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An Electric vehicle mess - Printable Version

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An Electric vehicle mess - 727Sky - 09-10-2024

Not a dependable power source for transportation IMO as to hot or to cold and you are walking. An EMP or a big CME and you walk, bicycle, or ride an animal. The video talks about the pitfalls of owning an E.V.

Quote:Recently, the Sichuan Meteorological Observatory has issued several high-temperature warnings, with temperatures exceeding 40°C across the province. The extreme heat has caused tight electricity supplies, leading to power restrictions in cities like Chengdu and Chongqing. This has affected industrial and commercial sectors, including the use of electric vehicle charging stations. As a result, 750,000 new energy vehicle owners are facing difficulties charging their cars.

RE: An Electric vehicle mess - Ninurta - 09-10-2024

"New energy vehicle". What a cute euphemism for "useless chunk of metal / really big paper  weight"! Maybe they should call them "NO energy vehicles" instead?

Sorry, Elon, but you ain't about to get me into one of those death-traps... not now, not ever. Not even if you gave it to me free, or even paid me to take it off your hands. Not to mention the fact that I've not seen ANY "charging stations" here. Not a single one, as far as I've traveled from home. I guess that's one way to avoid problems with brown-outs or the ridiculous amount of time required for a "fill-up" - just don't have any charging stations at all, and no one has to worry about those problems at the charging station!

Plus, there is also the added bonus that, if I can't charge my car at all to begin with, there is less worry about it just spontaneously bursting into uncontrollable flames!

And, exactly NONE of the above creates any incentive to spend way too much money for an unusable chunk of metal...


RE: An Electric vehicle mess - 727Sky - 09-13-2024

Not to mention after 5 years you are lucky to be able to sell your EV for any amount... You do not have that problem with a 57 Bel Air Chevy or many other gas power vehicles !