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The Fourth Reich - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-16-2024

A bit long but a really good light thesis.

The Fourth Reich

On a wing and a prayer

[Image: lX5iVA3.jpg]

OK, you are going to have to bear with me a moment. We are dealing with complex situations, a lot of history, and linguistic manipulation to get to the zinger moment. By the end of this article, I expect the reader to understand — if not agree — with my thesis.

The first thing we need to do is clarify what “fascism” is. Fascism, or corporatism as Mussolini called it, is basically the same as socialism in most aspects. The difference is that corporations control the governments in fascism, and the governments own all the corporations in socialism. Down here in the trenches, there’s very little difference in the misery index. Mostly it’s a matter of who gets all the perks and benefits — corporate officers or government officials.

In essence, under fascism governments are the enforcement arm for corporate power, and in socialism corporations do the arm twisting for government power. Either way, we humans are squeezed for economic value to service a self-selected band of brigands, the color of whose coats matters little in the final analysis.

The prolific author Joseph P. Farrell has pointed out many times that at the end of World War 2, the German government surrendered, but not the Nazi party. Another great author, Peter Levenda, has done yeoman’s work ferretting out the ratlines that helped top Nazis escape Europe. In addition, the US (Operation Paper Clip) and USSR (Operation Osoaviakhim) grabbed prize Nazis for their respective space programs, and other “research” and intelligence operations.

The result is that we have a global network of ideologically aligned individuals and organizations leveraging their network to affect global events and change. A zoo of Quasi-Governmental Organizations (QGOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) effectively dictate policies and socio-economic initiatives toward a singular goal: world governance (not government).

It is my contention that most if not all of these QGOs and NGOs are created and run by fascist ideologues looking to create a global pyramidal power structure with fully isolated, even invisible corporate overlords running the show at the pyramidion.

It is no secret that fleeing Nazis had access to vast amounts of wealth, generated either by controlling interests in megacorps like IG Farben, or looted from national and personal treasuries and vaults of conquered peoples. Just one minor example is the gold dumped in Lake Halstatt, Austria.

The looted wealth, and the intricate network of financial ties to corporations around the world has enabled the fascists to slowly dominate global power structures, either through enormous holding companies, like BlackRock and Vanguard, or by direct lobbying of national governments through the QGO/NGO networks, to enact enabling legislation that favors the networks and channels wealth to and through them. This is achieved by a proliferation of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), where the flow of wealth is primarily from the public to the private entities, but allow politicians to benefit financially from the legislation they enact to create the PPPs.

The goal is to establish a rigid pyramid of command and control, wherein nations are subsumed into 18 regional “economic unions”. The 18 unions are then placed under the control of global organizations specialized in specific areas, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO), World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Standards Organization (ISO), and so on. The UN itself is a QGO, which coordinates funding and operations for the other QGOs/NGOs, functioning as the legal framework for the whole mess.

Examples of regional economic and trade organizations include North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA), the European Economic Community (EEC), the European Trade Organization (ETO), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). These groups effect policies at the national and regional level on behalf of the global organizations, by recommending/pressuring individual nations to adopt standardized policy packages that are attached to various financial rewards.

National governments are thus the enforcement arm for the global corporate power structure, and the touch point where it all meets us regular folks. If the pyramidion wants us to buy Electric Vehicles (EVs), thus forcing us humans to financially support an entire controlled industrial sector (mining, refining, construction, distribution, fueling), then suddenly global governments are mandating EVs and scrambling to carve out a specialty in the market supply chain (batteries, assembly, charging stations), so that they can claim to have “created jobs” for hoi polloi.

The NGOs effect change in the social-cultural sphere. They manipulate educational systems, public affairs groups, think tanks, media channels, and similar outlets in order to alter, coordinate and align public opinion, generating “consensus” in the process. Efforts such as DEI, ESG, Climate Change, Energy Transition, Green New Deal, and so forth are promulgated and controlled through the NGOs — essentially the agitprop arm of global governance.

