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2nd Attempt On Trump - Infolurker - 09-15-2024

Facts so far:

Gunman set up a hole or two from where Trump was (and would soon be approaching him).

Gunman set up one or two backpacks on the fence with ceramic tile in them (Poor man's barrier).

Gunman had a gopro so that he could broadcast it.

Gunman had a POS AK Style rifle with a scope. From the picture, kind of looked like a Saiga or an aftermarket regular rifle stock instead of the standard AK stock (could have been 5.45x39).

Secret Service goes ahead to survey the area and sees this guy setting up and sliding his muzzle barrel through the fence and they open fire on him. 

Suspect runs but there is a witness who takes a photo of his vehicle / tag and calls the police. Police catch him in the next county.

So, how did he know Trump would be there and how the course was set-up in order to get in front of him to set-up?

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - 727Sky - 09-15-2024

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Infolurker - 09-15-2024

Shooter Identified. Lots of activity, appears they are wiping his profiles.

Start here for the run down:

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - 727Sky - 09-15-2024

(09-15-2024, 10:24 PM)Infolurker Wrote: Shooter Identified. Lots of activity, appears they are wiping his profiles.

Start here for the run down:
Back when I lived in the states I was a member there and also THR (the high road) great sites for information on how to with guns

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Infolurker - 09-16-2024

The plot thickens....

Ron DeSantis


The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club. 

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.

Tom Fitton

The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri. A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-
and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted.

FBI agent had to erase public vitriol on Trump; Mar-a-Lago in field office’s jurisdiction

Quote:Top FBI officials ordered an agent to scrub his Facebook page to delete anti-Trump vitriol before they would promote him to head the bureau’s Miami field office, which covers former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, a whistleblower told Congress.

In a disclosure to the House Judiciary Committee, the whistleblower said Jeffrey Veltri was promoted earlier this year to become the special agent in charge of the Miami office.

The whistleblower called Mr. Veltri “adamantly and vocally anti-Trump” and said FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, Deputy Director Paul Abbate and Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Moore were involved in directing Mr. Veltri to cleanse his social media.

“The home of President Donald Trump is located in the area of responsibility of the Miami Field Office. It was well known that Veltri was adamantly and vocally Anti-Trump,” said the disclosure, which The Washington Times has obtained. “Wray, Abbate and Moore wanted to ensure that Veltri appeared non-political, Veltri was ordered to remove all of his Facebook and Social media posts that were Anti-Trump.”

The whistleblower said the bureau leaders weren’t concerned about Mr. Veltri’s “bias against Trump” but whether “information related to Veltri’s political bias can be removed from the public domain.”

The whistleblower said Mr. Veltri, who served as acting deputy assistant director of the bureau’s security division until March, also oversaw efforts to suspend agents’ security clearances if they seemed to be a “right-wing radical.”
The whistleblower’s allegations are serious and deserve further investigation, said Chris Swecker, a lawyer and law enforcement professional who served as assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division during the George W. Bush administration.

