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Remote controlled mind control achieved - Printable Version

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Remote controlled mind control achieved - FlickerOfLight - 07-30-2024

Well, ladies and gentlemen, they have done it. They have achieved remote controlled "mind control."
I'm pressed for time so I've just posted the article itself, so you can see for yourself. 

This is very disturbing. 

Scientists 'Mind Controlled' Mice Remotely in Extraordinary World First

Maternal behaviors in female mice were remotely switched on in brain control experiment. | (slowmotiongli/Getty Images)
At the mere flick of a magnetic field, mice engineered with nanoparticle-activated 'switches' inside their brains were driven to feed, socialize, and act like clucky new mothers in an experiment designed to test an innovative research tool.

While 'mind control' animal experiments are far from new, they have generally relied on cumbersome electrodes tethering the subject to an external system, which not only requires invasive surgery but also sets limits on how freely the test subject can move about.

In what is claimed to be a breakthrough in neurology, researchers from the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Korea have developed a method for targeting pathways in the brain using a combination of genetics, nanoparticles, and magnetic fields.

They call the technology Nano-MIND, an acronym for Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics. And while mind-control is a coarse but relatively accurate way of describing it, the system in its current form is intended to provide researchers with a means of remotely activating neural circuits for a range of research applications.

"This is the world's first technology to freely control specific brain regions using magnetic fields," says Jinwoo Cheon, senior author and director of the IBS Center for Nanomedicine.

"We expect it to be widely used in research to understand brain functions, sophisticated artificial neural networks, two-way BCI [brain-computer interface] technologies, and new treatments for neurological disorders."

Magnetic stimulation is an emerging field of research in neurology, where washing the brain with pulses of electromagnetism broadly massages whole regions into subtly changing their behavior.

To target specific circuits, the researchers took a leaf out of another field of research called optogenetics, which genetically engineers mechanisms into cells that can be readily activated by a light source.

A blue cell membrane with an open channel through the middle
Illustration of an ion channel (center) in a cell membrane. Ion channels facilitate electrical signaling in the brain by allowing specific ions (like sodium, potassium, and calcium) to pass through the membrane. (Sciencephoto/Canva Pro)
In this case, the team integrated ion channels into targeted populations of brain cells in mice.

Instead of delivering light through a localized fiber, as in optogenetics, the ion channels could be switched on magnetically with a twist of a tiny actuator. All that's required is a surrounding field that's strong enough to pull at the nanoparticle.

mouse mind control experiment
Diverse neural pathways can be targeted with magnetic fields using Nano-MIND technology. (Institute of Basic Science)
To put the setup through its paces, the researchers designed three different tests. The first concerned receptors involved in complex feeding and reward behaviors within the lateral hypothalamus, a region located deep inside the very core of the brain.

Monitoring the animals' movements and food intake within and outside of a magnetic field revealed significant differences that showed it was possible to literally switch the mouse's desire to eat on and off at will.

Under the influence of the magnetic field, a group of mice with switches on their excitatory neurons ate only half as much food. A second group with engineered inhibitory neurons ate twice as much while the magnetic field was active.

A graphic showing how magnetic stimulation influenced feeding behavior
Magnetic stimulation applied through nano-magnetoreceptors allows regulation of brain circuits responsible for motivation and appetite. (Institute of Basic Science)
The lateral hypothalamus also contains pathways responsible for sociability. Placing a suitably engineered mouse into a chamber containing a mouse they'd never met before while the magnetic fields were active showed 'friendly' forms of behavior could be encouraged in the mice.

Another test targeted key receptors in what's known as the medial preoptic area, which is implicated in parental care.

Female mice with Nano-MIND stimulating the medial preoptic area placed into a chamber enriched with 'naturalistic' features responded very differently to the cries of baby mice, approaching them more quickly and crouching over the distressed pups for longer periods while under a magnetic trance.