If the pyramidion wants us to believe the global climate is an existential threat, then the NGOs set up educational programs, public outreach centers, media messaging, rallies, and so forth to make us believe it is a “grassroots” movement. The QGOs force governments to support the NGOs via outrageous sums of grants and aid, so that hoi polloi fund their own brainwashing and captivity.

Governments either directly fund the NGOs, or they pay a membership tax to the UN, which then distributes the booty through its structure. In any case, the missions and visions of the QGOs and NGOs sound very high-minded and humanitarian, but they are little more than a sophisticated money-laundering scheme, with governments stealing your productivity (taxes) and distributing the wealth according to the dictates of the pyramidion.

All of this is funded by two primary mechanisms: corporate investment and public aid.

The latter is easy: governments are manipulated by internal agencies controlled by the fascist NGOs and network operatives to offer aid packages, grants, loan guarantees, government programs and procurement, and similar benefits to the QGOs and NGOs. That much is fairly straightforward and clearly visible in the public sphere.

The more complex operation is looting major corporations to fund the global operations. This takes the form of investment blackmail — adopt these policies or we cut off your funding — and by directed corporate spending. Here we touch on the thing that has so many people confused and wondering what’s going on.

I will use the entertainment industry, since that is the one I am most familiar with, but similar tactics are used throughout the global economy.

Why would a major corporate entity, let’s say Disney, buy up major franchises like LucasFilm and Marvel at incredibly tumid prices, and then proceed to trash them by producing copious amounts of content that no one wants or cares about? And why the huge. bloated budgets for products that are clearly substandard by every metric?

Let’s say I set up a “Woak” company to supply CGI effects for feature films, using investment from some Woak major holding company and guaranteed loans from some Woak banking interest. I then secure contracts with a Woak production house via my Woak network contacts, charging outrageous sums of money for rather pedestrian products that many people can do better at home these days.

Next, I subcontract various Woak “suppliers” in third-world countries, also at bloated sums, for goods and services related to my “products,” and those subcontractors are all part of the same Woak network of companies, and operate in more “flexible” legal environments.

The production house produces a feature film costing $300 million, but only using $20 million in actual goods and services. Add another $300 million for Marketing & Advertising (M&A), which really only uses maybe $10 million in actual goods and services. The net result is $570 million that didn’t pay for anything. Furthermore, the feature film was so horrible and unwatchable that no one paid to see it, so now the entire $600 million is written off as a “legitimate” tax loss, while down at the granular level, the money is shunted into QGOs/NGOs via payroll fraud, “donations” and similar methods.

Even if only $100 million of the original $600 million makes it to the organizational level, it’s “free” money that didn’t need to be allocated in public view, it’s all a tax loss at some level, and it has no strings attached — money laundering at a scale most of us can’t imagine.

Now do this 100 times per year per megacorp and we’re talking some serous fun money. Similar scams are run at the public level, say buying outrageously priced spacecraft with cost-plus contracts that are a decade overdue and billions over budget, and don’t work as advertised.

Some of this “mad money” gets funnelled back into political pockets via foundations and campaign donations, thus heading off too much public scrutiny, and buying willing political fingers poised on the legislative approval button.

Now, what does all this look like, in a metaphorical sort of way?

Let’s suppose we have a pyramid with four corners, as they will do. Each corner touches the apex of another pyramid beneath it, and so on. We thus have a progression of 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, and so on. If the pyramidion at the top issues an edict, it has reached 1,024 board rooms in a matter of minutes, by email or phone call, with each player/pyramid only being responsible for contacting and controlling the four beneath it. That’s 262,144 controlled entities within 10 iterations of the pyramidion, controlled by executive, financial and/or coercive power to carry out whatever policy the pyramidion wishes.

That’s how the world actually operates, and this system is being implemented with increasing speed and rigidity almost on a daily basis. If the pyramidion sits on top of four others labelled Academic, Cultural, Financial, and Industrial, and each of them sits on four of their own, then it’s easy to see not only the power and control structure, but also how they are intertwined with each other through various relationships and reporting systems — the corners of layer 1 touch the apices of layer 2, whose sides align with each other and whose corners touch the apices of layer 3, and so on.

