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DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Printable Version

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DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Infolurker - 07-03-2024

Some of these crazy leftist just want to openly murder us all now. 

Actress Lea DeLaria Calls on Biden to Assassinate Trump: “This Is a War”

Quote:"Trump is Hitler, and this is 1940. Take him the f*** out."

Orange Is the New Black actress Lea DeLaria uploaded an intense Instagram speech calling on President Joe Biden to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s newly defined executive immunity rules and assassinate Donald Trump

“You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our fucking country. And these assholes are going to take it away. They’re going to take it away. Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts.”

“It’s all out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power… like all tyrants. FUCK THEM!!! And if any of you assholes wanna death threat me like you have been doing for my entire life, bring it on bitch. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game.”

This isn’t the first time DeLaria has posted something provocative on Instagram regarding Trump that raised eyebrows. After the 2016 election, DeLaria posted
 that she wanted to “pick up a baseball bat and take out every fucking Republican and Independent I see.”

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Bally002 - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 02:43 AM)Infolurker Wrote: Some of these crazy leftist just want to openly murder us all now. 

Actress Lea DeLaria Calls on Biden to Assassinate Trump: “This Is a War”

Quote:"Trump is Hitler, and this is 1940. Take him the f*** out."

Orange Is the New Black actress Lea DeLaria uploaded an intense Instagram speech calling on President Joe Biden to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s newly defined executive immunity rules and assassinate Donald Trump

“You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our fucking country. And these assholes are going to take it away. They’re going to take it away. Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts.”

“It’s all out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power… like all tyrants. FUCK THEM!!! And if any of you assholes wanna death threat me like you have been doing for my entire life, bring it on bitch. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game.”

This isn’t the first time DeLaria has posted something provocative on Instagram regarding Trump that raised eyebrows. After the 2016 election, DeLaria posted
 that she wanted to “pick up a baseball bat and take out every fucking Republican and Independent I see.”

When I was a kid, actresses were pretty and you noticed them.


Edit. Not the first wanna be celeb to call for Trump's head.

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Infolurker - 07-03-2024


Quote:A high-ranking BBC presenter from the UK has ignited a firestorm by suggesting President Biden should have Donald Trump murdered. David Aaronovitch, who presents Radio 4's "Briefing Room" show, caused an uproar with a now-deleted X post reading, "If I was Biden, I'd hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America's security."

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Freija - 07-03-2024

Seems like a reasonable plan to me.

Fingers crossed!  Big Grin

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Ninurta - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 04:15 AM)Freija Wrote: Seems like a reasonable plan to me.

Fingers crossed!  Big Grin

Sounds like a plan to me, too. I've been waiting for years for the opposition to grow a big enough pair to jump, and I'm not getting any younger. I mean, seriously, how can you wipe out your opponents in self defense if they never develop the testicular fortitude to attack in the first place?

If all they can muster the courage to do is sit on their asses and bitch, I guess I'll just have to keep throwing peanuts at them and content myself with that.

Seriously though, an assassination would be in good keeping with the Banana Republic the BidenHarris regime has been fundamentally transforming us into, so I would not be in the least surprised if they gave it a shot. Remember, I predicted an assassination attempt on Trump months ago when the lawfare wars started - I said then, and I maintain now, that if Trump beats the lawfare rap and continues to run in the presidential election, they will eventually get desperate enough to have a go at taking him out. Doubly so if he continues to gain popularity points every time they take another swipe at him.

All this gals rant does is confirm that's what they are thinking. 

and we all know that planning precedes an operational environment...

They're going about it all wrong. America loves an underdog, and will rally around someone they see being treated unfairly. That's why Trump grabs a gain every time they take another swipe at him. Instead of running the Hate Trump train, if they knew what they were doing they would come up with better ideas, and better communication than Trump. The sad fact is, their ideas suck for air, and they know that. So, instead of trying to beat him on the issues, they have to just keep attacking him, and to hell with the issues. They are hoping folks won't notice they've got nothing when it comes to ideas for improvement as they ramp up the hate to a fever pitch.

It kinda reminds me of George Orwell's "Two Minutes of Hate" rallies that were mandated every day in "1984". Who needs to win over an electorate with better ideas when they can just push them into mania with hate rallies?

I think Trump should legally change his name to "Emmanuel Goldberg". Wouldn't that just put the fuzz on the peach?


RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-03-2024


Some folk are thinking outside of the box.

I never thought about it, but does it really mean that the President has the ability to just kill us, with impunity?

I know our government is corrupt and they don't give a damn about the people, but did they just give them the authority to "Purge" us?

Tell me it isn't so. Surprised

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Ninurta - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 06:19 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Wow!

