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At least 5 known hit teams after Trump - 727Sky - 09-20-2024

Quote:“Tragic. Avoidable,” Gaetz said when asked for his thoughts on the second assassination attempt against the former president.
“I am starting to get the impression that we do not have enough force protection of supporting President Trump that we ought to have, given the threat environment,” he said, noting that he recently met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States, “at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump.”
“And, with that type of activity, I don’t think we should be allowing people to set up for an extended period of time and wait to take their shot outside of his golf properties or his other properties,” Gaetz said, expressing concern that the second suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, was previously known to officials, encountered at the border upon his return to the country from Ukraine.

“And the Customs and Border Patrol [CBP] thought his story was so suspicious that he was recruiting freedom fighters all over the world to go fight in Ukraine, and when they asked him how he was financing this, he said, ‘Oh, well, my wife is paying for it.’ And that seemed odd, and, so, the CBP officials referred Ryan Routh to the Department of Homeland Security’s investigations unit to determine what was going on, and they declined to even proceed with an investigation,” Gaetz said. “They just stopped and let the guy in the country. And we’ve got a lot of questions about that.”
Host Mike Slater pressed Gaetz on the claim of five assassination teams existing in the country, and Gaetz reiterated that they are “aware of at least five teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump. ”
“And I think, you know, three of them that we know are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature, and that calls for a force protection that we do not have around the former president right now,” the Florida congressman said, reemphasizing that a senior DHS official met with him and relayed that information, explaining that “they were aware of this and were concerned that the Secret Service was not providing sufficient support.”

When asked how it would even be possible to have assassination teams walking around, Gaetz said there is simply “insufficient scrutiny to stop them from doing so.”
“Three of these teams are foreign-inspired, from my understanding — Iranians, Ukraine, Pakistan — and, you know, the work is obviously challenging to protect — protective detail, like a presidential campaign that is vigorous and out campaigning,” he said.
Given this threat, Gaetz said they are investigating to see if they have the right protective detail, such as the correct sniper teams and the right tactical teams.
“And we’ve seen a few times where resources have been pulled off of the Trump detail for the Jill Biden detail or for the John Bolton detail. And we’re going to question whether or not that was sound, given what we knew about the efforts to kill Trump,” he added.
Also there is this:

Quote:Some lawmakers are suspicious of a potential mole in the U.S. Secret Service following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Host Mike Slater pointed to the fact that now, after the second assassination attempt on Trump, the “aura of invincibility of the Secret Service” is disappearing, which could lead to more individuals with ill-intent attempting to go after the former president.
“It’s a great point. The barrier to entry to assassination chaos seems to be lowered,” Gaetz said, noting that he has colleagues who are suspicious that there is something more nefarious at play within the Secret Service.
“I have Republican colleagues who have not ruled out a mole inside the Secret Service of providing information about points of vulnerability,” he said. “I’ve not seen evidence of that, but I’ve got colleagues that are very, very smart at this who say they can’t rule that out, given some of the anomalies and the fact pattern here.”
More likely, Gaetz said, there is “such a sense of disdain for Trump, and there’s such a desire to diminish him within some of these agencies that giving him less protection, not having him surrounded by a bunch of strong men that appear authoritative in nature, that that type of a virtue signal to drain protective resources away is tolerated because, frankly, in their heart of hearts, they don’t think much of Trump.”
Gaetz added that they “don’t think much of … safety and security, and it’s that disregard that I think has created that dynamic” Slater described.

RE: At least 5 known hit teams after Trump - 727Sky - 09-20-2024

Quote:[/url] Florida Governor Says FBI Blocked State Investigators From Trump Assassination Crime Scene
September 19, 2024 | Sundance | 130 Comments
If you get beyond Laura Ingraham’s severe fan-girling for her “top gov” hero, within this interview segment you will notice that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says the FBI blocked state investigators from the fence line crime scene.
Apparently in Georgia and New York the federal government defers jurisdiction to New York and Georgia prosecution over federal matters surrounding President Trump, but in Florida the feds assert unilateral jurisdiction over the assassination attempt of President Trump.
In essence, in New York and Georgia the Biden administration (DOJ) don’t care what the state does against Trump’s interests; however, in Florida the Biden administration (DOJ) are concerned about what the state might do to defend Trump’s interests.  Imagine that.  And yet Merrick Garland says the DOJ operates without political motives?