Because all of the entities in our pile of pyramids is a corporate entity, then by definition we have a fascist global governance system. If the pyramidion wants everyone to get vaccinated, then it can marshal academic, industrial, financial, and cultural mechanisms to enact and enforce the edict — multi-spectrum command and control. And the vast amounts of public funds governments are forced to pay for vaccines? Well, that all gets funnelled into the money laundering network.

Anyone who thinks a certain political candidate, party or movement is going to change things has not pondered the depth and breadth of the problem.

The problem is systemic and endemic, and cannot be stopped or altered with a vote or a donation or a rally. The individual must fully extract himself from the entire system and form an alternative system that attracts others to form an ecosystem.

The Nazis are just one of many groups that espoused fascism, and most of the groups involved are completely unknown and invisible to the general public. When was the last time you heard or thought about Mussolini’s Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF)? You probably never heard about it in school, nor even thought to look it up.

Fascism has been taking over the world since at least AD 1666, with the charter of the British East India Company — think of all the national flags that incorporate red/white horizontal stripes. It has seen many iterations, set-backs and victories since then. It has become enshrined in the legal systems of the world and enforced by legions of mindless goons looking for a steady paycheck and cushy retirement plan, with health and dental benefits, of course.

If you play the game, you get a reasonable lifestyle, relative security, and a bland pointless existence shuffling paper from one side of the desk to the other.

If, on the other hand, you fight the system, it comes down on you from all sides, activating all levels of the pyramid structure against you, applying multi-spectrum pressure until it reaches your breaking point and you succumb to it. Your job disappears, your bank cuts you off, your social media accounts are locked, and your friends and family shun you.

As Orwell pointed out, it isn’t enough that Big Brother disposes of you, you must first embrace and love Big Brother, breaking both your will and your mind in the process.

Is there a way out? Of course, but it involves forming an alternative society that also encompasses the academic, cultural, financial, and industrial aspects of civilization. It has taken the fascists centuries to build their system, through generational indoctrination and incremental progress. The vast majority of humans don’t see beyond the next paycheck, and that is by design.

The elimination of generational wealth and private property means most people don’t have the ability to focus on anything more than subsistence, and the coordinated destruction of the family prevents cohesive relationships outside of direct pyramid control. That is how feudal systems are perpetuated.

As with all pyramidal structures, though, there is a point where the sheer weight of its complexity and component parts exceeds the capacity of the structure to support it. We are reaching that point now in our global civilization. The complexity of the system that supports the entire fascist structure is exceeding its ability to keep all the parts aligned. Perhaps this is the impetus behind AI, since mere humans can’t react fast enough to deal with all the variables?

Thus the question we are faced with is, what do we have to fill the vacuum in the wake of the collapse?

Our movie today is the stunning and brilliant 1984 (1984), featuring the deft direction of Michael Radford, and career-defining performances by John Hurt and Richard Burton, and a haunting score by Dominic Muldowney and the Eurythmics. This is by far the greatest adaptation of the novel, and a film whose quality reminds us of just how far the entertainment industry has declined.

The Fourth Reich

RE: The Fourth Reich - MrJesterium - 09-16-2024

I come from a nationalistic background. Back when I had fallen for fascist ideas, this is what I heard from an actual communist who granted me an interview. He told me about how he got a close-up look at fascist rallies. He provided a good explanation for how they organize their society:

"Fascists also take the antagonisms produced by the modern age and accelerate them, heighten them, and use them as a structuring force in an authoritarian state: this state is one of constant antagonism and war."

Admittedly, Orwell was right about one thing, the word fascism had lost its meaning.
What is Fascism? Originally, it was an attempt to restart the Roman empire, tried to lay claim to its ancient values. Mussolini betrayed his own ideals when he invaded Greece, to one-up Hitler, who kept him out of the loop and did not leave any room for him to shine. And that was the end of Italian fascism. Fascism would've never gotten off its feet if it weren't for Hitler, none of those movements could produce great men on their own, and even if they did, he'd see to it that they'd be culled. Mussolini and Antonescu were the exceptions, the only two fascist leaders who Hitler respected, yet both fell out of his favour.