“Let’s say half of that is true. If they wiped his social media clean, that’s something that needs to be looked at by the DOJ and the [Office of] Inspectors General,” he told The Times. “It’s highly improper to wipe things clean that shows some kind of bias. I know they want it off, but then there could have been an inquiry about it, and it could have held up the promotion.”
The FBI rejected the whistleblower’s allegations and said Mr. Veltri was promoted through a process by the book.
“Special Agent in Charge Veltri was selected through a competitive process to lead the Miami field office and is charged with carrying out the FBI mission in a fair and unbiased manner,” the bureau said in a statement to The Times. “The reported allegations about political bias impacting decisions, the targeting of former military employees, and SAC Veltri’s social media accounts and posts are demonstrably false.”
Mr. Veltri came under congressional scrutiny after whistleblowers from the FBI’s security division filed disclosures alleging that some people in the bureau were trying to drum out agents they deemed “radical” or “disloyal” to the U.S. Suspect behavior included refusing to get a COVID-19 vaccination and participating in religious activities.
Mr. Veltri and security division assistant section chief Dena Perkins were accused in another whistleblower disclosure of trying to sideline agents — including military veterans — by stripping them of security clearances, The Times reported previously.
The FBI, in its response to The Times for this report, denied those allegations as well.
“Repeated reporting on these outrageous allegations does not change the facts,” the bureau said. “The FBI has not and will not retaliate against individuals who make protected whistleblower disclosures. We do not target or take adverse action against employees for exercising their First Amendment rights or for their political views. The FBI has many employees who are military veterans and we thank them for their service.”
The FBI indicated that it wanted to say more about the removal of security clearances from agents, but the Privacy Act prohibits the bureau from sharing information about specific internal matters. The FBI said the onus was on the whistleblowers and the agents involved to waive Privacy Act protections.
“These waivers may provide the opportunity for the public to gain an understanding of the specific security concerns presented in those matters. The FBI looks forward to sharing additional details regarding these security clearance cases if and when we receive the required Privacy Act waivers,” the FBI said.
The whistleblower’s name was not included in the disclosure delivered by email to Congress on Nov. 9, but lawmakers have been advised of the whistleblower’s identity.
Mr. Veltri joined the bureau in 2002 as a special agent and worked his way up through the ranks in different field offices.
By 2016, he had been promoted to chief of the civil rights unit in the criminal investigative division at FBI headquarters.
There, he oversaw the management of all hate crime, color-of-law, human trafficking, and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act investigations in the country.
In 2021, he was appointed section chief of the security integrity and investigations section of the security division at FBI headquarters. He served as the division’s acting deputy assistant director for more than a year.
He oversaw internal security investigations, physical security, the polygraph and chief security officer programs, and the FBI Police program.
FBI leaders have faced severe criticism for their handling of Mr. Trump. An inspector general found that the bureau’s investigation into claims of “collusion” with Russia, which dogged the former president for much of his term in office, was opened without sufficient reason and was plagued by errors, including falsifying information to justify pursuing the case.
More recently, the bureau faced questions over its handling of the investigation into classified documents Mr. Trump took with him when he left office and then stored at Mar-a-Lago.
The FBI conducted a controversial search that recovered the documents.
Steven D’Antuono, the former assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office and a former senior FBI official involved in planning the operation, told Congress this year that he had strong reservations about the way it was handled.
In particular, he said leaders in Washington decided to sideline the Miami agents and use personnel from the FBI’s Washington field office instead.
The Justice Department ordered the FBI to go in heavy, Mr. D’Antuono said, showing up with a team of armed agents when Mr. Trump and his attorney were absent.
Mr. D’Antuono said they should have worked with Mr. Trump’s attorney to retrieve the documents through consent. He said he thought there was “a good likelihood” that the Trump team would have cooperated.
Former FBI agent Kurt Siuzdak, who now works as a lawyer and is representing the whistleblower, said the FBI has a duty to be fair.
“For whatever reason, unfortunately, the No. 1 criminal subject right now for the FBI seems to be Donald Trump. So you would think they would go out of their way to make sure that everyone involved in the investigation is completely unbiased because they’ve already suffered the issues with bias several years ago regarding Trump,” he said. “It would be a travesty if they’ve actually done the same thing again. The FBI was always designed to be completely apolitical.”
• Kerry Picket can be reached at

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - SomeJackleg - 09-16-2024

(09-16-2024, 12:59 AM)Infolurker Wrote: The plot thickens....

Ron DeSantis


The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club. 

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.

Tom Fitton

The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri. A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-
and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted.

FBI agent had to erase public vitriol on Trump; Mar-a-Lago in field office’s jurisdiction

when the first attempt was made, i truly believed it was a lone whack a do, and that when the protection detail found out there was a suspicious person wandering around sighting in the target they just let it play out and see what happened, and there was no plot by inner agencies to take out the orange man. 

but the chances of two whack a do's trying to bust orange man's melon a few months apart is just a little bit to obvious. dem cultist are nuts jobs but i don't think their that crazy.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Infolurker - 09-16-2024

So.... how did this guy know?