Some folk are thinking outside of the box.

I never thought about it, but does it really mean that the President has the ability to just kill us, with impunity?

I know our government is corrupt and they don't give a damn about the people, but did they just give them the authority to "Purge" us?

Tell me it isn't so.  Surprised

Kind of. They have always had that authority, they have only codified and clarified it now.

What they have to do first is declare a person or a movement to be an "enemy" of the ruling Party - something like labeling a mere riot as an "insurrection", a "danger to our democracy", or the like, and convince the greater number of people that is "truth"... but they'd never do anything like that, now would they?

Then, once they have a sufficient plurality convinced of that, they can proceed to make war on the "insurgents" with impunity in their "official capacity", as an "official act"., and they will have immunity for it.

It's not the first time it has been done, even by our own government, and it won't be the last. Purging the opposition has a long and storied history in America, going all the way back to "The Whiskey Rebellion" in western Pennsylvania under that paragon of virtue, George Washington. The American Civil War, in it's entirety, was more of the same - just purging the opposition, folks who don't think like the Ruling Elites.

More recent examples are the Battle of Blair Mountain, where bombs were actually dropped from airplanes onto towns in southern West Virginia to curb their insurrectionist tendencies, and machineguns were brought in and set up to shoot the ones the bombs missed. There is still brass from the machineguns to be found in the dirt of Blair Mountain as evidence of that purge.

Wasn't the military brought in to clear out the "Hoovervilles", occupied by poor destitute victims of a screwed up economy? Didn't people die in those operations too?

There are many more examples, but that sampling serves to show that it has always been so. It's only been clarified now, as we fast approach another declaration of insurgency.

Of course, they'd never actually act on it, not in a million years, right?

The folks around Blair Mountain thought that, too. They were very shocked and surprised when the bombs actually started falling.


RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 07:50 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Kind of. They have always had that authority, they have only codified and clarified it now.

What they have to do first is declare a person or a movement to be an "enemy" of the ruling Party - something like labeling a mere riot as an "insurrection", a "danger to our democracy", or the like, and convince the greater number of people that is "truth"... but they'd never do anything like that, now would they?

Then, once they have a sufficient plurality convinced of that, they can proceed to make war on the "insurgents" with impunity in their "official capacity", as an "official act"., and they will have immunity for it.

It's not the first time it has been done, even by our own government, and it won't be the last. Purging the opposition has a long and storied history in America, going all the way back to "The Whiskey Rebellion" in western Pennsylvania under that paragon of virtue, George Washington. The American Civil War, in it's entirety, was more of the same - just purging the opposition, folks who don't think like the Ruling Elites.

More recent examples are the Battle of Blair Mountain, where bombs were actually dropped from airplanes onto towns in southern West Virginia to curb their insurrectionist tendencies, and machineguns were brought in and set up to shoot the ones the bombs missed. There is still brass from the machineguns to be found in the dirt of Blair Mountain as evidence of that purge.

Wasn't the military brought in to clear out the "Hoovervilles", occupied by poor destitute victims of a screwed up economy? Didn't people die in those operations too?

There are many more examples, but that sampling serves to show that it has always been so. It's only been clarified now, as we fast approach another declaration of insurgency.

Of course, they'd never actually act on it, not in a million years, right?

The folks around Blair Mountain thought that, too. They were very shocked and surprised when the bombs actually started falling.


Makes this look like predictive programming. Wonder if it is too late to turn the tables?

Surprised g

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Freija - 07-03-2024

Let's add in a few supreme court justices to the plan while we're at at, eh?  Smile

Not playing the victim card or anything but even if peripherally or by default, as  member of a demographic heavily targeted by conservative Republican policies and legislation, nothing scares me more than another term for the Cheeto Jesus, cult leader and convicted felon who has already promised to come after us on day one if elected.

Foreign affairs, immigration, environmental issues, abortion the economy etc., take a backseat when potential losses and negatives are at your doorstep and seem so direct and personal. On that basis alone, as much as I might need to hold my nose and look the other way at some Democratic policies and candidates, things that can directly affect my freedoms and happiness take precedence more or less forcing me to vote a straight ticket as a matter of principle and self-preservation.

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - FlickerOfLight - 07-03-2024

I'll shoot for the obvious. The detail that should be upfront of everything else.

How is this not a crime? 
A federal crime.

This person (who reminds me of the character "All" from Zoolander 2. The one that was gonna marry "hermself") has called for an assassination of an x-president-------in front of the entire world.


If anyone of us were to post something like that about the opposite, we'd have letters knocking down our door on live stream.

Shim here, the actress is doing exactly that. Acting.