Ingraham: Now, Governor, I want to turn to another topic because we were relieved to hear that you are doing your own independent investigation in Florida concerning the second assassination attempt on President Trump. My question to you tonight is, are the feds being cooperative with your investigation? Are you concerned that you’re not getting the information you need?

Gov. DeSantis: The answer is no; they’re not being cooperative. Yes, I am concerned. For example, we were rebuffed—our investigators were rebuffed just going to the fence line outside of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. I think they’ve taken the position that they don’t want the state of Florida to be involved in this. But here’s the thing: there were multiple violations of Florida law across multiple jurisdictions.
We believe at least three judicial circuits where this guy, Ryan Routh, committed potential violations of Florida law. We have a duty to investigate this. We have a duty to bring the appropriate charges. And we also have a duty to inform the public about how this happened. So, I don’t anticipate them being cooperative. I think they’ve just taken that position, and that’s unfortunate.
Even though I’ve been very clear—the state of Florida is going to do an investigation—I haven’t disputed their right to investigate as well. It’s the federal government. He was in their protective custody as a presidential candidate but let us do this. Hopefully, that will change. But I can tell you right now, Laura, we have not received much of a receptive response.
Ingraham: Very disturbing. By the way, we have Routh’s mugshot, where he looks to be slightly smirking. He’s a very strange individual, to say the least. But we’ve heard other FBI agents, former agents, and governors say they find it odd that in both the first assassination attempt and the second, there’s almost an immediate response from the feds saying, “Oh, looks like he acted alone,” or, “We really don’t know what the motives are here.” Does that strike you as strange?
Gov. DeSantis: Yeah, I don’t think the public has confidence when that is being done. As soon as we got word of this on Sunday, I told our state law enforcement guys to save all of his social media because, you know, Facebook will delete it. The tech companies will delete it. Right, get his digital trail, store that, because we need to know how he ended up in Florida to begin with. What path did this guy take to end up in those bushes trying to assassinate the former president of the United States and current Republican nominee? How did that happen?
We haven’t gotten answers about Butler, and we haven’t gotten answers about things like the Las Vegas shooting from many years ago. So part of our investigation will be to provide evidence of his motive, evidence of his associations, and evidence of his beliefs. I think it’s very important that the public gets the real story.
Ingraham: Yeah, well, the FBI has shredded its own credibility. And Governor, thank goodness you’re doing an investigation. I was so happy to hear that. It’s wonderful to see you tonight. Thank you so much.
[Image: Ron-DeSantis-Trump-assassination-2.jpg]
NOTE:  If you are so inclined, watch this narrative space very closely.  DeSantis is politically positioning against the backdrop of this second assassination attempt and the fact that it happened in Florida.  He’s talking, and his fan club is very happy about it; but actions speak louder than words.  Watch.
In particular, keep watching this ‘opportunistic’ positioning space with both DeSantis and RFK Jr, against the backdrop of New York Judge Merchan saying he will wait to sentence President Trump until after the November election.  Trust your instincts and watch how these two guys’ maneuver for larger influence.
On the other part of this, the FBI is, well, you know…. Da Comrades! The FSB.
[Image: suspicious-cat-chris-wray.jpg]
Posted in Death Threats, Deep State, Dept Of Justice, DHS, Election 2024, FBI, President Trump, Ron DeSantis, Uncategorized

RE: At least 5 known hit teams after Trump - SomeJackleg - 09-20-2024

(Yesterday, 07:49 AM)727Sky Wrote:
Quote:“Tragic. Avoidable,” Gaetz said when asked for his thoughts on the second assassination attempt against the former president.
“I am starting to get the impression that we do not have enough force protection of supporting President Trump that we ought to have, given the threat environment,” he said, noting that he recently met with a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) who said that there are at least five known assassination teams in the United States, “at least three of which are foreign that are out to kill Trump.”
“And, with that type of activity, I don’t think we should be allowing people to set up for an extended period of time and wait to take their shot outside of his golf properties or his other properties,” Gaetz said, expressing concern that the second suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, was previously known to officials, encountered at the border upon his return to the country from Ukraine.