CNN: "Former President Donald Trump’s golf game on Sunday was a last-minute addition to his schedule, two sources familiar with the  matter said. Trump had no public events on his schedule for Sunday."

More Crazy.... Well, maybe crazy. Who the hell knows anymore. One hell of a claim.

Quote:A source tells me the leak of Trump's whereabouts is coming from Homeland Security, not USSS. Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it. Homeland Security and US State Dept are full-on treasonous criminal ops at this point. If Homeland can't eliminate Trump soon, State Dept will make sure a war begins with Russia. If they fail, hundreds of top people within FBI and Homeland are going to either flee the country or be criminally prosecuted under a Trump presidency. This is what's at stake.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-16-2024

Note that the Secret Service agency as of 2003 is _under_ Homeland Security.

Somebody grabbed a snap shot of his account before it was suspended.

[Image: hEMI1Re.jpg]

[Image: e15ZIiL.jpg]

Weird: On Sept 11th (of all days) Time Magazine released a cover of Donald Trump...

[Image: JHA1Q8e.jpg]

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Infolurker - 09-16-2024

Quote:[/url]Robby Starbuck

Wow. Attempted Trump Assassin Ryan Routh wrote a book on the Ukraine war. In the book he tells Iran to assassinate Trump while praising John Kerry for the Iran Deal. He also calls Trump an idiot and says he "perpetrated" Jan. 6th.

He sounds like a mainstream media addict.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-16-2024

Ryan Routh has led quite a life...

[Image: j2gVFDf.jpg]

Larger size

[Image: 0hn1Z3k.jpg]

It's from the August 27, 1991 edition of the Greensboro, North Carolina News & Record, pages 1 & 3 of the People & Places section.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - 727Sky - 09-16-2024

Well if he was CIA or undercover FBI that would explain why he was not already in jail for some of the stuff he has pulled. 3 hour stand off with police he had a machine gun, a hit and run, a felony for possession of stolen property etc etc a real winner

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Ninurta - 09-16-2024

Only picture I could find of the rifle was a piss-poor one. Can't tell much about it, and it looks like it might have been doctored by someone - there is a white line going up the center of it, right at the base of the magazine, and the illumination/contrast on either side of the line looks different.

With that said, what I could get out of that picture wasn't much, and it's not very reliable. It's the damndest AK I've ever seen. From the receiver forward, it looks like an SVD Dragunov clone. Forearm, barrel, gas tube, and gas block looks just like a Dragunov.

Can't tell anything at all about the receiver, not even the scope mount - whether it's a side mount or a top mount, which has implications for accuracy. The top covers on AK are too unstable to mount a scope on reliably, but some folks still try. The side mount bracket is more stable, but all the AKs I've ever dealt with that used on have the scope offset to the left of the bore axis, also not good.

Can't tell much about the magazine, either. I can tell a 5.45x39 from a 7.62x39 by the magazine normally, but that one isn't clear enough in the picture to make that determination. It doesn't look like an SVD magazine, though (7.62x54R), and the angle of the bottom of it is all wrong for any AK at all - but that might just be a function of the "doctoring", if there was any.

The butt stock looks like some kind of after-market monstrosity, or else a "California compliant" or "post-ban" butt. It looks like it mounts into the back of the receiver. like a normal AK butt stock, but has the long wrist of a "post ban" magazine instead of the normal AK pistol grip, which makes trigger control a pain in the ass.

Might be, as mentioned above, some bastardized version of some Saiga variant.

If that piss-poor image is an indication of things to come, I don't have a good feeling about this.

I worked security in Greensboro, NC for a few years, during part of which time this joker lived there, too. He's what we referred to as a "cowboy" or "dime-store cowboy" there. He's a wannabe, both a wannabe cop and a wannabe criminal. Really, he's a wannabe badass, and he just doesn't have the smarts to pull any of it off. If his brains were pure nitro-glycerine, he wouldn't have enough to blow his fucking nose. His knowledge of "badassery" was minimal - he knew just enough to get himself into trouble, but not enough to carry anything serious off.

