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Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Printable Version

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Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Infolurker - 06-14-2024

I wonder why?

In 2020,. 

  • More than 5.5 million ballots were cast, breaking the previous record set in 2008
  • About 3.3 million of those ballots counted were absentee ballots, representing 60% of the total ballots cast. 


Quote:Michigan’s George Soros-funded Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, tried to allow the state to count ballots received after election day. She has also championed a measure that would allow same-day registration without a photo ID.

What could possibly go wrong when there’s ZERO verification,
To make matters worse, the state has also expanded mail-in voting. And the icing on the cake? 105% of the state’s population is registered to vote! Gee, how could that have happened?

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Ninurta - 06-14-2024

Well that's a no-brainer! Clearly, in order to steal an election, one must be able to stuff ballot boxes with fraudulent votes. In order to do that without raising too mush suspicion, you either have to burn the votes you don't like and replace them with votes you DO like, which is time consuming to sort them all out during an election day, OR you have to be able to overwhelm the votes you don't like with votes you do like, and in order to do that, you have to have... enough voters to appear to back those votes up. It's so much better if those voters are either dead, or better yet non-existent, because those sorts of voters won't kick up a fuss and say "whoa! waitaminnit there!"

So, clearly, they've just gone the extreme latter route and made up a bunch of fake voters that they'll never have to pay social security to!


RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - 727Sky - 06-14-2024

To have an environment where this kinda stuff is allowed says much IMO about the state of American leadership and what passes for a legit government.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Michigan Swamp Buck - 06-15-2024

I hate what is happening in my home state. 

Maybe I should mail in a ballot, do an absentee one, drop one in the nearest drop box, and then show up at the polls. I could have someone else fill out the extra ones and then mail and drop them off on my behalf while I go to the polls and vote in person. That should cut them off at the pass and nullify some of their other fake votes.

With laws like that, my impotent vote here in Michigan is a waste of time. It seems that such corruption in the voting process can only be corrected outside of said process.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Ninurta - 06-15-2024

(06-15-2024, 01:17 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I hate what is happening in my home state. 

Maybe I should mail in a ballot, do an absentee one, drop one in the nearest drop box, and then show up at the polls. I could have someone else fill out the extra ones and then mail and drop them off on my behalf while I go to the polls and vote in person. That should cut them off at the pass and nullify some of their other fake votes.

With laws like that, my impotent vote here in Michigan is a waste of time. It seems that such corruption in the voting process can only be corrected outside of said process.

I'd be careful of the multiple votes. I know a fella that was still in the Marine Corps during the last election, and who voted "absentee"... and did so, unwittingly, in 3 separate states. He voted legitimately in his native North Carolina, and a few weeks after the election was done, he got a visit from The Men in the Gray Flannel Cammies who had interesting questions for him as to why he also voted in Nevada and Arizona.

He told them to check the signatures. Only one of them would be his. As it turned out, I don't think the two spurious votes even had signatures.

He is of the opinion that those extra votes got counted anyhow.

But they weren't his - they were only cast in his name.


RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Michigan Swamp Buck - 06-16-2024

(06-15-2024, 10:23 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(06-15-2024, 01:17 AM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I hate what is happening in my home state. 

Maybe I should mail in a ballot, do an absentee one, drop one in the nearest drop box, and then show up at the polls. I could have someone else fill out the extra ones and then mail and drop them off on my behalf while I go to the polls and vote in person. That should cut them off at the pass and nullify some of their other fake votes.

With laws like that, my impotent vote here in Michigan is a waste of time. It seems that such corruption in the voting process can only be corrected outside of said process.

I'd be careful of the multiple votes. I know a fella that was still in the Marine Corps during the last election, and who voted "absentee"... and did so, unwittingly, in 3 separate states. He voted legitimately in his native North Carolina, and a few weeks after the election was done, he got a visit from The Men in the Gray Flannel Cammies who had interesting questions for him as to why he also voted in Nevada and Arizona.

He told them to check the signatures. Only one of them would be his. As it turned out, I don't think the two spurious votes even had signatures.

He is of the opinion that those extra votes got counted anyhow.

But they weren't his - they were only cast in his name.