Having such pinpoint control over specific circuits would be a boon for researchers seeking to map neurological pathways or test novel 

In time, similar nanotechnology may even treat poor mental health in humans or play a significant role in therapies for debilitating neurological conditions, thereby returning complete control of a person's mind back to the individual.

This research was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

I'm betting this new tech will be great for controlling all us serfs. 
The more these things advance the less excited about the future I get.

RE: Remote controlled mind control achieved - ancientlight - 07-31-2024

(07-30-2024, 03:15 PM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: Well, ladies and gentlemen, they have done it. They have achieved remote controlled "mind control."
I'm pressed for time so I've just posted the article itself, so you can see for yourself. 

This is very disturbing. 

Scientists 'Mind Controlled' Mice Remotely in Extraordinary World First

Maternal behaviors in female mice were remotely switched on in brain control experiment. | (slowmotiongli/Getty Images)
At the mere flick of a magnetic field, mice engineered with nanoparticle-activated 'switches' inside their brains were driven to feed, socialize, and act like clucky new mothers in an experiment designed to test an innovative research tool.

While 'mind control' animal experiments are far from new, they have generally relied on cumbersome electrodes tethering the subject to an external system, which not only requires invasive surgery but also sets limits on how freely the test subject can move about.

In what is claimed to be a breakthrough in neurology, researchers from the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Korea have developed a method for targeting pathways in the brain using a combination of genetics, nanoparticles, and magnetic fields.

They call the technology Nano-MIND, an acronym for Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics. And while mind-control is a coarse but relatively accurate way of describing it, the system in its current form is intended to provide researchers with a means of remotely activating neural circuits for a range of research applications.

"This is the world's first technology to freely control specific brain regions using magnetic fields," says Jinwoo Cheon, senior author and director of the IBS Center for Nanomedicine.

"We expect it to be widely used in research to understand brain functions, sophisticated artificial neural networks, two-way BCI [brain-computer interface] technologies, and new treatments for neurological disorders."

Magnetic stimulation is an emerging field of research in neurology, where washing the brain with pulses of electromagnetism broadly massages whole regions into subtly changing their behavior.

To target specific circuits, the researchers took a leaf out of another field of research called optogenetics, which genetically engineers mechanisms into cells that can be readily activated by a light source.

A blue cell membrane with an open channel through the middle
Illustration of an ion channel (center) in a cell membrane. Ion channels facilitate electrical signaling in the brain by allowing specific ions (like sodium, potassium, and calcium) to pass through the membrane. (Sciencephoto/Canva Pro)
In this case, the team integrated ion channels into targeted populations of brain cells in mice.

Instead of delivering light through a localized fiber, as in optogenetics, the ion channels could be switched on magnetically with a twist of a tiny actuator. All that's required is a surrounding field that's strong enough to pull at the nanoparticle.

mouse mind control experiment
Diverse neural pathways can be targeted with magnetic fields using Nano-MIND technology. (Institute of Basic Science)
To put the setup through its paces, the researchers designed three different tests. The first concerned receptors involved in complex feeding and reward behaviors within the lateral hypothalamus, a region located deep inside the very core of the brain.

Monitoring the animals' movements and food intake within and outside of a magnetic field revealed significant differences that showed it was possible to literally switch the mouse's desire to eat on and off at will.

Under the influence of the magnetic field, a group of mice with switches on their excitatory neurons ate only half as much food. A second group with engineered inhibitory neurons ate twice as much while the magnetic field was active.

A graphic showing how magnetic stimulation influenced feeding behavior
Magnetic stimulation applied through nano-magnetoreceptors allows regulation of brain circuits responsible for motivation and appetite. (Institute of Basic Science)
The lateral hypothalamus also contains pathways responsible for sociability. Placing a suitably engineered mouse into a chamber containing a mouse they'd never met before while the magnetic fields were active showed 'friendly' forms of behavior could be encouraged in the mice.

