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COVID vaccine reminds me of agent orange and the military - Printable Version

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COVID vaccine reminds me of agent orange and the military - 727Sky - 06-25-2024

Some of you might remember how the troops of the Vietnam war fought for years saying their lives were destroyed by agent orange. After many died with no disability or medical from the military years went by and finally the military figured out Agent Orange really could turn you nails to mush and kill your liver just for starters .

Now fast forward to today with a horrible story out of the military of how one girl is fought and dumped after a sever medical condition from the Madera forced vaccine... The older I get and the more I see and hear the less I trust institutions..especially if they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

RE: COVID vaccine reminds me of agent orange and the military - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-25-2024

Americans are slow learners with short selective memories.

They accepted or made excuses for the Tuskegee experiment. Not stopping to think of one second that a government that was that evil, to do something so inhumane, was not a government that cared about human life.

They are quick to call out the evil Nazis and their satanic operations and experiments on men, women, and children, while they were just as guilty. Actually they were worse, because they admitted it was wrong, when someone else was doing it.

Our government has no concern for their military, our children, or us. We are no more than fodder or Soylent Green.

People keep thinking that an election will fix the evil empire. And then they are surprised that we are still in the fine mess that we are in, and why no one worth their salt, will throw their hat into the ring.

You have to be more than ignorant to think you can win a rigged game.

RE: COVID vaccine reminds me of agent orange and the military - EndtheMadnessNow - 06-26-2024

Every generation is plagued with amnesia.

[Image: WSeo84l.jpg]

RE: COVID vaccine reminds me of agent orange and the military - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-26-2024

(06-26-2024, 03:05 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: Every generation is plagued with amnesia.

[Image: WSeo84l.jpg]

Yeah. SSDD. We live in the moment. Thinking ahead or preparing for the inevitable, is not our strong suit.  Shocked