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Online "Panic in DC" vs One Dimensional Chess - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-01-2024

I'm sure everyone here is sick to death of all this nonsense on the D.C. puppet stage and attempting to keep up with it all is damn near futile. Anyways on with the long-winded show...

Since the Thursday night debate at which Joe Biden looked like a hospice patient, there have been competing theories about whether it was a setup in order to push Biden out of the way or whether it was just another fumbling screw-up. Basically, we have two competing theories of the crime. One says it is the work of those mysterious people in the hollowed-out volcano who control the world and the other theory says it is the work of people who are too stupid to run the machine they inherited.

The hollowed-out volcano theory side had the momentum on Thursday night as regime media started bellowing for Biden to step aside. It had the feel of that first weekend of the Ukraine war when every talking hairdo on television had a Ukraine flag lapel pin and was spasmodically saying “keev” at one another. The same people who were telling one another that Joe Biden was as sharp as a tack were suddenly competing with one another to condemn his family for rolling him out on stage.

The weekend was full of fake influencers (AI kicked in the afterburners) and insiders assuring the internet that there were secret meetings happening at various places where the volcano people or their envoys would tell Biden to step aside. Bill O’Reilly, who most thought was dead, won the internet with a Seymour Hersh style scoop claiming that the decision to put a pillow over Joe Biden’s face had been made. Why anyone would think Bill O’Reilly has such privileged access is a topic for another day.

As the weekend wound down and the Great Pumpkin failed to rise from the pumpkin patch, the new narrative was that Jill Biden was preventing anyone from gaining access to Joe Biden in order to convince him to retire. Anyone who knows anything about the life of presidents knows this is impossible in the modern age. Since Reagan, the modern president is never alone. They have no control of their schedule. There are guards inside the toilet with them.

Anyway, this brings us back to those two main theories. It is becoming clear that the scheme to have the early debate was not part of a four-dimensional chess ploy plotted by the volcano people after all. It is entirely possible that some elements inside the regime pushed for the early debate in case Biden fumbled, but they did not have anything planned if such a thing happened. It is also possible they pushed for an early debate to get it out of the way, so people forget about it.

The truth is the political class no longer possesses second order thinking. This is the ability to think about the range of possible reactions to an action and then planning possible responses to those reactions. People with the ability to think this way weigh those possible reactions and then select their action in order to get the most favorable response, so they can then make their next move. Great chess players possess the ability to think many moves in advance.

The people running Washington lack this ability. It is why they are so enamored with narratives that often take the place of reality. They can only think about what they want as a final result, so they imagine a scenario that leads to that result and then work backward to some initial first step. It is at this point they launch their caper with their first move, just assuming everything they imagined will follow. Often, they celebrate as they are making that first move in anticipation of the prize.

This is why you see the phenomenon of accrued joy. This is when the managerial class creates a narrative that leads to their desired end and then pulls forward the happiness they will feel for that event to the present. Here is an example where the person is feeling joy over an imaginary choo-choo train project. This will never be built and will probably never get started. He can imagine it happening though, so he pretends it will happen and celebrates as if it has happened.

Putting that aside, this inability to think more than one step ahead is augmented by the fact that these people are unable to think about anything other than their own desires and how to achieve them. They never think about what comes next. We have seen this for over two years in the Ukraine war. Every move by the regime is just assumed to be a game changer and there is never any thought given to how the Russians will react or what will happen after this game changer.

That is most likely what we are seeing with Biden. The people who run things knew he was a vegetable back in 2020. It was obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell. They picked him because they immense hatred toward Trump and just needed a compliant body for the election. No thought was given to how they would manage a man with severe dementia (or whatever you wish to call it), much less run him for reelection. Now they want to be free of him and his crooked family, so they let him stagger out on stage and make a fool of himself in that debate Thursday night.

Again, no thought about what comes next, just the first move. It is as if they assume that the world will magically fall into place for them and produce a young vital candidate who can appeal to the public enough to rig the next election. Instead, they will be left to choose from zombies like Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer. Neither of whom have support in the party or the general public. Of course, Biden has yet to step aside and very well may choose to stick it out, despite it all.

This lack of second order thinking has another strange result. The system now seems to select for people who prefer chaos over order. If you cannot plan more than one move ahead, then a world where planning ahead has no reward, a world of random chaos, reduces the benefit of that ability. In other words, the mediocrities are creating an environment in which having a mediocre mind is an asset. Their impulsive behavior creates conditions that reward first order thinking with impunity.