Quote:The Nazis are just one of many groups that espoused fascism, and most of the groups involved are completely unknown and invisible to the general public.
What is Nazism? Originally, it was an attempt to reincarnate the Spartan state into Germany, this was clearly stated to Otto Strasser and reiterated by Hitler during one of his table talk. His goal was plainly to dominate Europe through warfare, maintaining a constant state of war on the eastern front and eventually settle a score with Asian countries. He'd see to it that the Russians could never produce great men like Stalin. Basically, he wanted to keep the Slavs in a state of barbarism, they'd be deprived of education and politics. He was led astray by the Western misconception that the Russians were anarchistic, half-beasts, advised by unfit advisors who knew nothing about Russia. He was ignorant about Russian culture.

Quote:Why would a major corporate entity, let’s say Disney, buy up major franchises like LucasFilm and Marvel at incredibly tumid prices, and then proceed to trash them by producing copious amounts of content that no one wants or cares about? And why the huge bloated budgets for products that are clearly substandard by every metric?
The article focuses on trying to pin it all on fascism, that it loses sight of the overarching agenda: that the ruling authorities have an invested interest in spreading a certain disease, a hostile attitude towards life, the view that there is no good/evil, only gray areas. They're willing to sink entire franchises and lose money over it to poison humanity:
If you find yourself thinking like this, then you've been infected to some degree,
it doesn't stop at wokeness, it's much more corrosive/insidious.

The conflict is not being waged between Democrats & Republicans, the left & the right, communists & capitalists/fascists, etc. The conflict is between moralists (found in all camps) and humanity (represented by the humanists, independent freethinkers).

Related to the cult of moral grayness is the cult of appearances described by Plato. The majority trying to appear publicly respectable is the whole reason why fascists are able to resurface from the shadows and seize power. They can easily blend-in, feign allegiance, and bide their time to seek their revenge. That's the danger coming from the militarists and nationalists in Germany, through war with Russia they gain their liberation.

I said this once, I'll say it again, 1984 was not a critique of fascism, but a personal criticism directed towards Stalin. IMO dystopian novels/films are written with a view of driving people further into slavery.

They portray characters as powerless victims of their impulses and desires, where everyone distrusts and suspects each other, which is the world we're heading into. It's part of their philosophy that art must reflect reality, that art and politics must mix. Where must this all lead to? The omission of Fate/destiny (at 9m25s). As Napoleon wrongly said, "There's no destiny, only politics."

Quote:Anyone who thinks a certain political candidate, party or movement is going to change things has not pondered the depth and breadth of the problem.
Actually, if enough people were to come out in support of a champion, start making demands for that person to be their leader, the governments would have to yield to the pressure, even if they react with violence in the last resort.

This is what I heard about the Russians from my colleague:

"A Tsar can be elected or proposed by the people if real change happens. Russians are that way weirdly, so it can explain why the Tsar will deny wanting to be one. It's a weird unwritten rule, that exists still to this day. Zhirinovsky once suggested to make Putin the Tsar but everyone laughed and Putin said no, as he knows he's not the one."

So why can't we have that in this country?

Over the past four years, I've been sizing up several users who could qualify for the presidency. I haven't found many candidates, but there was one guy who stood out from the crowd, he used to go by the username Irredactable. I spent some time gathering what I could dig up on his remaining posts and what I heard from him while interviewing him into one document: It's not about his proposed policy changes, the motive is the essential thing.

Quote:Is there a way out? Of course, but it involves forming an alternative society that also encompasses the academic, cultural, financial, and industrial aspects of civilization.
When a minority begins dictating the views society must hold and the masses have come to embrace it, the ruling authorities must pretend to go along with it or risk losing their position. That's why they try and prevent by all means a new idea from emerging, an alternative viewpoint is the only thing that can get them to step down from power and behave like everyone else in conformity to new ideas. That's how to turn their cult of appearances against them.