Be careful of what you read on the internet regarding this incident. There is going to be a lot of bullshit flying, and there already is some out there. Don't believe much of what you read about it - we're going to see a lot of fiction mixed in with just a little bit of fact, the purpose of that salting of fact is going to be solely to try to lend some veracity to the bullshit. In other words, some of your standard, every-day propaganda. That propaganda is going to be flying from BOTH sides, and some Secret-Squirrel outfits will probably be manufacturing some conspiracy-theory propaganda in an attempt to muddy the waters.

Some times, life is like trying to navigate a goddamned mine field!

I'd let the dust settle some before putting much faith in anything I read about it.


RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - SomeJackleg - 09-16-2024

(09-16-2024, 11:45 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Only picture I could find of the rifle was a piss-poor one. Can't tell much about it, and it looks like it might have been doctored by someone - there is a white line going up the center of it, right at the base of the magazine, and the illumination/contrast on either side of the line looks different.

With that said, what I could get out of that picture wasn't much, and it's not very reliable. It's the damndest AK I've ever seen. From the receiver forward, it looks like an SVD Dragunov clone. Forearm, barrel, gas tube, and gas block looks just like a Dragunov.

yeah it's kinda funny looking, and i think you maybe right about being a dragunov clone. there is a clone made for hunting that has traditional furniture / stock by a russian manufacturer. and supposedly this routh guy was in ukraine at the start of the war, so maybe he was able to bring one home with him, although i don't know how he could get it through customs, and wondering if you could find one on any of the arm list sites   

one other thing im wondering i know they list 20 and 30 rd mags for the dragunov, but they seem to be scarce as hens teeth, and the one in the picture mag doesn't look to be big enough for  the 7.62x54, .308 7.62x51, or the 9.3x64 that the tiger is chamber for.

wondering if it could be a ak 47 / 74 20" long barrel variant? i know Saiga made / makes a  sporter without a pistol grip. not sure if they made/ make one with a 20 " barrel

[Image: Siga.png]

[Image: Clone-SVD.png]

link is in russian will have to translate, site didn't trigger anti v or ad blockers so i can't say for sure it's safe.

Svd dragunov – Dragunov sniper rifle – Wikipedia

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-16-2024

Photo of apparent Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Routh after his arrest.

It was reported at time of his arrest he appeared happy, laughing, no resistance, very calm & relaxed.

[Image: dx5OfEb.jpg]

When it comes to domestic US politics, Routh's views seem to be incoherent. He said he initially supported Trump in 2016 and then turned against him.

He then claimed to have backed Sanders, Gabbard, Yang, Haley, Vivek, Biden, Harris and others at various points.

Early examination of social media profiles owned by Ryan Routh suggests he was anti-Trump, pro-Ukraine, anti-China, pro-Taiwan, and into Covid conspiracy theories. How many times have we seen this style of behavior due to probable social media brain washing.

He tried to recruit volunteer fighters in support of Ukraine and Taiwan, and volunteered in Ukraine himself.

He was interviewed by Newsweek Romania in 2022. According to the report, he helped recruit foreign volunteers to fight for Ukraine.

When Ryan Routh spoke to Semafor on March 7, 2023, he was frustrated with the Ukrainian government for which he’d traveled around the world to support.

Who financed his world travel?

Routh appears at 2:54 in this Semafor video:

Routh was interviewed by the NY Times in March 25, 2023 about Americans volunteering to aid Ukraine.

[Image: dI9NfZt.jpg]

Ryan Wesley Routh has been charged with two counts, including possession of a fire arm while a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. He'll be arraigned in two weeks.

He didn’t take a shot and also nothing can stop Trump anyhow, he’s protected by God, so it’s a redundancy to charge a guy with attempted murder if the target is immortal.

He seems to be a big fan of the controversial 2014 comedy "The Interview"...