What all of this points to is a random walk to the Democratic convention. Over the coming weeks & months the various tribes of the regime will make their game changing move, float their preferred narrative to the media and create more chaos. Given his condition, Biden could drop dead before the convention or, if Allah wills it, drop dead a week after the convention thus leaving Harpo Harris as the nominee. Chance has a sense of humor, but it always favors those with a prepared mind.

If you magically merged the best of Calvin Coolidge, Reagan and Trump into one and ran against an even more severely demented and drooling Biden, it would still be a close race, even without cheating. That’s just where we are now and for the most part and have been for a long time. It's just for the past near 4 years they don't even try to hide anymore. The distracted amoral American dumbass is of no use to good people hoping and working for a better country. So many people being shocked at Biden’s performance actually surprised me. The full-on msm/influencer brainwashing operation has taken full effect. They truly are the Borg. They no longer even require external censorship, they truly love Big Brother.


Today's commentary by Jonathan Turley...

Quote:There is a great deal of discussion about the 25th amendment after the chilling moments in last night's debate [June 27th] with President Biden. As I have previously written, the amendment was written primarily with physical disabilities in mind. It is far more difficult with mental decline.

The 25th Amendment effectively requires the Vice President and cabinet to defy a president. The debate confirms that the White House has been shielding evidence of the president's decline from the public...

Can Biden Be Removed Under the 25th Amendment? Don’t Bet on It

While there are provisions for congressional action, the 25th Amendment make removal effectively a non-entity if the cabinet is running interference for a president who lacks capacity. Moreover, Democratic members have been attacking Special Counsel Hur for suggesting that Biden has diminished mental capabilities. None of this means that Biden is now mentally incapable of performing the functions of the presidency. One can have diminished capacity but still be functional. The 25th Amendment is not designed for close calls.

— Jonathan Turley, Constitutional lawyer/advisor.

Presidential Disability and Succession - Passed by Congress July 6, 1965. Ratified February 10, 1967. The 25th Amendment changed a portion of  Section 1: "In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President."

Sen. Blumenthal just declared that his "stomach turns with fear and anger" over this opinion as the work of "extreme and nakedly partisan hacks – politicians in robes.” The rule of law may demand greater intestinal fortitude from those who have relentlessly attacked this Court. This is the same parasite senator who has threatened the court with "seismic" changes if it did not rule as demanded.

Quote:Blumenthal told The Hill:

    “It will inevitably fuel and drive an effort to expand the Supreme Court if this activist majority betrays fundamental constitutional principles. It’s already driving that movement. Chipping away at Roe v. Wade will precipitate a seismic movement to reform the Supreme Court. It may not be expanding the Supreme Court, it may be making changes to its jurisdiction, or requiring a certain numbers of votes to strike down certain past precedents.”

The statement is reminiscent of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer declaring in front of the Supreme Court “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price.”

Rather than recognize the good-faith arguments on both sides, politicians are racing to the bottom with hyperbolic and reckless rhetoric.

The SCOTUS decision today also reminds citizens that it is more important to get these questions answered right than fast. For all of the criticism of Judge Cannon in Florida for holding hearings and considering arguments, this is why it is important to give serious and sufficient attention to these questions. Judge Chutkan was praised for her speed in supporting Smith's effort to try Trump before the election. She was wrong as was the D.C. Circuit. I do not blame them in an area with good arguments on both sides. However, speed should not be the measure of performance for the courts.

We are at the ten minute window.  Immunity may come after two other cases, particularly if Chief Justice Roberts is the author. We still have Corner Post (a technical case on when a claim under the Administrative Procedure Act "first accrues") and Moody (content moderation standard for social media)...Five minute warning...Buckle up. We have our first opinion. It is Corner Post with a 6-3 decision...

No. 22–1008. Argued February 20, 2024—Decided July 1, 2024

We have our second opinion.  It is Moody...
...."The judgments are vacated, and the cases are remanded, because neither the Eleventh Circuit nor the Fifth Circuit conducted a proper analysis of the facial First Amendment challenges to Florida and Texas laws regulating large internet platforms."

No. 22–277. Argued February 26, 2024—Decided July 1, 2024*

From opinion "The next order of business is to decide which of the laws’ applications violate the First Amendment, and to measure them against the rest. For the content-moderation provisions, that means asking, as to every covered platform or function, whether there is an intrusion on protected editorial discretion."

Another unanimous decision. Not exactly fulfilling the narrative of critics of a hopelessly divided ideological court in many of these cases. They want more findings to feel out the first amendment claims.

Drum roll.  Waiting for immunity...
We have the immunity ruling.
As expected, it is a Roberts opinion. There is immunity recognition...
6-3 split.

