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Words - FlickerOfLight - 09-08-2024

I've had this on my mind for a while now. My thought is this.

The internet was originally thought to of brought us all closer together. To spread information, and connect with one another. Distance was supposed to be a thing of the past, when it comes to relationships. Distance was no longer a factor in spending time with friends and loved ones. The internet was originally thought to of brought the world closer, as we share our lives, experiences, opinions and ideas with one another. 

The actual result is quite the opposite. 

So many opinions floating around that they've lost all value. We see fit to argue over the slightest differences of an opinion. We ridicule and mock anything that is different, as if it's somehow "wrong" just because it's not our own opinions.

We have been flooded with so much misinformation, that we don't know fact from fiction when it's right in front of our faces.

There has been so much misinformation spread that we can longer share anything that is actually Truth, without being bombarded with negative views about the facts we are trying to relate and share.

Every bit of intelligence put out on the internet is abruptly hit with counterintelligence. 

If one were to share too much of the truth that person will get into some sort of "trouble." Sharing an actual truth is something that could get them into deep water, and so it's not even safe, really, to share something with facts and proof these days.

Information is highly regulated, so even coming up with proof js damn near impossible. To even "hypothesize" on the internet these days is counterproductive. If it's not bots, or foreign agents, or local bs, then it's some dumb ass troll ripping up any good* ideas.

Sad part is, the majority of people listen to everything else.

So, much so, that people have no desire to write about anything anymore. Nothing other than politics, anyways.

((Plus the fake lives everyone has on Facebook and Instagram))

If I step back and look at this, I realized something...

The Internet is dead.

Words have lost all meaning.....because of too many words.

We've been there, and done that.

Nothing left to impress us.

The internet was a powerful tool that could have been used for more good. The constant barrage of words and opinions and misinformation has destroyed tge usefulness of the internet; and has such taken away the power of our voice. 

I believe this is by design. It has served to confuse us and control us, while we typed away in our "free speech" we have inadvertently killed our words; our voices. If anything, severely weakened our voices.

Has the internet helped, or hurt us? Social media sure hasn't "helped" anything, other than ego.

That's my two cents of another worthless internet opinion. 

Kudos, internet. You beat us at our own game.  Cool

People don't even believe in truth anymore. They only believe in what suits them. This is a thousand fold worse since social media came on the scene.

How long before our words have lost all their meaning...

Or, have they already?

RE: Words - BIAD - 09-08-2024

In this world of text, an actual meaning from those who type can often get lost.

RE: Words - DuckforcoveR - 09-08-2024

Flat Earthers are flourishing in what's supposed to be the age of science. (Or 3rd age if you believe like me  Cool )

Internet will kill our civilization. It's already started and nearly complete.

RE: Words - sailorsam - 09-09-2024

the same radio that played Orson Wells' 'War of the Worlds' plays Dr. Dre.

the same tv that shows Great Performances shows Robot Chicken (garbage, don't watch it)

the medium is as good or bad as the content.

I'm on a site called Audiokarma and there is virtually no fighting, arguing, disputing, etc.  (kind of surprising considering its a music site; people's tastes in music varies wildly).

I'm disappointed in how low the bar is for most sites, but there's still good stuff out there.

one thing that disappoints me is media content and feedback.  there are so many trolls and sickos that most news organizations won't allow public comments on their content.  (this also means they can run biased nonsense and no one can call them on it)

I hope I'm responding to your theme, maybe I'm missing something.

I fear that the trend will be to more and more 'moderation', which often means the controllers will remove content, not from being inappropriate, but just agreement.  some people politicize everything.
If I start a thread about the 2020 election being stolen, some forums would delete, citing 'fake news'.  (for example)

I much prefer pages like this one with limited participation; less content, but fewer problems.

RE: Words - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-09-2024

[quote="FlickerOfLight" pid="19983" dateline="1725820324"]

Socialization requires more than words. There is something missing when you can't see, touch, and connect spiritually with the essence and frequency of the person you are communicating with.

Sometimes words are not even needed. A single and often brief look into the eyes of another's, can say more than a thousand words.

RE: Words - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-09-2024

Truth in X-Files: The seeds have been sewn...Dr. They explains how what people perceive as the truth is twisted and turned until no one knows or cares about it anymore. All we can do is laugh, shake it off, and go back to our gardening.

"Social media is biased, not to the Left or the Right, but downward. The relative ease of using negative emotions for the purposes of addiction and manipulation makes it relatively easier to achieve undignified results. An unfortunate combination of biology and math favors degradation of the human world."

"Mobs and dictators were made for each other, and when mobs appear, dictators will soon flourish."

― Jaron Zepel Lanier (in 2010, on the rise of social media)

RE: Words - sailorsam - 09-09-2024

will AI get to the point we can converse with it and feel like friends?

agree, no substitute for personal presence.

