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Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - Printable Version

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Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - sailorsam - 09-10-2024

we've been watching the skies for years, especially after WWII, and what have we found?  
crazy stories and a few shaky videos and all sorts of sightings of some kind of lights.

no evidence.  no footprints, no landing tracks, no entities, no crashed material (presuming the Roswell thing was just a balloon, and I'm not aware of any REAL evidence otherwise).  
no alien visitations.  no close saucer flybys.

media portrayals have led people into interpreting aerial sightings as saucers etc.

I don't think they're real.  I think the whole thing is a psyop, maybe from our subconsciouses, maybe some government shenanigans.

maybe, dare I say, demonic.  many people of faith accept there there are spirit beings (angels, demons) and many of them hostile.

RE: Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - ancientlight - 09-11-2024

I've read once that our brains create our reality. I think that we , as humans, are capable of much more with our brains and that that's the biggest coverup.  Supposedly , fluoride will calcify the 'third eye' , or our connection to our deepest self and the universe around us.  
If anything aliens are here to try to get humans to connect to this third eye and to the universe as collective consciousness.
I definetly think we're not alone. 

Nasa does lie about , imo, about the moonlandings , and everything probably that they've told is a half-lie at best.
So, it's hard to know where it all connects.
Are we even on a planet? We could be just NPCs in a matrix like simulation and therefore it's harder for some to accept aliens.

I've seen many many ufos over the years. I believe that there's something out there . Possibly aliens, possibly us from the future, interdimensional beings , maybe a hidden advanced civilazation from here on earth, or a combination of all of the above.
Who knows.

RE: Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - FlickerOfLight - 09-11-2024

I believe it's more like, all of the above.

I have personally seen a UFO. An object that came out of the ocean, at night. It looked like three lights at first. The way it moved it looked like one object with three lights that were moving in a weird pattern. And in a blink of an eye the three lights zipped off in different directions, in streams of light, and as fast as lightning they disappeared. This was back in the 90s, off the east coast of FL.

This was no illusion, and there was someone with me who saw the exact same thing.

No clue what it was, but it was definitely a flying object that I couldn't identify. No air craft has ever moved like that. It came out of the ocean ffs.

It is odd we've never seen one of them crash.

I do wonder about Project bluebeam though. 

I think* that "demons" (fallen angels) built these crafts, and yes, they can travel to other planets, and probably even through the dimension, to some degree. I think it's possible some people made a deal with these entities, and in return received antigravity knowledge, and so some of these crafts are ours, some theirs. 

Sounds crazy, but truth is stranger than fiction. 

It's all a possibility. 

Thats the unsettling part, for me.

RE: Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - BIAD - 09-11-2024

I find it amusing that the established UFO narrative tends to adhere to:

Glowing lights following planes in WWII and jokingly named 'Foo Fighters'.

In June 1947, Kenneth Arnold witnesses nine crescent-shaped objects near Mount Rainier that caused
his description to be misreported as 'flying saucers' by Reporters.

By July of the same year, Mac Brazel finds strange debris on a New Mexico sheep ranch and the US Army
initially state that they have captured a flying 'disk' via the same newspapers.

[Image: e319510a-5839-11e7-ba48-b48d4b26961b.jpg?d=780x501]

Then... almost every shape in the sky becomes saucer-shaped and the Horten 229-style craft goes out of fashion.

RE: Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - 727Sky - 09-11-2024

RE: Saucers: No Evidence After All These Years - Bally002 - 09-11-2024

Good one.  Finally a vid showing slides and pics I've never seen before.

