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A Trump ad and comment - 727Sky - 08-18-2024

I would be more than happy to vote for someone better than Trump for president but.....the choices we have are a stupid socialist communist regime sponsored by the WEF or Trump who seems to know how to make companies profitable and he certainly made America better during his time in office than this current crop in Washington has for the last 4 years.

They will either try and put Trump in jail "Lawfare" or something else will try and kill him to remove the threat he and MAGA pose to their agenda 2030 dreams for America and mankind. Communist make everyone equally miserable you gotta give them that !

Disheartening to those who care about the nation which is committing societal suicide with the open border policies and the 12 to 20 millions who have crossed illegally..

Funny how the same people who mandated you get a COVID shot or lose your job had no problem letting millions of unvaccinated cross what was once considered a national border; some cases welcome them with debit cards and hotel rooms.

Edit to add while thinking about Trump.. I think I hope he wins because he pisses off most of the people I can not stand to watch or listen to..

RE: A Trump ad and comment - EndtheMadnessNow - 08-18-2024

I'm with you on all that.

Remember this vid from October 2016:

Oddly, it was created by someone over in Sweden and even during the great purge it was not taken down. It was under a different channel back then (current channel is by the same guy) but for some reason it never got deleted by the Youtube gestapo.

RE: A Trump ad and comment - Ninurta - 08-18-2024

(08-18-2024, 01:23 AM)727Sky Wrote: Disheartening to those who care about the nation which is committing societal suicide with the open border policies and the 12 to 20 millions who have crossed illegally..

I've been thinking. I know, I know - I can smell that clutch burning, too!

This "plan" of the Left might not actually go according to plan. They're flooding foreigners in with their support of the Socialists in mind, but a sizeable number of the Illegals are coming from Socialist countries like Venezuela and Cuba... FLEEING socialism, actually. They've seen first-hand how that goes and what happens, and I doubt they'll support turning the US into more of the same, just another country they would eventually have to flee from, too. Seems to me like they might be pretty solid Trump supporters - or anyone else with and anti-socialist agenda.

So, while the socialists are counting on their support - apparently out of gratitude for allowing them to break the border - it might not go according to their plan....

They might need to up the number of pre-voted ballots being printed in China to overcome their own stupidity....


RE: A Trump ad and comment - NightskyeB4Dawn - 08-19-2024

Quote:Edit to add while thinking about Trump.. I think I hope he wins because he pisses off most of the people I can not stand to watch or listen to..

I can understand the sentiment, because I can't listen to more than 1 minute of Trump rambling. It puzzles me how anyone that listens to him more than 2 or 3 minutes, does not realize the man has some serious mental issues, along with some serious character defects. Aging alone is not an excuse for his mental deterioration. The last place Trump should be is any governmental office, let alone the Presidency.

I understand there are folk that are willing to overlook his deceit, corruption, pettiness, and narcissism, for whatever reason. They are even willing to ignore his disrespect and distain for our military and veterans.

Still it is going to be a close race. I have no love for Trump, and I hope he does not win. I also fear his losing because he does not give a damn about us, or our country. His egotistical mental deterioration, will make him go scorched Earth if he loses, and he has enough people under his spell, that they would follow him straight into hell.

All because he can't stand losing. It is all about Trump. You are either for him or "You Are Fried!"
And they want this man with his finger on the button.

Danger! Danger! Will Robinson!