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Hemi Sync of the Mind and How it Works - Printable Version

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Hemi Sync of the Mind and How it Works - FlickerOfLight - 09-13-2024

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Another area of interest I took up a little while back is the power of frequencies. This lead me to the hemi sync process. I started to put it into practice, and noticed a change pretty soon after practicing this methodology, and using binaural beats to sync both hemispheres of the brain together so they sync up together at the same frequency. Ive heard that this is even something that is a part of Navy Seal training. As well as some government agencies. This is also something i have learned to use in my meditation; as well as for healing, of didn't sorts.

Hemi Sync Through Binaural Beats
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March 29
So, Hemi-Sync® Works! But How?

Allyn Evans
A German scientist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered in 1839 what happens when one tone (or frequency) is introduced into one ear and then another tone is introduced in the other ear. It is called a binaural beat, which to us sounds like a warbling sound similar to what you might hear while riding in a two-propeller airplane.

As an example, let’s assume we are playing a tone of 120 Hz in one ear and 128 Hz in the other. The brain will then translate this to 8 Hz (binaural beat). A Hertz measurement is equivalent to the number of cycles per second a frequency is expressed. If we are experiencing this ourselves, then we are more likely to be able to access the state of awareness associated with the difference. In our example, then, we’d find ourselves with the opportunity to experience the alpha state.

How Do We Know Sound Technology is Effective? We all experience a range of normal brainwaves that can be measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG). This device measures our brainwaves as well as provides a means to evaluate what states we might be experiencing at any given moment, states that are considered normal and part of our daily experience.

When we are measuring cerebral signals we typically find readings ranging from 1 to 20 Hz (hertz). Although, we are capable of reading lower and higher signals. Our focus for this discussion will keep us primarily in the .5 to 30 Hz range. To better understand, we’ll discuss several brainwaves patterns. We can measure brainwaves using cycles per second, which is called a hertz (Hz). The lower number means slower activity is occurring in the brain.

Beta (13 Hz to approximately 30 Hz)
Beta frequencies originate in the cortex, the thinking/reasoning part of the brain. Beta is the state of awareness we tend to find ourselves in when we are wide-eyed and alert. A beta state is indicative of times when we are engaging with life—being busy or productive, worrying, fretting, concentrating or being fully engaged in an activity. Robert Monroe referred to this state as being in C1 consciousness. When we are in this state we are usually wide awake and alert.

Alpha (8 Hz to 12 Hz)
Alpha waves originate in the thalamus, the great relay station in the brain that receives sensory input from external and internal stimuli and then passes them on to the cortex and other parts of the brain for processing. One way to think of alpha is in terms of driving a manual transmission car when the stick shift is in neutral. From a neutral position, one can easily transition to the action phase (beta) or to a state of relaxation (theta and delta). This state or these frequencies can be achieved when relaxing or meditating. Children under the age of six years spend much of their waking time in the alpha brainwaves regions. Typically, one is lying or sitting quietly with eyes closed to reach this state. We tend to step “out” of an alpha state when our eyes are open, when we are thinking or when we invite in our analytical mind to evaluate and review.

Theta (4 Hz to 7 Hz)
Theta brainwaves are instrumental in the limbic system (amygdala, hypothalamus) in the brain. The limbic system is the key to emotional and memory aspects of our brain function. It’s a place that is subconscious for most people, and often overriding or hijacking the rational thinking or reasoning of the cortical brain. These frequencies can be easily reached when sleeping. In the more alert phases of theta, you might find that you tap more readily into your creativity as this is a highly functioning cognitive state. Researchers Elmer and Alyce Green of the Menninger Foundation said: “Causing the brain to generate theta activity daily over a period of time seems to have enormous benefits, including boosting the immune system, enhancing creativity and triggering feelings of wellbeing.”

Delta (.5 Hz to 3 Hz)
Delta waves are generated by the brainstem, especially during sleep, and allow the cortical, thinking brain to be down-regulated when we need to have rest and recovery. This state typically occurs when one is experiencing a deep level of sleep. Studies indicate that a person benefits mentally and physically from regular delta experiences while sleeping. Delta is also involved in global communications of the cortical brain and has a multitude of other functions.

Like we already said … The Proof is in the Pudding. Yes, We Can Measure This!

So now you understand some of the languages of the brain and hopefully, you understand a little about the mechanism and why it works. Keep reading for more details.

Your Brain Will Thank You! What Binaural Beats Can Do For You!

Specific combinations and layers of signals, for example, can help individuals achieve laser-like focus and concentration. Hemi-Sync® is one example and is a trade name. Depending on the intended goals, different frequencies are combined with music, verbal guidance or subtle sound effect to strengthen its effectiveness. Exercises can be targeted to incorporate predominately delta frequencies, which assist with sleeping. Or they can be designed to offer predominantly beta frequencies, which helps with concentration and focus. Users remain in total control. These recordings do not contain subliminal messages or any other directives that are not completely transparent. Hemispheric synchronization does occur naturally in daily life, but typically only for random, brief periods of time. Sound technology can assist individuals in achieving and sustaining this highly productive, coherent, brainwaves state.

This process had such potential that the C.I.A. picked up research on it.
They came to find that this process leads to opening up psychic abilities as well. To the point of something called the "Gateway project," that is a guide for astral projection.

Note the knowledge they picked up concerning holograms. Put a pin in that.

As I've stated in the past, I've pretty well mastered the auto hypnotic suggestion.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2298]
This is like any other discipline. Some parts come easier than others.
Oddly, I had already learned some of these disciplines, through the meditative practices I had learned, as a young man, through Taoism; and the art of meditation.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2296]
The mind is powerful. It holds the heavens, God, the devil, above, below, and everything in between. It is the door in which we step through, and into the Kingdom.