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The last 6 Presidents net worth - Printable Version

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The last 6 Presidents net worth - 727Sky - 09-14-2024

A short video about the net worth of the last 6 President before and after office.

RE: The last 6 Presidents net worth - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 05:42 AM)727Sky Wrote: A short video about the net worth of the last 6 President before and after office.

We are an ignorant lot that has been conditioned and programmed to respond to lies, buzz words, and visual subliminal triggers. We believe any bull crap they send our way and lap it up the way a dog laps up his vomit.

They have done so well with the prepping, that we can't even see the game we are in the middle of.

You can't get anywhere close to being a candidate in a political office, unless you are wealthy or a puppet for someone, or a group of wealthy individuals. They are completely in control. Any control we think we have is a lie, but it is so much easier to accept the illusion.

The media is in on the joke. The puppets of the media are being paid by the same people that are paying the candidates. The joke of the internet talking heads being the only trustworthy ones, and the only ones telling the truth, has been outed, and a brief look at what they are pulling in, will show you that they all have sold their souls.

What we think we know is no more than part of the programming. You see what they want you to see, you believe what they want you to believe. Resistance is futile. The only way out is to free your mind of the addictions of the world. Live your life like the sparrow.

“For ‘Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil’” (1 Peter 3:10-12).

RE: The last 6 Presidents net worth - xuenchen - 09-14-2024

What did Bill Clinton do to get that much??  Laughing

RE: The last 6 Presidents net worth - BIAD - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 06:35 PM)xuenchen Wrote: What did Bill Clinton do to get that much??  Laughing

Well, He did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.
He never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never.

Not for money, anyway.
Smile thumbsup2

RE: The last 6 Presidents net worth - SomeJackleg - 09-14-2024

(09-14-2024, 05:42 AM)727Sky Wrote: A short video about the net worth of the last 6 President before and after office.

the only reason people run for any political office is to line their pockets.

i can't remember the county or if there is any truth to the story i heard as a younger man, but it was a county in Alabama a man was running for the Sheriffs office. and his promiss was that he would only serve for one term, then retire becuase he would have made his millions by then. Angry

(09-14-2024, 06:35 PM)xuenchen Wrote: What did Bill Clinton do to get that much??  Laughing

rented out the airport in Mena Ak, and sold cocaine with the CIA. then sold U.S. secrets to china as president.