Another test targeted key receptors in what's known as the medial preoptic area, which is implicated in parental care.

Female mice with Nano-MIND stimulating the medial preoptic area placed into a chamber enriched with 'naturalistic' features responded very differently to the cries of baby mice, approaching them more quickly and crouching over the distressed pups for longer periods while under a magnetic trance.

Having such pinpoint control over specific circuits would be a boon for researchers seeking to map neurological pathways or test novel 

In time, similar nanotechnology may even treat poor mental health in humans or play a significant role in therapies for debilitating neurological conditions, thereby returning complete control of a person's mind back to the individual.

This research was published in Nature Nanotechnology.

I'm betting this new tech will be great for controlling all us serfs. 
The more these things advance the less excited about the future I get.

Not long now till scientist want to test this on soldiers and kids in schools.

RE: Remote controlled mind control achieved - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-31-2024

Humans are next. Probably already happened years ago and takes a decade or so to work out all the bugs. Companies like Elon's Neurolink have already been experimenting on soldiers & disabled vets years ago, funded in part by DARPA. Remember all those media articles about soldiers experiencing traumatic brain injury? Those were cover stories like with Havana syndrome. The mad scientists started R&D on this mind control tech back in late 60s. Remember all the controversy with the Covid vax containing nano particles. Lord knows what we don't yet know. I need stronger tin foil hat and enclose my house in a Faraday cage.

[Image: 6Wj09o9.jpg]

RE: Remote controlled mind control achieved - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-31-2024

Too late guys. This is already in beta testing in humans. It is called tweeting.

Temporary Wavelength Electronic Erasure of Interfacing Neuro Graphics.

It is well on its way to total implementation, and it seems to work better than they ever thought it would. Laughing

RE: Remote controlled mind control achieved - FlickerOfLight - 07-31-2024

(07-31-2024, 05:33 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: Humans are next. Probably already happened years ago and takes a decade or so to work out all the bugs. Companies like Elon's Neurolink have already been experimenting on soldiers & disabled vets years ago, funded in part by DARPA. Remember all those media articles about soldiers experiencing traumatic brain injury? Those were cover stories like with Havana syndrome. The mad scientists started R&D on this mind control tech back in late 60s. Remember all the controversy with the Covid vax containing nano particles. Lord knows what we don't yet know. I need stronger tin foil hat and enclose my house in a Faraday cage.

[Image: 6Wj09o9.jpg]
The advancement in those 60+ years is concerning to me. All that research to control the mind.

I see this as just continuing the work the nazis were doing with this garbage. 

The fact that we are being shown that it is now done by remote control is a big step. If we see this, then it is something like 40 years more advanced than what we are being shown.

That thought is endless. Them showing it to us means this will be implemented in the near future.

I noticed how chemicals were involved. The mice had to have a chemical regiment to be able to receive these magnetic commands. That is also concerning when we consider how easily chemicals can be added to our food, or "vaccines."

(I try not to say too much, but still try and make the point)

I'm also betting this tech can implant thoughts, memories, visuals etc. 

Anytime I look at these scientific monstrosities I always look at how this could be weapoized, because this is the axact tech our enemies will use against us.

It's crazy to think we have to protect our minds.

But, here we are, eh?

This is not what I envisioned any of this would be. This stuff is not cool at all to me.

What we see here is just the soft introduction to something that's about to be "normalized."

We'll be walking around with literal brain washed people. 

Like NSB4D said,
We're already there.

It's going to get worse as time slips by us all.

With this tech we won't even have the option to get rid of our phones and unplug to save our minds. Now, just some chemicals and some magnetic fields, and poof......brainwashed.

(07-31-2024, 06:49 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Too late guys. This is already in beta testing in humans. It is called tweeting.

Temporary Wavelength Electronic Erasure of Interfacing Neuro Graphics.

It is well on its way to total implementation, and it seems to work better than they ever thought it would.  Laughing

No doubt. Smile