No protection for unofficial acts. So the issue is whether what constitutes official acts. It is a very for Trump in the sense that the Court rejected the lower court and recognizes some immunity.  That will further delay the lower court proceedings, but Trump will have to argue that his actions fall within these navigational beacons. The lower court judge has been highly favorable for Jack Smith in the past.  Yet the court is arguing that there is a presumption of immunity for their official acts beyond the absolute immunity on core constitutional powers.

Here is the decision...
No. 23–939. Argued April 25, 2024—Decided July 1, 2024.

Note this language:
Whenever the President and Vice President discuss their official responsibilities, they engage in official conduct.  Presiding over the January 6 certification proceeding at which Members of Congress count the electoral votes is a constitutional and statutory duty of the Vice President. Art. II, §1, cl. 3; Amdt. 12; 3 U. S. C. §15.  The indictment’s allegations that Trump attempted to pressure the Vice President to take particular acts in connection with his role at the certification proceeding thus involve official conduct, and Trump is at least presumptively immune from prosecution for such conduct.

On Trump's speech (PDF 3):

"The alleged conduct largely consists of Trump’s communications in the form of Tweets and a public address. The President possesses “extraordinary power to speak to his fellow citizens and on their behalf.”  Hawaii, 585 U. S., at 701; cf. Lindke v. Freed, 601 U. S. 187, 191 (2024).  As the sole person charged by the Constitution with executing the laws of the United States, the President oversees—and thus will frequently speak publicly about—a vast array of activities that touch on nearly every aspect of American life."

Quote:Insurrection-Lite: The Supreme Court Downsizes the “Insurrection” to Largely Trespassing

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. struck down one of the most common charges against January 6 defendants. “Obstruction of an official proceeding” had been used in hundreds of cases, and those convictions are now invalid.

But the biggest impact of the decision may occur elsewhere.

For years, calling January 6 an “insurrection” has been a litmus test for press, pundits and politicians. Members of Congress such as Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) claimed a conspiracy of “armed and organized insurrectionists.” The claim is legally absurd but politically advantageous.

It now seems like the insurrection increasingly looks more like a legal case of mass trespass and unlawful entry.

Quote:Too Clever By Half: Justice Jackson’s Suggested Path Forward for Jack Smith Could Lead to Another Reversal

The Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States rejecting the use of obstruction of legal proceedings against January 6th defendants will potentially impact hundreds of cases. For some, it may lead to dismissals or, in the cases with multiple charges, resentencings. One of those cases that will be impacted is the pending prosecution of former president Donald Trump who is facing four charges, including two obstruction counts. However, it is not clear if Special Counsel Jack Smith will yield to the decision or possibly take the dubious path laid out by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson in her concurrence.

Very FOXy...When the SCOTUS ruling came out, Fox News put up a banner that said...

[Image: wUsHL6l.jpg]

Shortly after when they had Jonathan Turley speak, changed to...

[Image: WRWAGv3.jpg]

When you dedicate years of your life to spreading propaganda on behalf of the demiurge and are in the final stretch, but then the light begins to travel further away instead of drawing nearer...

[Image: uVpRObK.jpg]

The Atlantic floating the idea of Biden-Replacement Operation

The next 4 months of the political circus...

[Image: o4ojysv.jpg]
...else, just ignore it all because it's going to get much more bizarre & chaotic, and go do whatever it is that makes you happy.

The End.

RE: Online "Panic in DC" vs One Dimensional Chess - Infolurker - 07-02-2024

Want an internet conspiracy?

There was a reason for the Newsom / DeSantis debate.

Now the question, unlike Bernie, Jill and Hunter are not cheap..... they are going to want an enormous / ginormous payout to bow out.

An interesting note, Newsom and Harris are both from CA. If Newsom becomes the nominee, he cannot have Harris as a running mate from what I heard on a news story today. Actually, it seems they are not on good terms anyway.

If that is true, Newsom solves their "Kamala" problem.

RE: Online "Panic in DC" vs One Dimensional Chess - 727Sky - 07-02-2024

Biden stays in and is cheated into another short lived term. He ditches K. Harris as V.P. and nominates/chooses another Obama clone for his new V.P. ..... after sworn in for his second term he either has a fight with a pillow (and loses) or resigns and allows his new V.P. Obama clone into the top spot. Totally a far out work of fiction other than the fight with a pillow thingy !! Spooked2 MinusculeCheers

RE: Online "Panic in DC" vs One Dimensional Chess - Infolurker - 07-02-2024

A CBS News/YouGov poll released on Sunday indicated that 72% of registered voters believe the president does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president - a sharp increase from the 65% who said the same in an earlier poll.

Never Forget, Never Forgive Media’s FIVE-YEAR Biden Dementia Gaslighting