in a little village supposedly named "Asgard" - yeah, I know, kinda creepy, eerie and spooky, but that's what the records state. I don't demand that folks worship me as a Norse god, however. That wouldn't make sense to me, either. If people called me "Odin", I'd just look at them funny - that "you're kinda special, ain't ya?" look. It wouldn't offend me that they couldn't spell my name right.

My oldest male ancestor that even had two names was a Northman named Robert le Wricte, who came to England in 1066 with Guillaume the Bastard (otherwise known as William the Conqueror), because some folks wanted to kill some folks, tear some stuff up, and steal a crown. I reckon they got 'er done. Anyhow, we spell the name "Wright" now, not "le Wricte" or "Wryghta" - another old variant, and if someone misspelled it the old way, they'd get pretty much the same reception as if they had called me "Odin"...  I'd wonder about their intellect, and be certain they had problems with spelling at the very least. I'd probably pity them more than feel offended.

Ragnar Lodbrok is also my direct ancestor, through both Bjorn Yrnsida and Ivar the Boneless... but if folks started referring to me as "Boneless", I'd just wonder what kind of "bones" they were talking about - were they calling me "Spineless", or what? I'd be too busy scratching my head to be offended.

In America, after folks got to invading here, readin' and writin', and especially spellin', were at a premium because most folks didn't have any of those. The ones that did tended to spell phonetically rather than by any set convention. So, as a result, I've got a branch of the family tree that is now "Viers", but once upon a time was "Via" I have another branch that is now "Roach", but was once "Roche". One that is now "Mc Glothlin", but once was "McLaughlin", and before McLaughlin, was something else that I can't even spell in Gaelic. There are many more like that, and at least one STILL isn't settled - Mac Ilvaine, McElwain, MCElwayne, and one entertaining branch of that one has changed their name to "Wayne" because they want to falsely claim kinship with General "Mad Anthony" Wayne - No, we're not in the least related, and neither are they.

My point is, that names change over time for various reasons, but calling me by an old, outdated name wouldn't be perceived by me as an insult, so why do Leftists think it's some kind of insult to misname Trump as "Drumpf"?

I may just be too lowbrow - it's just flying right over my head. I don't have the intellectual horsepower to figure out what in the hell they're getting at... or at least TRYING to get at, anyhow.


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - BIAD - 09-24-2024

It's the internet, Ah' tell thee.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - sailorsam - 09-24-2024

agree, site gone downhill.

no new members?  not good.

a lot of insults / name calling NOT being removed.  as said, selective enforcement.

a little disappointing to see the site become 90% politics.  I guess not much new in the UFO / conspiracy world.

maybe I'll PM some of the more mature members and invite them here.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Chiefsmom - 09-24-2024

It is sad what is going on really.

I get wanting to keep some semblance of peace and decorum.
But they seem to be cracking down even harder, with very few people left to crack down on.

Maybe they (the couple left) are just tired of being moderators over there and just want it to be over?

Seems like that could be months now, at best.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - SomeJackleg - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 04:05 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: As far as I know Trump's earliest known male ancestor is Johann Philipp Drumpft. Donald Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump immigrated to the United States in 1885 at the age of 16. His grandfather didn't use the name Drumpf, although that had been the original spelling of the family's name, it had already been changed during the reign of Napoleon around the turn of the 19th century, according to the transportation association in Kallstadt.

The Germans in Kallstadt cannot understand the name use of Drumpf for Donald Trump either. I never have either.

What Trump's ancestral village in Germany thinks of him

As to the ATS children...

[Image: jKMyWif.jpg]

you know i wonder if  trumps grandfather changed his name or if customs did at ellis island.

4:39 mark

Laughing Laughing

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - MykeNukem - 09-24-2024

It's been dying a slow, slow death, unfortunately.

We have a new Mud Pit at: that I and a few community members have created.

Not the same, but an outlet nonetheless.

Hope you Rogues are doing good!!!


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Ninurta - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 12:30 PM)SomeJackleg Wrote: you know i wonder if  trumps grandfather changed his name or if customs did at ellis island.

4:39 mark

Laughing Laughing

The way I understand it, it was neither. The name was apparently changed in Germany around 100 years before Trump's gramps came over on the boat.


RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - GeauxHomeLittleD - 09-24-2024

Not trying to be assy here (or maybe I am?) but if you were watching a television show every week and the storyline started tanking worse and worse at what point do you stop watching the show? Or if you bought a product at one store regularly but either the quality got increasingly worse or the cost kept escalating up and up how long before you either stopped buying the product or switched to a different store? 

Y'all are longing for a place to return to the way it once was but from the amount of rant posts I see here and elsewhere that just isn't going to happen. Sometimes nostalgia becomes martyrdom.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - SomeJackleg - 09-24-2024

well it looks like their going ahead with their plan, ban hammer has fallen on at least one since i noticed the threads yesterday.

this member who imo was defenitly a agtagonist, often posted stuff to get a raise out of people, and it appears that their last post wasn't concidered polictcal trolling or baiting, it was for off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift

their last post from this morning,


(09-24-2024, 06:16 PM)Ninurta Wrote: The way I understand it, it was neither. The name was apparently changed in Germany around 100 years before Trump's gramps came over on the boat.

thanks, it looks like my affliction that i mentioned in Sky's Attempt On Trump thread is acting up again , combination of dyslexia, fat fingers, and brain out running my fat fingers. Shywell that's what i'm gonna blame it on.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - Freija - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 08:18 PM)SomeJackleg Wrote: this member who imo was defenitly a agtagonist, often posted stuff to get a raise out of people

Being somewhat of an antagonist myself, I always admired his spirit and determination to go against the grain.