 It's all a show.

As far as conflict goes.
I'll state this.

I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm Billy badass-king of the block, and pretend that I, one man, am enough to take on a small army. Nor, am I going to pretend that any of this garbage is worth "fighting" over. If a gang of hoodlums come around here, wanting to kill me because I standing on the other side of a fence, and thay want my stuff......then they can have it. Aim true. That's all I ask. I'm not going to fight over the devil's things. Nothing in this world is worth this to me. Nothing. Protecting others has only ever been my reason to break out my fists of fury. 

Look around at this help of trash we call the world. None of this is worth a red cent anymore. It's all been destroyed by greed hate and ego.

I'm not worried about a single solitary molecule of this dimension/life. It's all been an illusion. Designed to make us march like ants.

They fooled us.

Oh well.

I've got a place waiting for me in the next life.

This ones a dud.

If ya need supplies hit me up first. If you hate just to hate, I'll be waiting on the porch. 

Send me home. 

Check please.

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-03-2024

I agree, it is all scripted and choreographed. We have been conditioned and programmed to the point that our responses, reactions, thoughts, dreams, and feelings are all amazingly predictable.

Resistance may be futile, but all I want is to live my life in peace. I don't interfere in what other people do, unless it affects me and mine.

Triggering has become an art. They know exactly what buttons to push, to get you to do exactly what they want.

Don't comply and they will get the masses to call you out and take care of you.

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Ninurta - 07-04-2024

(07-03-2024, 08:07 PM)Freija Wrote: Let's add in a few supreme court justices to the plan while we're at at, eh?  Smile

Not playing the victim card or anything but even if peripherally or by default, as  member of a demographic heavily targeted by conservative Republican policies and legislation, nothing scares me more than another term for the Cheeto Jesus, cult leader and convicted felon who has already promised to come after us on day one if elected.

Foreign affairs, immigration, environmental issues, abortion the economy etc., take a backseat when potential losses and negatives are at your doorstep and seem so direct and personal. On that basis alone, as much as I might need to hold my nose and look the other way at some Democratic policies and candidates, things that can directly affect my freedoms and happiness take precedence more or less forcing me to vote a straight ticket as a matter of principle and self-preservation.

Don't worry about bumping off any Supreme Court Justices. Lawyers and judges are lined up for miles waiting to take one of those cushy seats, so even an attempt would be futile. They'd be replaced before the smoke cleared.

I can't stand to hear Trump's voice. I know that if I do, something either stupid or hyperbolically superlative to the point of ridiculousness - or, on some days, both at the same time - is going to come out of his mouth. So, I spend most of my day, every day, working hard to not be subjected to that by just not hearing him at all.

Therefore and admittedly, I don't listen to much of what Trump says - or anyone else for that matter - so with a great deal of chagrin, I have to admit to missing it when he said he was coming after you on day one. When did he say that?

WHY did he say that? What have you done to piss him off that bad since the last time he sat in the Big Boy Chair? There has to be something you've done to piss him off, or he'd have got you last time around - he had 4 years and the resources of an entire government, yet here you still are.

Given that, I can't conceive of him being terribly effective at much of anything if he really said he was gonna get you on day one. With 4 years to do it, trillions of dollars in government funding, a couple million strong military, etc, etc, and if you survived his last draconian term, I just can't imagine him being able to do it this time, either.

Now the Biden regime, on the other hand, they're pretty damned effective despite being led by a doddering old fool who still ought to be in diapers. In less than one term - because it ain't over yet, the fat lady ain't sung - they've succeeded in nearly completely dismantling the America that was. From social issues to the military to the economy to foreign policy to immigration (and therefore national security, too), they have made America a caricature of the former Soviet Union... and they did it in just 3 1/2 years. Hell, they've done things that the Soviets would have never dreamed of even attempting. The Ukraine, for example. The Soviets would never have dared to goad Oklahoma, for instance, into an open rebellion against the rest of America, and then flown in billions of dollars and weapons to sustain that war at a level far lower than necessary for the rebels to have succeeded.

That's just one example. We have out-Sovieted the Soviets themselves. We are now a caricature as a nation of what the Soviets wish they could have been.

So, yeah, I'm kinda with you - a straight ticket vote will be the only way to go, just for shits and giggles to see if any of the damage can be repaired at all, but I somehow think that maybe my ballot is going to cancel yours out - or maybe it's yours that will cancel mine out (it's more likely yours will cancel mine, because I intend to beat you to the polls) - which is going to leave us at zero, so we're going to have to rely on the extra votes being printed up in China as we speak, and all of the risen dead voters, to decide the contest.

Just like last time!



RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Freija - 07-04-2024

(07-04-2024, 04:13 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Therefore and admittedly, I don't listen to much of what Trump says - or anyone else for that matter - so with a great deal of chagrin, I have to admit to missing it when he said he was coming after you on day one. When did he say that?

Lest we not forget I am of transsexual provenance which unfortunately falls under the nebulous transgender and LGBT umbrella and furthermore, as a former trans child who received what is now called gender affirming care as a minor way back in the dark ages of the early 1970s, when receiving medical care for those in my situation wasn’t  a made up political football/wedge issue and was between parents and doctors, I understand and will advocate for the needs of those like me today in the voting booth because I know all too well the consequences of doing nothing or outlawing and delaying such care. Perhaps it is foolhardy to be a single issue voter but when you know the next step after coming for trans kids is coming after me, it is hard to care about much else.

Trump vows to reverse transgender student protections ‘on day one’

Trump In Wisconsin Announces Funding Ban For Trans Supportive Schools On Day 1

Trump Promises Rollback On Trans Rights: Here's What He's Said

‘At any age’: Donald Trump pushes the GOP towards targeting transgender adults

”At Any Age’: Trump Doesn’t Want Trans People

It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages

Trump vows to 'stop' gender-affirming care for minors if re-elected president

Trump Promises to Go After Trans People if Re-Elected

2024 had more anti-trans bills in legislation than any year before

Republicans poison military funding bill with anti-LGBTQ+ amendments

Ohio Republicans force through anti-trans bathroom ban at last minute

24% Of Transgender Adults Report Access To Care Has Been Disrupted By New Laws In The US

Trump unveils sweeping attack on trans rights

Trump vows to punish doctors, hospitals that provide gender-affirming care to transgender minors

A Second Trump Term Would Double Down on Erasing Trans Rights

Republicans introduced 604+ anti-trans bills in 2023. In 2024 there have been over 620 anti-LGBT bills with the majority targeting trans youth. 135 have been passed into law. 25 states have banned gender affirming care for trans youth

Almost 240,000 trans youth live in the 40 states that have considered bans on gender-affirming care, 24 25 of which have enacted such bans, impacting 113,900 + children. Gender-affirming care bans are currently pending in 16 states, where 123,600 trans youth live. Forty-one states have also proposed or passed laws restricting participation in school sports, with 30 states vying to restrict transgender students' bathroom use.

With the Supreme Court slated to address the issue of medical care bans for trans youth in the fall, I have little hope they will do anything but decide along partisan and ideological lines rather than long established science and research. (and the experiences of people like me)

Yeah boy howdy, I’m voting Republican! Project 2025 – bring it on. FML

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Bally002 - 07-04-2024


RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - BIAD - 07-04-2024

(07-04-2024, 06:54 AM)Freija Wrote: Lest we not forget I am of transsexual provenance...

What I did forget was to post an interesting conversation (if you're into the DB Cooper high-jacking -that is!)
that I meant to drop in some time ago. *Sorry for going off topic*
Smile thumbsup2

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - Ninurta - 07-04-2024

(07-04-2024, 06:54 AM)Freija Wrote: Lest we not forget I am of transsexual provenance which unfortunately falls under the nebulous transgender and LGBT umbrella and furthermore, as a former trans child who received what is now called gender affirming care as a minor way back in the dark ages of the early 1970s, when receiving medical care for those in my situation wasn’t  a made up political football/wedge issue and was between parents and doctors, I understand and will advocate for the needs of those like me today in the voting booth because I know all too well the consequences of doing nothing or outlawing and delaying such care. Perhaps it is foolhardy to be a single issue voter but when you know the next step after coming for trans kids is coming after me, it is hard to care about much else.


While I do understand your trepidation at least to some degree, I don't share it. I can kinda sorta understand it because it appears to be built upon the same sort of extrapolation that the Right engages in on such issues as gun control, to which I am as susceptible as anyone else. After having read the articles - at least the ones I could get to - and watching the video, I see the extrapolation goes beyond what was actually said, as extrapolations do. The Right does the same when the Left blows the gun control dog whistle. They'll take what was actually said and try to extrapolate all manner of dire outcomes that extend beyond what was said.

Transgenderism  - if that's even a word, I dunno if it is - is a sticky subject fraught with booby traps and pitfalls. It, like the issues of gun control and many others, can be a minefield best navigated carefully... and no one wants to navigate either one carefully. Everyone wants to charge ahead to the trenches.