[Image: 6ei1vJq.jpg]


[Image: HEyhb4L.jpg]

[Image: CCTG1s4.gif]

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Ninurta - 09-16-2024

(09-16-2024, 04:15 PM)SomeJackleg Wrote: yeah it's kinda funny looking, and i think you maybe right about being a dragunov clone. there is a clone made for hunting that has traditional furniture / stock by a russian manufacturer. and supposedly this routh guy was in ukraine at the start of the war, so maybe he was able to bring one home with him, although i don't know how he could get it through customs, and wondering if you could find one on any of the arm list sites   

one other thing im wondering i know they list 20 and 30 rd mags for the dragunov, but they seem to be scarce as hens teeth, and the one in the picture mag doesn't look to be big enough for  the 7.62x54, .308 7.62x51, or the 9.3x64 that the tiger is chamber for.
, standard AK round, but still can't be absoultely positive about that.
wondering if it could be a ak 47 / 74 20" long barrel variant? i know Saiga maide / makes a  sporter with out a pistol grip not sure if they made/ make one with a 20 " barrel

Over the years, there have been a lot of Dragunox clones sold here in the US, in particular a Romanian one and a Yugoslavian one that I can recall right off the top of my head.

When I lived in Greensboro, there was a small town just north of Greensboro called Summerfield,and there was a pawn shop there. In the late 1990's, I had a chance to buy an actual Russian Dragunov, made in Izevsk, new in box along with 5 magazines for it, a sling, and cleaning kit, for $750.00 as I recall. It would have been a steal, even then, but my point is, actual Russian Dragunovs do occasionally make it through customs, whether legally or not I couldn't say.

That one, if that's what it is, doesn't look like a real Dragunov - no muzzle device that I could see, for example, so it's probably some sort of clone.

fter enhancing the image a little bit and blowing it up, I think the magazine is 7.62x39 standard AK round, but still can't be absolutely sure about that. What I CAN say is that it doesn't look like any Dragunov magazine I've ever see, - not wide enough to accommodate a full-sized round..

Also, the "scope" looks to be some sort of red-dot rather than an actual rifle scope. I've got my doubts that the law enforcement claim that a 500 yard shot "would be no problem" with it, but the picture quality is still so poor that I can't be certain about that, either.

In your pictures, in the bottom one, the Dragunov on the left side, "standing up", is labeled "Tigr".


RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - SomeJackleg - 09-16-2024

(09-16-2024, 07:35 PM)Ninurta Wrote: In your pictures, in the bottom one, the Dragunov on the left side, "standing up", is labeled "Tigr".


combination of dyslexia, fat fingers, and brain out running my fingers. i've been seeing posts i've made all over today like that. SmallROFL

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Ninurta - 09-16-2024

(09-16-2024, 08:03 PM)SomeJackleg Wrote:
(09-16-2024, 07:35 PM)Ninurta Wrote: In your pictures, in the bottom one, the Dragunov on the left side, "standing up", is labeled "Tigr".


combination of dyslexia, fat fingers, and brain out running my fingers. i've been seeing posts i've made all over today like that. SmallROFL

No, not what you wrote - the Cyrillic in the actual ad reads "Tigr". I had to learn Cyrillic script to read Russian maps, but don't know enough Russian to actually translate it all the way into English. Once upon a time, Russian maps were the most accurate and up to date tactical and strategic maps of Afghanistan. Even the CIA had nothing in print to rival them.

I think the Russians also have a camouflage pattern named "tigr". It looks like a cross between Vietnamese tiger stripe with Portuguese "brush stroke" camo from the old days in Angola.


RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - 727Sky - 09-17-2024

Florida is doing their own investigation

good for them as the last place to look for honest information would be the very same people who have been trying to put Trump in jail for all kinds of reasons which have been proven to be nothing but B.S.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-17-2024

Make it make sense. Ryan Routh was caught in 2002 with a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION!?


[Image: LbIIkCy.jpg]
Source: North Carolina Department Of Adult Correction Offender Public Information

According to Homeland Security...

[Image: 3GEdc9Q.jpg]

How did he travel around the world? Protected asset?