RE: Words - Ninurta - 09-10-2024

(09-09-2024, 01:00 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Socialization requires more than words. There is something missing when you can't see, touch, and connect spiritually with the essence and frequency of the person you are communicating with.

Sometimes words are not even needed. A single and often brief look into the eyes of another's, can say more than a thousand words.

Inflection, body language, and facial expressions are missing from online discussions. Those are every bit as important as the words in order to convey actual "communication".

It takes more for communication to take place than mere words.


RE: Words - FlickerOfLight - 09-10-2024

Has anyone tried communicating any wisdom or insight to a 20 something year old these days?

That's where you'll see my point.

Unless they see it's not "real."

That's when the greatest of wisdoms become merely words.

There's no amount of body language or power of insight or years of experience that will make any difference. 

It just becomes words.

This has been my experiences lately, when trying to share some of my knowledge with our young adults. 

A lot of my elders are this way too, though... as it is why my generation. 

We've stopped listening to each other, and we've been groomed to do so. 

It's getting worse as time goes on.

Too may opinions devalue them. Too many words do the same.

RE: Words - FlickerOfLight - 09-10-2024

Ps. This thought isn't bound to the internet alone. I simply see that as our "root cause." 
I'm talking about how the internet/social media society acts in person, in real life.

People are walking around with their "social media attitude." We know this, because anytime there's an argument in public people's phones come out and they all start recording......for content. 

This behavior and attitude is killing any meaningful words we may speak to one another.

Don't get me wrong... I still have great conversations with people, on occasion. I just noticed that anytime we're dealing with opposing opinions we have to break through the rhetoric that's ahead of us, brought to us by....the Internet.

The only social media activity I have is 100 percent here on rogue-nation.

You all are fun to discuss with. When we do discuss. You all have given great insights and angles to everything I've presented. And I appreciate that. This thought has nothing to do with my experiences here.
You all have even helped me work through my own personal issues.

And, for that, I am grateful...

For instance.
I have a 25 year old niece. Amazing artist and spirit, and wiser than us all (somehow).
We were watching a movie together recently and she kept saying the word "misogynist misogynistic misogyny."

Just about anytime a man spoke.

She makes the comment, "All men are misogynist."

I say, wait a minute... You're dad has been nothing but respectful caring and kind to all the women of his life. . Same with her 3 uncles (includingmyself). Same with both her granddads, and all her male cousins. 15 males in all here. All a constant in her life.

All these men in her life have been absolutely respectful of women.

I pointed this out to her, and said that her experiences with ALL these men have been nothing but respect and equal* love and have made her feel absolutely loved respected.

She thought about this for a while.

I haven't heard that word since.

But, in our conversation she let me know that she sees this everywhere (internet). "That all men are misogynist."

I had to break down the lie presented to her. I brought her back to her "real life experiences." I made her realize that every man in her life treats women with equal respect (and even more).

We came to a conclusion. That the internet had "influenced" her into this thinking. When we thought about her real world experiences she couldn't see any misogyny at all.

This is a highly intelligent, incredibly gifted empath. Extremely insightful and wise.

Yet, the internet fooled her.

Same as me.
Same as you.


With Words.

RE: Words - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-10-2024

(09-10-2024, 02:59 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: Ps. This thought isn't bound to the internet alone. I
We came to a conclusion. That the internet had "influenced" her into this thinking. When we thought about her real world experiences she couldn't see any misogyny at all.

This is a highly intelligent, incredibly gifted empath. Extremely insightful and wise.

Yet, the internet fooled her.

Same as me.
Same as you.


With Words.

We see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe. To  broaden our world view, we have to look beyond the pre formulated, outside generated pixels.

I love my church fellowship group. Our group has people from all around the world. We have young and we have old. We have church members and we have those that do not attend our church, and some that attend different churches.

We don't agree on everything, but we all agree to listen to each other and to respect each other. Not one person fits a common internet stereotypical description.

Everyone of the people of color are hard working Americans, even the immigrants.

The internet has been weaponized, and it has made buzz words portable and in some cases deadly.

I have found that when talking to many young people, you have to dial into their frequency, they will not be able to dial easily into yours.

Have them sit, they will probably sit across the room, many are not fond of close contact, but that may change overtime. The best lure is to ask them what they think or feel about something.

As they are trying to find their words, block out the distractions, and redirect their vision frequently, to stop them from locking into visual distraction. Don't say, "look at me". You can point to something and say, "look here". Just make small talk and keep them present.

If you give them time to feel you are tuned into them, and you have given them the time to find their words, you will have trouble turning them off.

I am very well known for being "The Hugger". All the children, young people, and young adults, I greet with a hug. If they seem hesitant I give them their space, but it always ends with a hug.

They may not want to hear what you have to say, but the most important thing for me is that we listen to each other, respect each other, trust each other, and value each other.