I'm not serious, one person, one vote. I just think it's just so ridicules that in order to have my vote count against all the fake ones, I'd have to vote like one hundred times to make one count. It's almost like inflation with all the fake votes nullifying my single legit vote.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Ninurta - 06-16-2024

(06-16-2024, 10:06 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: I'm not serious, one person, one vote. I just think it's just so ridicules that in order to have my vote count against all the fake ones, I'd have to vote like one hundred times to make one count. It's almost like inflation with all the fake votes nullifying my single legit vote.


I have to scratch my head and wonder just what is going on when the folks (s)elected to office are being absolutely unresponsive to the folks who are alleged to have put them there. That in itself should tell us all that we need to know, when the government doesn't care any more about the voters except to pay lip service to them while going about their nefarious business as usual. When they no longer actually care about our votes, that is a sure sign they are actually getting their votes elsewhere, from another source than the electorate.

To find out where they are actually getting their votes from, we have to watch carefully to see who they ARE being responsive to. That will tell us who it is that is really putting them in power rather than We, The People. It will tell us who is really supplying the fake ballots to stuff the ballot boxes with.

People are losing confidence in government at an accelerating rate, and the government so far has been absolutely unresponsive to that loss of confidence. The questions swirling around voting and it's continued legitimacy are only one example, but a huge, ever present example.

We are TELLING them, outright that "hey, we know you're cheating the vote, because we are watching and have seen it, and here is what we want you to do to fix that and gain back our confidence..." and the response so far has been "Uh, no we ain't. You're seeing things. You're hallucinating. And because of that, we are not only going to keep doing what we are doing, we are also going to find new ways to cheat the vote and erode your confidence even further because, well, we prefer ignoring you and continuing to seize power, and there ain't a damned thing you can do about it. So there."

There is only ONE direction that has historically led in, that erosion of confidence in government, and it's not the direction they think it's going to be. It seems that it will be business as usual... until it ain't no more and the voters have had enough... and start taking direct action.

It's that "direct action" that they think "can't happen here", but that is exactly the same attitude that many a fallen government has had just before the boots got put to it.


RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - SomeJackleg - 06-16-2024

(06-14-2024, 04:09 AM)Infolurker Wrote: I wonder why?

that's a easy answer, cause now all the dem woketards  som a bitchesin bastards all suffer from whole body Peyronie's Disease
that effects their critical thinking skills. oh and their greedy crooked bastards as well.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - rickymouse - 06-18-2024

I'm just voting once, I will go vote at the township hall as I have done all but one time.  If I am sick, I just won't go to that social function....I like talking to others when waiting in most likely I will go even if I am sick.

It is a good place to go see the neighbors and see what is going on in the township.  I also go to the firehall when they have their picnic and same with the picnic the propane company has and the two banks picnics they have every year.  All are free.  I wish they had coffee and donuts at the township hall when we vote, I suppose I could bring a big thermos of coffee and some homemade cardamon bread with me...I suppose someone will say I am trying to rig the election if I do that.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - GeauxHomeLittleD - 06-18-2024

I thought it was common knowledge that liberals vote as themselves in the morning and then later on in the day they vote as a deceased person because they identify as a registered Democrat corpse.

RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Bally002 - 06-18-2024

(06-18-2024, 04:21 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: I thought it was common knowledge that liberals vote as themselves in the morning and then later on in the day they vote as a deceased person because they identify as a registered Democrat corpse.

Strewth!!!  That's different and desperate.

I can only vote in one place. (unless absentee) Once my name is crossed off after identification.  That's it.

I wouldn't know how to scam voting as a dead person.

Kind regards,


RE: Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens? - Ninurta - 06-18-2024

(06-18-2024, 05:55 AM)Bally002 Wrote:
(06-18-2024, 04:21 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: I thought it was common knowledge that liberals vote as themselves in the morning and then later on in the day they vote as a deceased person because they identify as a registered Democrat corpse.

Strewth!!!  That's different and desperate.

I can only vote in one place. (unless absentee) Once my name is crossed off after identification.  That's it.

I wouldn't know how to scam voting as a dead person.

Kind regards,


We have a problem in Virginia, particularly in Northern Virginia, with dead folks returning from the grave to vote. Ray Stevens actually wrote a song about it when his grandpa voted as a Democrat years after he had died. That song was a true story, funny though he wrote it.