I know that everyone thinks I'm a raging lunatic Right Wing Extremist, or at least most folks do, even the ones that know me well enough that they ought to know better, but really I'm not. I'm more of a Libertarian, in that I believe that if folks aren't screwing with you, then you've got no excuse to screw with them. That's a philosophy that neither the Right nor the Left can stomach. Everyone in those extremes think they have some sort of God-given (on the Right) or State-given (on the Left) right to tell everyone else how to live... and neither has either.

As an aside, I left the Republican Party 30 or more years ago. More accurately, they left ME when the Bush Boys took over. That was enough for me. I'm a registered voter, but not registered as Republican, nor Democrat, nor even a Libertarian. I registered as "mind yer own damned business, and stop looking over my shoulder while I'm trying to vote!"

As a closet Libertarian, I believe the government has no damned business at all engaging in the transgender trade. it's not their concern. They ought not to be either banning it or funding it, same as religion. I believe the same regarding state interference in abortions - no damned business either banning it or funding it. It's not their concern. I think it is the same for nearly all "social" issues - the government has no damned business interfering in social issues, other than preventing folks from unnecessarily annoying other folks with shenanigans like blocking public roads as a "protest". It's a public road, dammit! You block my free passage on it, I'm gonna take you out. If you wanna block travel, restrict the blockage to private property - your own. I've no gripes with that. If you block mine, then we're gonna have a real problem on our hands.

The government is supposed to govern. That's why they call it "government" instead of a "social club". Social issues are SOCIAL, not political. They belong to society, they're not in the government remit.

I think the transgender issue, particularly regarding children, is between them, their parents, and their doctor. None of the state's business to either restrict or fund. And by "fund", I don't mean just the treatment, I mean funding classroom education in the matter in elementary or secondary schools, too. Those kids have their hands full learning how to read, write, and figger. Anything else is college material.

There is an axiom that goes something like "he who pays the bills gets to call the shots". If folks don't want the government telling them what to do, then they need to stop asking the government to fund their pet projects. Likewise, if folks don't want the government to tell THEM what to do, they need to stop asking the government to tell the OTHER guy what to do. That's a knife that cuts both ways.

With that said, I stress CLASSROOM education. That doesn't mean school counselors ought to shy away from the issue when problems arise. I mean, their JOB is counseling, right? So they ought to be able to point kids and their parents toward resources.

I don't care about women's sports. I don't care about men's sports, either. All team sports are an absolute waste of time to my mind. Still, a school administration ought to be able to figure out for itself whether it wants it's women's volleyball team to be testosterone-laden, and whether it want's it's men's football team to be estrogen-ridden. Other schools scheduled to play it ought to have an absolute right to refuse to play them if there is an unfair advantage. You don't really need religious radicals or government bureaucrats to make that decision for them - the school board and the parents ought to have enough brain cells between them to be able to figure it out on their own.

I didn't see anywhere that Trump said he was coming after YOU, as an adult, but I do understand how that could be extrapolated out from what he said, given the current sociopolitical climate. In the same way, and in my case, Biden said "all you need is a double barrel shotgun. Fire it into the air!"... but he DIDN'T say "I'm gonna come and take all yer guns EXCEPT for the shotgun" - that was just what the Right extrapolated it to "mean".

A lot of what I saw written in the articles just looked like the same sort of extrapolation hysterics to me. Folks were claiming a lot of stuff was going to happen that was never threatened. Just because the Jerry Falwell Club wants something to happen, that doesn't mean that it necessarily WILL happen. There are a lot of steps between Falwell's wet dream and actually making something happen.

So, I still have to vote a straight Republican ticket, because there ain't no viable Libertarian ticket... and given what the BidenHarris regime has actually DONE, I see far more danger for the nation as a whole from them than from a bumbling bunch of Republicans.

RE: DERANGED leftists order Biden To "Take Trump Out" After Scotus Immunity Ruling - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-04-2024

I am in a true conundrum with this election. But deep down, I don't think my vote will make a damn bit of difference.

I have been non partisisn the majority of my voting life. Because I don't vote for the party, I vote for the person and the issues.

Now I don't believe my vote means anything, because I have lost faith in the system, the government, and the people.

It is not humorous this joke of a government that they have us at war over. It is beyond sad that we have allowed ourselves to be caught up is this game.

Everyone can see that we have exceeded the point of Idiocracy.

How can I in good faith faith vote for someone that I cannot stand to look at or listen to. Not only are we being manipulated, we are being lied to, culled, and occupied.

I can only pray that our children will forgive us for letting them down. Our inaction has placed them a difficult situation. One we created.

A red dawn is on the horizon. We won't stop it, I don't think the next generation cares enough to stop it. And maybe what we see as the American dream, is just our dream. Maybe they dream of something else.

I found this interesting.,forced%20action%20of%20the%20next.