According to News Nation...

[Image: cQBWAYi.jpg]

WMD = Fully automatic machine gun?

[Image: h2w0XQW.jpg]

I guess it was a "mostly peaceful" weapon of mass destruction.
Well, at any rate if that were you or me we'd still be rotting away in prison.

Where there's a symbolic X, an alphabet agency is lurking not far behind.

[Image: KVkrBpX.jpg]

"Routh is like the Forrest Gump of CIA paramilitary activity. You can almost spin the globe and find a place where there is CIA paramilitary activity and somehow Ryan Routh has just sort of waltzed his way through almost a dozen of them: from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Haiti, Ukraine. It's quite shocking..."

Quote from Mike Benz (former State Dept official) - 15 mins of fire, deep down the rabbit hole of Ryan Routh...

Worth a listen. Visas for terrorists operation? Routh was apparently recruiting mercenaries to fight wars. Previous hit on Trump that was foiled by the CIA (or one of those agencies) last month...may have included Routh. Wild twisted story like outta the movies.

RE: 2nd Attempt On Trump - Ninurta - 09-18-2024

(09-17-2024, 05:05 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: Make it make sense. Ryan Routh was caught in 2002 with a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION!?


It's a many-layered burrito.

First, don't give this guy so much credit. He's a Barney Fife trying to play in an Dirty Harry world.

The "WMD" charge was for a full auto machine gun. It was a State charge, not Federal, so the state got to play it any way they wanted.

With that said, the Feds will often use those sorts of state charges that also have Federal implications to force folks to play with Fed's ball. In this case, it looks to me like they needed a patsy. So, they probably SUPPLIED him with the MG, then rolled over on him to the locals, let the state play it's role with minimal oversight, and then held the potential of Federal charges and prison time over his head to gain his "cooperation". It happens that way a lot more than we would like to think. Unwary idiots often get caught in those sorts of traps trying to play in a world they don't comprehend.

He's probably being used as a patsy, a public face for some private shenanigans, a sacrificial goat to throw to the wolves while the actual behind the scenes culprits make a clean getaway. That's why he was apparently trying to do "mercenary recruitment" for a Ukrainian venture WAY too goddamned publicly. That's not how real mercenary recruitment works.

So, the Agency lets him traipse around various countries going a-recruiting in the limelight while they are quietly doing the real work in the shadows. Thataway, Routh draws all the attention away from them.

Just listening to his "recruiting" videos, one can tell right off that he ain't no kind of criminal mastermind.

Listening to him talk, and reading what he's written (both of which are rapidly vanishing from the internet now that the deeds are done), he is a True Believer. That makes him just a little dangerous, but not very bright at all. He's like a fucking puppy trying to get someone's approval, and that's about all.

I can also tell you I was there the night he was arrested. Not "there" as in on that site, but "there" as in working on West Lee Street. At that time, it was a pretty rough neighborhood, with lots of gang activity and break-ins rampant, so they had beefed up security for several blocks of the neighborhood, had a lot of "off duty" police officers hanging around, and police car patrols were about doubled. I was doing night-watch at a diamond store, a pretty high-value target for break-ins.


Now ask yourself - what was a Barney Fife, True-Believing Do Gooder doing down in that neighborhood with a full-auto "machine gun" that God only knows where he got it? Reminded me of that Matunis character in the original Highlander movie, and he's damned lucky the cops got him before his vigilante career met with a harsh end just like Matunis' did.

As a "True Believer", all a handler would have to do is drop a suggestion that Trump will pull out of his pet project in the Ukraine, and his own damaged psyche would do the rest. In his own mind, he was The Hand of God, doing God's Work on that golf course, "secure" in the "knowledge" that his handlers would pull his fat out of the fire if he happened to fall into the grease as was his usual disposition. Won't it be a hoot if they DON'T pull his fat out of the fire?

However, I do note that again his charges are (i believe) state charges, and pretty damned lightweight  regardless of whether State or Federal for a presumed would-be assassin, so who knows?