“And the Customs and Border Patrol [CBP] thought his story was so suspicious that he was recruiting freedom fighters all over the world to go fight in Ukraine, and when they asked him how he was financing this, he said, ‘Oh, well, my wife is paying for it.’ And that seemed odd, and, so, the CBP officials referred Ryan Routh to the Department of Homeland Security’s investigations unit to determine what was going on, and they declined to even proceed with an investigation,” Gaetz said. “They just stopped and let the guy in the country. And we’ve got a lot of questions about that.”
Host Mike Slater pressed Gaetz on the claim of five assassination teams existing in the country, and Gaetz reiterated that they are “aware of at least five teams in-country that are geared toward killing Trump. ”
“And I think, you know, three of them that we know are foreign in nature. Two of them we know are domestic in nature, and that calls for a force protection that we do not have around the former president right now,” the Florida congressman said, reemphasizing that a senior DHS official met with him and relayed that information, explaining that “they were aware of this and were concerned that the Secret Service was not providing sufficient support.”

When asked how it would even be possible to have assassination teams walking around, Gaetz said there is simply “insufficient scrutiny to stop them from doing so.”
“Three of these teams are foreign-inspired, from my understanding — Iranians, Ukraine, Pakistan — and, you know, the work is obviously challenging to protect — protective detail, like a presidential campaign that is vigorous and out campaigning,” he said.
Given this threat, Gaetz said they are investigating to see if they have the right protective detail, such as the correct sniper teams and the right tactical teams.
“And we’ve seen a few times where resources have been pulled off of the Trump detail for the Jill Biden detail or for the John Bolton detail. And we’re going to question whether or not that was sound, given what we knew about the efforts to kill Trump,” he added.
Also there is this:

Quote:Some lawmakers are suspicious of a potential mole in the U.S. Secret Service following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.
Host Mike Slater pointed to the fact that now, after the second assassination attempt on Trump, the “aura of invincibility of the Secret Service” is disappearing, which could lead to more individuals with ill-intent attempting to go after the former president.
“It’s a great point. The barrier to entry to assassination chaos seems to be lowered,” Gaetz said, noting that he has colleagues who are suspicious that there is something more nefarious at play within the Secret Service.
“I have Republican colleagues who have not ruled out a mole inside the Secret Service of providing information about points of vulnerability,” he said. “I’ve not seen evidence of that, but I’ve got colleagues that are very, very smart at this who say they can’t rule that out, given some of the anomalies and the fact pattern here.”
More likely, Gaetz said, there is “such a sense of disdain for Trump, and there’s such a desire to diminish him within some of these agencies that giving him less protection, not having him surrounded by a bunch of strong men that appear authoritative in nature, that that type of a virtue signal to drain protective resources away is tolerated because, frankly, in their heart of hearts, they don’t think much of Trump.”
Gaetz added that they “don’t think much of … safety and security, and it’s that disregard that I think has created that dynamic” Slater described.

i have no doubt that there are people out to get trump. two attempts in less than 3 months makes that obvious.

that being said, i wouldn't trust a damn thing that comes out of the mouth of that shifty, snake in the grass. lying POS gaetz.
think about it, even though he hasn't been convicted of anything, all the blackmail, and his buddy and the teenage hookers stories just don't happen to above board people. where's there's smoke, there's fire, well at least some coals.

RE: At least 5 known hit teams after Trump - Schmoe - 09-20-2024

I'm excited for Kill Donald Vol. 3