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An Email from Florida - 727Sky - 06-29-2024

An Email from an American friend who lives in Florida:

Quote:Some fascinating facts that lots of anti-Trumpers don't get.

Originally at the beginning of this cycle I was all in for Ron DeSantis because I live in Florida and personally experienced the impact of DeSantis policies making this state probably the freest state in the union and from what was possible a purplish swing state into a solid red state. Over 1 million increase in republican voter registration since the 2022 mid-term election.

So DeSantis drops out leaving only the scummy neo-con Nikki Haley and Trump.  Trump could have folded his tent and retired to one of his fabulous golf courses. But he didn't quit even against the stiffest odds possible and knowing the commie democrats were coming at him with the full intent to destroy him criminally, financially and emotionally. Trump stood in the breech as they indicted him criminally, sued him civilly and attacked him personally in the most vile way possible all at the prompting of Biden and his weaponized Dept of Justice.

I don't believe there are a handful of men in history with the strength and fortitude who would gladly take on those odds but Trump did. Don't gotta like him but in all respects we should respect him.  And stupid, demented, pedophille Joe Biden actually thought he was going to debase Trump on the debate stage last night.

Trump's got a lot of worts, no doubt but I never knew a fighter that didn't. To watch that ugly husk of a subhuman slither off the stage last night with his piece of shit wife was glorious. And further to watch the total freakout on all of the main stream media is as satisfying as any one should be able to enjoy. In 3 and a half short years the democrat party has completely destroyed themselves by incompetence, hubris and their hatred for Trump.

Democrats struggle now with what to do, how to proceed and how they salvage themselves. But unless they can convince Biden to drop out and release his delegates they are FUCKED. It's far to late in the game and they know it. All the democrat down ballot candidates also know they are now screwed because of Pedo Joe.  But democrats are not done. I expect the next 4 months to be nothing but volatility and chaos. Violence, riots, false flag events and assassinations are on the commie democrat docket. Scary times ahead. 

RE: An Email from Florida - Ninurta - 06-29-2024

(06-29-2024, 12:41 AM)727Sky Wrote: An Email from an American friend who lives in Florida:


But democrats are not done. I expect the next 4 months to be nothing but volatility and chaos. Violence, riots, false flag events and assassinations are on the commie democrat docket. Scary times ahead. 

I expect that may well be true. Democrats have a lack of self control under such conditions. As bad as it sounds, that may be the best thing for America, and the worst thing for the Democrat Party I'd go so far as to say it would be the best thing for America BECAUSE it would be the worst thing for the Democrat Party.

See, all we need now is for the public to see that Dopey Joe can't even control his own party, much less helm America. Think back to the Chicago Democrat Convention in 1968, and how that went... and then recall who was elected president that year - was it a Democrat, or a Republican? I personally think that was because the Democrats showed themselves to be out of control, unable to control even a convention, much less an entire nation.

And I believe THAT is what gave us Nixon.

The consensus around here is that if Trump wins, then the lame-duck period of Biden between his loss and the inauguration of Trump will quite possibly be the most dangerous time America has faced to date, and that includes the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. A lame Duck BidenHarris regime would likely try to force through measures that Trump would later have to unravel that are unprecedented in US history, a period of unilateral authoritarianism that we have never experienced in our entire history.

BUT we can weather that storm so long as we know it will eventually end. A BidenHarris win would mean no end in sight for the same authoritarianism... and that, we might not weather so well.

You see, the Republicans have been long-suffering through this current regime, but patience has it's limits. A BidenHarris victory could conceivably cause them to lose what hope they have left, and take more direct action when there is no longer any end in sight. That "direct action" would likely to force more authoritarian, more totalitarian crackdowns on Republicans, as has been the case historically against political opposition in other countries.

Matter of fact, that is direct guerrilla doctrine to be found in Mao's "On Guerrilla Warfare", Che Guevara's writings. as well as US Army Special Forces training materials - the intent is to force more repression and create "martyrs" for the cause which naturally forces the general public towards the revolutionaries as the government cracks down on revolutionaries and regular citizens alike in order to stamp out the dissidents, most of whom are hiding in the general public. So, the government has to crack down on everyone in order to get to the dissidents. which in turn alienates the public even more.

