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Now Ukraine is Fighting Russia in Syria - Printable Version

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Now Ukraine is Fighting Russia in Syria - 727Sky - 06-20-2024

Quote:Ukraine released footage of their special forces battling Russian troops inside Syria. This happened in the Golan Heights. Ukraine hit Russian checkpoints, ammunition storage depots, and logistics convoys. Then Russian foot Patrols were ambushed with small arms fire. But How did Ukraine's Khimik team insert into Syria nearly 1,000 miles away? and why are they diverting forces to a seemingly unrelated battle? The fight is also spilling over into Sudan as of last year. What does it mean for all these conflicts starting to bump up against each other?

RE: Now Ukraine is Fighting Russia in Syria - Bally002 - 06-20-2024

Perhaps cue North Korea under the recent Russia - NK security pact.  NK could do with a little boots on ground experience.



RE: Now Ukraine is Fighting Russia in Syria - Ninurta - 06-27-2024

What a splendid way to start WWIII! Just have random people take their internal fights outside their own playgrounds and start fighting in OTHER folks' living rooms! How long do you suppose it would take before THAT got old?

Imagine if Canada and Mexico got into a beef, and both decided to just fight it out on US soil - How long do you think a non-Biden Commander in Chief would put up with that? I mean, we all know Biden would do nothing but wander around randomly on the battlefield trying to shake hands with folks no one else can see, but what would a COMPETENT executive do?

Who do you reckon airlifted the Ukrainians onto battlefields around the world to expand the Russian Civil War? I bet I can guess... Whose idea do you reckon it was? Biden's, or one of his handlers?

Maybe they could airlift a Russian squad and a Ukrainian squad to Madison Square Gardens, let 'em duke it out there, and sell tickets?


RE: Now Ukraine is Fighting Russia in Syria - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-27-2024

(06-27-2024, 06:14 AM)Ninurta Wrote: What a splendid way to start WWIII! Just have random people take their internal fights outside their own playgrounds and start fighting in OTHER folks' living rooms! How long do you suppose it would take before THAT got old?

Imagine if Canada and Mexico got into a beef, and both decided to just fight it out on US soil - How long do you think a non-Biden Commander in Chief would put up with that? I mean, we all know Biden would do nothing but wander around randomly on the battlefield trying to shake hands with folks no one else can see, but what would a COMPETENT executive do?

Who do you reckon airlifted the Ukrainians onto battlefields around the world to expand the Russian Civil War? I bet I can guess... Whose idea do you reckon it was? Biden's, or one of his handlers?

Maybe they could airlift a Russian squad and a Ukrainian squad to Madison Square Gardens, let 'em duke it out there, and sell tickets?


Seems they have taken a page from America's book.

The days of America fighting wars outside of American soil, I fear are over. I think this time around, Americans will have a more up close and personal experience with the ugly evil of war.

America is not ready physically, emotionally, or spiritually, for a war fought on American soil.

There will be no safe rooms. The old calvary looks a lot like the white haired, old, shuffling, dementia ridden, representatives we have on Capitol Hill, talking smack and crapping their disposable underwear.

The young folk have no clue what they will be up against. They think everything will be done virtually, so they will be safe at home with friends, or mommy and daddy.

They don't know what an Ender's game will really look like.