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Withdrawal Letter "Submitted" May Not Be Slo Joes Signature - Printable Version

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Withdrawal Letter "Submitted" May Not Be Slo Joes Signature - SomeJackleg - 07-22-2024

was reading a thread on the other site, there seems to be a question / questions if slo joe actually wrote and signed the the letter.
and seeing how he hasn't been seen in public since going to his home in Delaware to recover from covid. 
some questions are,
who signed it if wasn't him?, 
has a coup just occurred?
if a coup did occur, who was leading it?
does the DNC know more than their letting on?
will hunter still get his pardon?
is slo joe dead?
if he is dead, was it from complications due to being old and covid or stress over being found out that the SS was told to stand down on his orders, during a planned assassination attempt on trump?

i'm sure many more will come up. i got to tell ya not since WaterGate  there hasn't been anything as crazy as the past 8 years in this country, or this past election cycle.

Quote:On Monday, Joe Biden officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris.

Biden’s sudden decision to drop out of the race did not come through a press conference or an official White House press release but rather from a post on X from Biden’s X account that contained a letter without an official presidential seal.

Biden’s campaign staffers were completely blindsided by Joe Biden’s announcement to drop out of the 2024 race.
‘None of us understand what’s happening,” a staffer told Politico. “We’re all finding out by tweet.”

Shortly after Biden’s announcement letter was released, several journalists noticed Biden’s signature in his announcement letter did not match Biden’s official signature.

Who Wrote It? — Internet Buzzes as Biden’s Signature on Dropout Letter Doesn’t Match Signatures on Executive Orders