We see a taste of it already, in the heavy-handed and unfair treatment Bidenites are heaping on Trump using Lawfare. Think back to what happened to Trump's poll numbers and political donations every time they succeed in yet another unfair attack on him. You'll notice a pattern, and that is because Americans love an underdog, and will rally around someone they see being treated unfairly. The Democrats are doing this all to themselves by bringing down too heavy a hand on political opponents, and refusing to apply the law evenly across the board. The attacks are increasingly SEEN by the public to be politically motivated authoritarianism, and that is not sitting well with the general public.

When they see that the prosecutions are being forced to invent novel, new "legal" strategies tailored specifically to "get Trump" as they say themselves, "legal" strategies which would otherwise not be applied to anyone and are pretty twisted and torturous to boot, then the public can see the unfairness, and must surmise it is geared ONLY to "get" a political opponent. the public is not stupid, and they know what they see.

We also see the increasingly failing faith of the American Public in government and governmental institutions as a direct result of Democrat policies that are, for example, failing to defend the borders - and therefore the American People - and not allowing Justice to be Blind, as she is supposed to be perceived - now Justice is only Blind in that she cannot see a Democrat to do any wrong, nor a Republican to do any right. That's a bad combination when you factor in the law, and who holds the monopoly to use violence in maintaining "order".

It's what causes revolutions to happen, and guerrilla doctrine is how they are won.

It's a vicious, never-ending cycle that effectively separates the support of the public away from the government and towards the revolutionaries...

,,, and it could well be coming to a theater near you.

All political power emanates ultimately from The People, and he who has the hearts of The People wins, in the end. A government cannot long survive having it's support among the People removed... and it's a cryin' shame when the government does it to itself out of abject ignorance.


RE: An Email from Florida - xuenchen - 06-29-2024

The Democrat Brownshirt SA Sturmabteilung are awaiting instructions from DNC covert operations HQ    Cool All Hell ready to break loose! 

RE: An Email from Florida - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-29-2024

There are a large number of people that don't want anything to do with Trump or Biden.

If ever there was a time that someone could slip in that is not a D or a R, I think we have reached that point.

Biden is being called out for his dementia. This has become the win for Trump, because it gives his supporters the excuse to keep the spotlight on Biden, allowing them to keep believing that the naked man is dressed in ermine.

Trump is a joke, and America is a laughing stock of the world. I hope all those black jobs is going to be the magic wand that saves us.

After all Trump is going to fix everything "before" he even gets sworn in. I just wonder what this super hero with his super MAGA power is waiting for.

Just my two cents. I can't stand either one of them. Since my vote is going to be a pure waste, I think I will just write in, Mr. Nobody.

Maybe this will get the real rulers to poke out their heads so we can pull back the curtain, and maybe, just maybe, we can become the true patriots that we lie to ourselves that we claim to be.

Want to make America great again, how about we start by being the great Americans that we say we are.

These two clowns represent exactly what we have become. If ignorant, self centered, clowns, are the best we have, then we need to look at what we have allowed ourselves to become.

I have been NP since I realized that the R and D BS is a ruse. R and D are different side of the same coin that they flip to confused and distract us, so they can remain under their control.

Sorry. I have no faith in our government, and no faith in anyone either side is promoting.

(06-29-2024, 02:24 AM)Ninurta Wrote: We also see the increasingly failing faith of the American Public in government and governmental institutions as a direct result of Democrat policies that are, for example, failing to defend the borders - and therefore the American People - and not allowing Justice to be Blind, as she is supposed to be perceived - now Justice is only Blind in that she cannot see a Democrat to do any wrong, nor a Republican to do any right. That's a bad combination when you factor in the law, and who holds the monopoly to use violence in maintaining "order".

It's what causes revolutions to happen, and guerrilla doctrine is how they are won.