I think it is odd that the people complaining about the moderation at ATS have flocked to DI in droves. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's mostly the same staff.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2336]

My guess is the mods remaining at ATS are tired of doing dual duty and are on a mission to run it into the ground?

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - SomeJackleg - 09-24-2024

(09-24-2024, 08:41 PM)Freija Wrote:
(09-24-2024, 08:18 PM)SomeJackleg Wrote: this member who imo was defenitly a agtagonist, often posted stuff to get a raise out of people

Being somewhat of an antagonist myself, I always admired his spirit and determination to go against the grain.

I think it is odd that the people complaining about the moderation at ATS have flocked to DI in droves. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's mostly the same staff.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2336]

My guess is the mods remaining at ATS are tired of doing dual duty and are on a mission to run it into the ground?

very well could be, but if it was me and it's been almost two years without any communication from the owners or any management, i wouldn't worry to much about the petty stuff or just let it go on and die. it's very obvious that they don't care about the site, and for some reason haven't checked their cancel my subscriptions app and canceled their sever/ hosting bills. 

in fact, i'd probably bail so my ip address wouldn't be shown / listed if some kind of legal trouble ever came up, you know like a nut job capping somebody, blowing up a school or what ever. never know who the feds are gonna want to blame if they can't get hold of the owner or find them.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - 727Sky - 09-24-2024  I made a thread about the mods at ATS and their take on the situation ... One reply to Chiefsmom was of particular interest from one admin called theshadowknows

Chiefsmom Wrote: Wrote:I didn't know about dorko. For some reason I never believed he was the owner. But the rest would still kinda fit the scenario I'm thinking.
People who have money, can be vengeful a holes.
Or I'm completely wrong, maybe the real owner really is in jail?
Your right though, it's just sad and it sucks.
If I could retire now, I would become the recluse I'd always dreamed.  But I would miss most of the posters.   [Image: lol.gif]

He wasn't the one that bought the place, no. Matt Redhawk of My Patriot Supply purchased ATS from The Above Network partners. Matt told me he gave the site to Darko, a personal friend (although he didn't have much nice to say about him) when he realized it wasn't generating the revenue he thought it would, but it doesn't much seem like they tried other than MPS banner ads. And then the Lou Troglodyte anagram banner that linked to a Simon Gray that wasn't even the real Simon. Wtf was that about. I've talked to them all, hell I'm even friends with Jeff their former IT guy on Facebook. He's the one that gave me Darkos number. But I really don't know what's what or who's who. I have no idea what the truth really is.

RE: Forget Post Removal , Mods Are Going To Posts Ban And Ban Hammer - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-25-2024

(09-24-2024, 12:59 AM)SomeJackleg Wrote: saw these two threads on ats,

Quote:You should be aware by now that we are short staffed and stretched thin. That coupled with the staff abilities being hamstrung by a previous administrator and a most contentious political environment have caused a reevaluation of moderating strategy. Post removals are having no effect. Warnings and in-thread admonishments are having no effect. Short term post bans are having minimal effect, and only while the post ban is in place.

Effective immediately, anyone failing to adhere to the requirements we have shared, to the point of absurdity, resulting in a Political Trolling post deletion will generate a lengthy post ban, length to be determined at staff discretion. You can reasonably assume it could last until after the US election. This is not negotiable or up for discussion.

As a reminder, new accounts are no longer being activated, so circumventing a post ban with a new account is no longer possible, and full account bans are permanent.

Please proceed accordingly.

Important if Actively Posting

Quote:From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (Redux)

now i can see the back and forth between members, or some of the shit that was posted during the hack / crash/ or deliberate sabotage by lets just say owner and his helpers post removals or bans.

but the site is is all but dead, and trying to run it like it is a thriving web site like it was, doesn't make much sense. 
plus it also seems to me that mods target certain people, while they let at least one spew all kinds of bullshit and use half ass covered insults, down right threats, and antisemitic rhetoric, hate filled speech for the west especially for the UK U.S. and NATO with down right lies and people pointing it out with facts and very seldom do they remove his post or threads. 

come on man, you haven't heard from the owner for almost 2 years, no management other than the mods, who are short handed and only have the ability now to  remove posts, threads, temp bans, and perma bans. no new members can join cause the email part is down and they can't even do the resets they were doing.

it's obvious that someone wants the site to die or just doesn't care what happens to it. why ban people for making fun of slo joe, cackling kam a la, ol farty, woketards, libtards, dem cultist, or calling people out for what they are. and who's is deciding, just the super mods? i've seen a coupe of mods and one super mod, post political trolling and baiting posts that are just as bad as everyday members that have never been removed and may not agree with the 30 to 65 members or so that have come back after the sabotage.

it's just a matter of time now and your doing just what the owner or the ones behind the scenes wants.

I haven't been over that way for a while.

But I am beyond disappointment with how so many Americans have become so angry, rude, and mean over the election.

I try to avoid any discussion on the election unless I know the person well enough that I trust the discussion will be civil, that neither are trying to change the others beliefs, and the conversation will not end in fist to cuffs, or a lost of a friendship.

I still believe we are being distracted, manipulated, deceived, and we are being played. Those behind the curtain have the one ring.
Quote:One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Things are getting pretty dark.