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Idiot: New Logitech CEO says people will enjoy paying monthly fee to use a mouse - Printable Version

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Idiot: New Logitech CEO says people will enjoy paying monthly fee to use a mouse - Infolurker - 08-07-2024

And I thought Disney was bad with their delusional executives. 

Tech CEO says people will enjoy paying a monthly fee to use a mouse. ‘You’re going to really love that.’

Tech CEO on people keeping a mouse forever: ‘Imagine it’s like your Rolex; you’re going to really love that’

Quote:Logitech’s new CEO has grand ideas for the computer hardware company, and one of them is a “forever mouse” that you’d never have to replace but that you may have to pay for every month.

The CEO, Hanneke Faber, told the Verge’s Decoder podcast that the immortal mouse is still just a concept, but that one day Logitech could create a mouse that, like a nice watch, is useful in perpetuity—with the help of software updates. 

“I’m not planning to throw that watch away ever,” Faber said. “So why would I be throwing my mouse or my keyboard away if it’s a fantastic quality, well designed, software enabled mouse.”

Faber noted that Logitech was not “necessarily super far away” from making the forever mouse a reality, but added that the high price of its extreme durability may require the company to add a subscription model to help make it profitable.

The average price of a mouse or a keyboard is about $26, Faber said, and Logitech has the opportunity to create a higher priced, premium product that delivers more quality. While Faber acknowledged that consumers may be shocked by the concept of a subscription mouse, she said the quality is worth it.

“Imagine it’s like your Rolex. You’re going to really love that,” she told the Verge.
Logitech did not immediately respond to Fortune’s request for comment.

The hardware company is no stranger to bold mouse ideas. In April it announced a mouse with a built-in AI button that could be used to launch an AI prompt builder to help summarize text or write emails.

Faber’s mouse-as-a-service concept is the latest example of the increasing prevalence of subscription-based business models in unusual categories. While customers may be used to paying a subscription for movie or music streaming, now hardware companies are trying to get in on the trend. 

Some customers have already decried Logitech’s idea of adding yet another subscription for an everyday object. One user on Twitter said there is no need for a “forever mouse,” because their mouse from 30 years ago has held up just fine. 

RE: Idiot: New Logitech CEO says people will enjoy paying monthly fee to use a mouse - EndtheMadnessNow - 08-07-2024

LOL, that's one of the dumbest ideas I've heard coming out of the tech world. I'm sure plenty of idiots out there that will happily pay.

[Image: dHALq8A.gif]

RE: Idiot: New Logitech CEO says people will enjoy paying monthly fee to use a mouse - MrJesterium - 08-07-2024

A personal complaint: From my experience, LogiTech mouses are not very durable and end up with double click issues within a few months. I suspect they're deliberately designed that way. Even a HP mouse lasts longer.

Also: wired Xbox 360 controllers. From my experience, their thumb sticks suffered from issues, also connectivity issues. Very questionable design to attach a cylinder to it. Also I never had any of these issues with Gamecube/Wii controllers, never had to buy new replacements. And don't get me started on modems supplied by Comcast.

I would love to live in a society without technology...

I would recommend watching the documentary "The Light Bulb Conspiracy", about how products are manufactured with cheap designs, scientists are even paid by companies to sabotage their own products.

RE: Idiot: New Logitech CEO says people will enjoy paying monthly fee to use a mouse - Ninurta - 08-09-2024

It's really no dumber than the Adobe subscription model that all of their software has already gone to, or the Microsoft planning for "Windows as a service" that is in the works, or the various "cloud" services that store your data somewhere else, on someone else's computer, all for a monthly fee to access that foreign computer.. All of those ideas are equally stupid.

I won't be partaking of any "pay every damned month to continue playing and having access to your own shit" schemes. As far as I can tell, it's all a part of the WEF's "you'll own nothing and be happy" conspiracy. If I can't lay hands on and use my own stuff at will, then it really isn't "my own" stuff - it belongs to someone else, and I have no desire to ransack THEIR stuff or reassign ownership to them of MY stuff.

I'll just go fishing instead.

With my own fishing tackle.

Even if I have to make it myself.

At least it will be mine.


Always remember this: there is no "cloud" - it's just someone else's computer, one that they've wrangled you into putting YOUR data on, thereby giving them defacto ownership of what YOU created.

That, too, is a dumb idea. If they want MY data, then they need to pay ME for it, not vice-versa.