It's a vicious, never-ending cycle that effectively separates the support of the public away from the government and towards the revolutionaries...

,,, and it could well be coming to a theater near you.

All political power emanates ultimately from The People, and he who has the hearts of The People wins, in the end. A government cannot long survive having it's support among the People removed... and it's a cryin' shame when the government does it to itself out of abject ignorance.


You are quite right. Few of us trust our government and politicians.

The problem is that too many have been programmed for the government to provide them with shelter and food.

Those that suck at the tit, is going to lay their head on the breast of the one that promises them the most milk.

They are all powerless liars that dance on command and to the beat they are delivered.

America will only be as great as the American people are. We will never be great as long as we are tie ourselves to the strings of puppets being controlled by the puppet masters.

We can't have two masters. You are going to hate one and love the other. Unfortunately, in this as case, I hate them both.

We can't salvage this mess. We have to clean house, and start from scratch. It is going to take as little more than draining the swamp.
Maybe that is why so many prior civilizations have been found to have been buried.

There is no knight in shining armor coming, and Biden nor Trump will fix America. Americans are only ones that can fix America. And it will not be fixed with us continuing to make the same choices and mistakes that have been continuing to make.

RE: An Email from Florida - Ninurta - 06-29-2024

Back during the Carter regime, I became convinced that Gerald Ford was probably the best president we ever had. I was routinely excoriated for that assessment. People would say "he did nothing for America! All he managed to get done was falling down the steps of Air Force One", and that may be true. He did little, if anything at all, FOR America, but he also did nothing TO America. In contrast, Carter, much like Biden, was systematically dismantling our economy, military, and foreign policy. He left a shambles of what America had been, a mess for Reagan to attempt to clean up.

Biden is doing the same thing. Now I'm torn as to whose was the worst regime in US history - Carter or Biden.

Maybe the best we can hope for at this point is someone who may not help us, but also won't hurt us any further.

There are other parallels between Carter and Biden - Carter had his brother Billy to contend with, Biden has his son Hunter. Carter had the Iran Hostage crisis and the failed rescue attempt (ONE attempt) that ended in flames on an Iranian beach, Biden had the disastrous debacle of a pullout from Afghanistan. Carter had Russia invading Afghanistan, Biden has Russia invading the Ukraine. The deeper one looks into it, the more those two look like clones.


RE: An Email from Florida - 727Sky - 06-30-2024

With Trump we had;
NATO countries started paying a fraction of what they agreed to pay when becoming a member of NATO
Countries doing trade with America such as Mexico were ordered to stop ripping America off ( Mexico big time along with China or face tariffs)
cheaper gas
cheaper groceries in some cases 30% cheaper
cheaper cost of living much cheaper
cheaper rents / mortgages
bustling economies (until COVID hit) because of the many onerous government regulations he ordered to be cancelled.
no wars

I do not like the way Trump talks as N.Y.ers get on my nerves with their self gratification and circular talk however in spite of Trump's faults and the many back stabbing advisors around him during his first term America was one hell of a lot better off IMO no matter what Biden, CNN, MSN, the View, and the Democrat propagandist force feed the public daily on what passes for news these days...

From what Trump has had to go through with the Law fare from the corrupt DOJ, Planting of evidence by the FBI, and paid misinformation spreaders (Russia, Russia, Russia ) I hope he wins and can survive long enough to accomplish some of the stuff he thinks that needs to be done for the sake of future generations.

There is so much invested in destroying America no telling what will happen in the near future..? Disagree then look no further than the open border invasion.

RE: An Email from Florida - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-30-2024

Posted by 727Sky - Yesterday, 08:51 PM

A quote in your signature says it all.

Quote:“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire

I think we can see this at play. 

Not only are people believing absurdities, but they have convinced themselves that the absurdities they favor is the right one, justifying the atrocities they commit.

Right is right and wrong is wrong. You can't make a wrong for a right, just because you think it is less wrong.

The system is broken. The Roman empire thought it was the greatest civilization that ever existed. 

Maybe history can shed a little light on how we got here, and where we are headed.