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That’s All Folks (Redux) - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-03-2024

I don't always agree with all CJ's opinions, but I like his writing style.

[Image: ehgDiAh.jpg]
Quote:Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever.

I didn’t watch the presidential debate — it took place at 2AM here in Germany — but I watched as much as I could stand the following morning, and I read a few headlines in the corporate press, and … well, it appears that’s it for Biden.

Normally, at this point, I would pen a column full of colorful adjectives and gratuitous adverbials skewering the entire spectacle, but (a) lots of others are doing that — albeit sans the gratuitous adverbials — and (b) I’m still on medical leave, and under doctor’s orders not to do that, i.e., sit at my desk for numerous hours, chain smoking, drinking pots of espresso, and launching my blood pressure into the stratosphere.
So I’m going to post another column from the archives.

Hold on, don’t click away just yet. I do want to say a few things about the debate, and Biden, and Trump, and “democracy.” But first, I want you to look at this photo, which was taken in November of 2019…

[Image: Dvb0rfY.jpg]

Yes, that is an authentic photograph taken in November of 2019. You can fact-check its authenticity on Snopes or wherever. So, I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t get all worked up about Biden’s debate debacle as if something unwonted and astonishing had occurred.

And, as for Trump, no surprise there, he’s still the same narcissistic ass clown as ever.

What is, however, astonishing, or frustrating, or infuriating — and OK, there goes my blood pressure — is how many people still believe they are living in sovereign nation-states … you know, like “The United States of America,” run by individuals like Biden, or Trump, or whoever the global-capitalist ruling classes install in November.

People are asking, “WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?” The answer is, the same body of mandarins who have been “running the country” all along … yes, also during the Reign of Trump. Yes, also during the Reign of Obama. Because there is no actual country to “run.”

As Mr. Jensen put it to Howard Beale in Paddy Chayefsky’s classic film

Quote:“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! […] Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, and Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.”

I realize it’s hard for a lot of people to accept, but there is no “America.” The United States of America is a province, a territorial subdivision, of the supranational global-capitalist empire. And so is every other “Western” country. This is why nothing ever actually changes, regardless of which “leaders” are “in charge.”

In other words, you are watching a show. A simulation. A simulation of democracy. However, just because it’s a show, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t mean anything. The simulation of democracy is essential to the empire. It is what keeps us at each other’s throats, rather than at the empire’s throat. And it’s the theater that sets the tone of whatever “reality” prevails at the moment … the War on Terror, the War on Terror (Light), the War on Populism, the Pandemic, or whatever.

I’m not entirely sure what new “reality” we are transitioning into, but, whoever the global-capitalist mandarins end up installing in office in November, I have a funny feeling that the coming five months are going to be a soul-crushing, neo-Orwellian spectacle of epic proportions. They can’t allow Trump to take office again; they shot their wad with the Russian-Hitler stuff. It would be déjà vu all over again. I won’t be surprised if they draft Hillary Clinton, you know, just to rub it in everyone’s faces, or cancel the constitution on account of the bird flu, or the “global boiling,” or an “anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist insurrection,” and appoint Obama dictator perpetuo.

Or — and this is the most horrifyingly psychotic neo-Orwellian scenario — they will just stick with Biden, because what could be more soul-crushing than another Biden “victory”? That appears to be where they’re headed at the moment…

[Image: sPAtpAR.jpg]

Anyway, here’s that piece from the archives. I wrote this in January 2021, i.e., shortly after Biden’s inauguration, which, as you may or may not remember, was staged in a locked-down, military-occupied DC, during a fabricated “state of health emergency,” in the aftermath of a fabricated “insurrection.”

This was the moment when the New Normal Reich was officially ushered into being, with a “field of flags,” a full-blown Nazi light-show, and the whole nine yards. Not to put too fine a point on it, they rolled out the soldiers and the urban-assault vehicles and installed a muttering, finger-sucking, global-capitalist puppet in office. They did not hide this. They publicized it. They wanted us to know that “democracy” was over, that the “populist” rebellion was over, and that they were installing a human stalk of celery in the White House, and there was nothing that we could do about it.

The message could not possibly have been clearer.

* * *

[Image: ZvbuMdE.jpg]

[Image: HmeKoHe.jpg]

Remaining article is his piece from 2021.

RE: That’s All Folks (Redux) - Ninurta - 07-03-2024

I can't say that I disagree with him all that much - isn't that what "globalism" is really all about? The installation of a global super-national corporate government, with each former nation becoming a mere province, department, or sub-unit of Earth, Inc.?

They quietly ushered it in from the left while everyone's attention was distracted to the right, looking for a big scary NWO - in other words, they sneaked in the NWO right under our noses, while everyone was looking for the NWO, but didn't know what they were looking for, didn't know how to see what they were actually looking at.


RE: That’s All Folks (Redux) - FlickerOfLight - 07-03-2024

My two little cents worth.

That was the most truth I have read in quite some time.

I've been saying all of this since I was about 17.

It's crystal clear to me.

But man, how that "vote" really gets people seeing tunnel vision. 

And I have looked at all of this from a completely different angle. A more prophetic Biblical angle. Came up with the same conclusions. Even from, what I consider to be a logical common sense view. You can tell it's a "show." It's always been a show. By design. From the start. From the time those white European dudes hit these shores they already had it all planned out. To fool an entire nation. They've succeeded. We're all ensnared in the trap.

The trap is about to spring. 

