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Making friends with Hades - Printable Version

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Making friends with Hades - FlickerOfLight - 09-10-2024

About a month ago I moved in with my sister and brother in law, as I've stated before here. Well, they have a German Shepherd named "Hades."
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2272]
He's a long hair "Leerburg" Shepherd, and boy let me tell you, he will eat your face off with a smile on his. He is an excellent guard dog, but unfortunately hasn't had much time with outsiders. He's really protective of my brother and doesn't let any one near him, really. This dog is fierce, as his name suggests. 

I had been here about a week and he had been in his cage the whole time, and had been listening to my bro-n-law and myself laugh it up, and have a good ol time as we caught up. Him and I had been friends since junior high; so him and I had a tight bond.

He decided to try and introduce me to Hades, even though my bro n law was really nervous about it. He's tried before, but Hades just never took to anyone, but him.

Then we met.

Let's just say this magnificent killing machine jumped on me like he was a puppy, and loved all over me like we'd been best friends since forever.

Now, since we keep such weird, and different hours here I sleep with Hades by my side. I've never had a dog this big, or this capable before. Hades comes from a long line of pure bread German Shepherds, and is a trained gaurd dog. If I get up in the middle of the night Hades is close by, watching, and listening for me. 
If anything goes bump in the night, this dog is right on it. If anyone has ever owned a Shepherd they know these are amazingly smart dogs, and he knows his noises well.

Needless to say, I feel pretty safe with this big ol teddy bear at my feet.

It's been an awesome experience getting to know this loyal and loving animal. Not sure what made him accept me the way he did, but I'm stoked at my new little friendship here, none the less. 

It still amazes my brother in law, sister and nieces when they walk into a room and Hades is sleeping across my lap like a giant werewolf baby.

These Leerburg Shepherd's are amazing dogs if you've ever thought of owning one. I highly recommend them.

Thanks, again, Rogue-Nation. For listening to this ol boy ramble.