If I could explain from a vision standpoint. I've seen many visions of our future. We lose everything in one felt swoop. All of us. And then, yes, under complete control. Zero choices. Zero "freedoms." If you own a home, it will no longer belong to you. Nothing will. 

I've been seeing this my whole life. In many different ways. It's as if I'm watching these visions I have been telling people about, and them lauging it off every time, come to fruition. 

I don't know who the author of these thoughts are. But to me, this is dead on.

RE: That’s All Folks (Redux) - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 07:59 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: My two little cents worth.

That was the most truth I have read in quite some time.

I've been saying all of this since I was about 17.

It's crystal clear to me.

But man, how that "vote" really gets people seeing tunnel vision. 

And I have looked at all of this from a completely different angle. A more prophetic Biblical angle. Came up with the same conclusions. Even from, what I consider to be a logical common sense view. You can tell it's a "show." It's always been a show. By design. From the start. From the time those white European dudes hit these shores they already had it all planned out. To fool an entire nation. They've succeeded. We're all ensnared in the trap.

The trap is about to spring. 

If I could explain from a vision standpoint. I've seen many visions of our future. We lose everything in one felt swoop. All of us. And then, yes, under complete control. Zero choices. Zero "freedoms." If you own a home, it will no longer belong to you. Nothing will. 

I've been seeing this my whole life. In many different ways. It's as if I'm watching these visions I have been telling people about, and them lauging it off every time, come to fruition. 

I don't know who the author of these thoughts are. But to me, this is dead on.

I don't think I will see it.

I am among the first wave of Baby Boomers, that have over stayed our welcome. They will either come up with a more sophisticated way of killing us off, or have us begging to go to euthanasia centers to avoid the pain and misery they are inflicting on us.

If you are over 60, don't waste your time going to a doctor or to a hospital. You are persona non grata.

They already have the youth they want exactly were they want them, and we can thank ourselves for all of this.

There were many that saw the handwriting on the wall. There were many that tried to warn others, but we were not solid or committed. We either sat on the fence or went along to get along.

We didn't dedicate ourselves to a choice, so one will be made for us.

Many people think they have awakened, but they are still dreaming. They can't see the ugly reality behind the facade of their fantasy world. All I can offer is Dream On.

RE: That’s All Folks (Redux) - FlickerOfLight - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 06:55 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(07-03-2024, 07:59 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: My two little cents worth.

That was the most truth I have read in quite some time.

I've been saying all of this since I was about 17.

It's crystal clear to me.

But man, how that "vote" really gets people seeing tunnel vision. 

And I have looked at all of this from a completely different angle. A more prophetic Biblical angle. Came up with the same conclusions. Even from, what I consider to be a logical common sense view. You can tell it's a "show." It's always been a show. By design. From the start. From the time those white European dudes hit these shores they already had it all planned out. To fool an entire nation. They've succeeded. We're all ensnared in the trap.

The trap is about to spring. 

If I could explain from a vision standpoint. I've seen many visions of our future. We lose everything in one felt swoop. All of us. And then, yes, under complete control. Zero choices. Zero "freedoms." If you own a home, it will no longer belong to you. Nothing will. 

I've been seeing this my whole life. In many different ways. It's as if I'm watching these visions I have been telling people about, and them lauging it off every time, come to fruition. 

I don't know who the author of these thoughts are. But to me, this is dead on.

I don't think I will see it.

I am among the first wave of Baby Boomers, that have over stayed our welcome. They will either come up with a more sophisticated way of killing us off, or have us begging to go to euthanasia centers to avoid the pain and misery they are inflicting on us.

If you are over 60, don't waste your time going to a doctor or to a hospital. You are persona non grata.

They already have the youth they want exactly were they want them, and we can thank ourselves for all of this.

There were many that saw the handwriting on the wall. There were many that tried to warn others, but we were not solid or committed. We either sat on the fence or went along to get along.

We didn't dedicate ourselves to a choice, so one will be made for us.

Many people think they have awakened, but they are still dreaming. They can't see the ugly reality behind the facade of their fantasy world. All I can offer is Dream On.

Amen to all of that.

RE: That’s All Folks (Redux) - Ninurta - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 07:59 AM)FlickerOfLight Wrote: ...

If I could explain from a vision standpoint. I've seen many visions of our future. We lose everything in one felt swoop. All of us. And then, yes, under complete control. Zero choices. Zero "freedoms." If you own a home, it will no longer belong to you. Nothing will. 


I would say you already don't "own" your own home, and never have. If you have to pay tribute to someone else (taxes to a government, for example) in order to keep what you already allegedly "own", do you really own it at all, or are you just renting it from the actual owners, the government? If you don't pay your taxes, you'll get "evicted" - how could they possibly evict you from a patch you are alleged to own?

So, I'd say you already don't own what you think you do.

In the early days of America, what we call real estate taxes now were called "quitrents" instead, and were paid not to governments originally, but to the wealthy landowners that the lands were actually licensed to by the Crown. Lord Fairfax in Virginia comes to mind. The "taxes" were actually "rents" for the landowner to "quit" his claim to the land so long as you kept paying the tributes for it to him, hence the term "quitrents".

But, after we "won our freedom", that was all changed. "Quitrents" wre called "taxes" instead, and were paid to the new owners - the government - rather than the old landowners who were kicked out of town. I would say the name change for the same tributes was really just a mask to allow you to think you "owned" something which you actually don't - you're still just paying quitrents to the government for them to allow you to stay on the patch that is allegedly "yours".

Stop paying your real estate taxes, and see how long you still "own" what you think you do.
