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Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - Infolurker - 06-12-2024

CBS is dumbfounded by the stats and public opinion.

62% of registered voters support deporting ALL illegal immigrants

Quote:In a recent episode of CBS’s Face the Nation, host Margaret Brennan was left dumbfounded when discussing the results of a new poll that showed 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants.

The poll, conducted by Harvard-Harris and released last week, asked respondents if they believe that all illegal immigrants should be deported or allowed to stay in the U.S. with a pathway to citizenship.

The majority, including 66% of independents and 87% of Republicans, chose deportation.
Brennan expressed her disbelief at these numbers, stating, “I mean this is really striking because we’ve seen so much coverage over the past few years about how hardline immigration policies are not popular with most Americans.”

Contrary to what many mainstream media outlets have been reporting, it seems that a significant portion of Americans do support stricter immigration policies.

And this sentiment is not limited to just one political party. The poll also found that 55% of Democrats support deportation over granting citizenship.

This may come as a surprise to those who have been following the narrative pushed by some politicians and media outlets that portray stricter immigration policies as being inhumane and unpopular.

But for many right-leaning Americans, this poll simply confirms what they have been saying all along – enforcing our immigration laws is necessary to protect our country and its citizens.

One possible explanation for this shift in public opinion could be the recent surge in illegal border crossings and the resulting strain on resources at the southern border.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were over 178,000 apprehensions at the border in April alone, the highest number in over two decades.

This influx of illegal immigrants has also raised concerns about public safety and national security. The poll found that 67% of respondents believe that illegal immigration increases crime rates and poses a threat to national security.

These findings are not surprising to many conservative Americans who have been calling for stronger border security measures for years. And with the current administration’s more lenient approach to immigration, it seems that their fears may be coming true.
But despite this growing support for stricter immigration policies, there are still those who vehemently oppose any form of deportation.

In fact, Brennan herself seemed to struggle with accepting the results of the poll, stating “I’m just dumbfounded by these numbers.”

This sentiment is echoed by many on the left who argue that deporting all illegal immigrants would be cruel and unjust. However, as this poll shows, there is a significant portion of the American population who do not share this view.

And while some may dismiss these results as being influenced by partisan politics or biased questioning, it is worth noting that Harvard-Harris is considered a reputable polling organization and has been used by both Democrats and Republicans in the past.

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-12-2024

(06-12-2024, 01:44 AM)Infolurker Wrote: CBS is dumbfounded by the stats and public opinion.

62% of registered voters support deporting ALL illegal immigrants

I think the key word here is "illegal". If someone is in the country illegally, there should be no question about them being removed.

I am dumfounded that this is even an issue.

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - sailorsam - 06-12-2024

Democrats / media / academia live in a bubble.  in their world illegal immigration is a good thing.  if their neighborhoods started getting overrun with crime and drugs &tc they'd feel different, but they mostly live in gated or otherwise protected / isolated communities.  their jobs aren't threatened and they live in safety.

its almost illegal to say 'illegal alien'.  even Republicans are referring to undocumented etc.

that's why Biden admin is all of a sudden promoting border security; the polls.  I hope the Republicans will nail the border issue on the Dems this election; they should own it.

tightening up the border now is a joke.  we've had three years of who-knows accumulating in country.

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - NightskyeB4Dawn - 06-12-2024

(06-12-2024, 09:21 AM)sailorsam Wrote: tightening up the border now is a joke.  we've had three years of who-knows accumulating in country.

This is no accident. It is just another piece of the blueprint being constructed.

What do they really mean when they say, "You are what you eat"?

Now they are pushing synthetic meats made from feces, making it impossible for the average Americans to own land, while prohibiting them from growing crops, and making it illegal to own poultry or livestock.
Controlling what you eat and where it comes from is part of the plan. They are slow walking us off the edge, and we line up and jump on command. Bitching, rationalizing, and making excuses for the whole way down.

The solution to our problems is "not" the government. The government is keeping us in a state of blind ignorance. Culling us, and controlling us in a more moderate "Hunger Games" fashion, for now.

Looking at the surface of all of what is going on, it makes no sense. Look deeper.

Just say "NO!" Take your ball and go home. A peaceful strong united front of non-compliance is a strong offense.

This sort of explains how we got here. We played along and now it is time to stop playing.
People don't need to wake up, "they" need to do something. Waiting untill the barbarians are at the gate, is a sure way to lose. Eating your own is a sure way to make sure "their" plan is successful.

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - Ninurta - 06-12-2024

(06-12-2024, 09:21 AM)sailorsam Wrote: Democrats / media / academia live in a bubble.  in their world illegal immigration is a good thing.  if their neighborhoods started getting overrun with crime and drugs &tc they'd feel different, but they mostly live in gated or otherwise protected / isolated communities.  their jobs aren't threatened and they live in safety.

its almost illegal to say 'illegal alien'.  even Republicans are referring to undocumented etc.

that's why Biden admin is all of a sudden promoting border security; the polls.  I hope the Republicans will nail the border issue on the Dems this election; they should own it.

tightening up the border now is a joke.  we've had three years of who-knows accumulating in country.

 I still call them "illegals". I don't care what other folks say about it. I take a lot of crap for that, but I do it anyhow. They can kiss my ass - I call it like I see it.

My favorite are the dumbasses that try to say to me "human beings cannot be 'illegal' ". My ass they can't! Not my problem if English is not the attacker's first language, such that they don't know what "illegal" means.

If someone crashes someone else's border, in violation of their laws, then for as long as they are within those borders, they are illegally there, and therefore they are "illegal". it's a pretty simple damned concept.

"Undocumented" means something else entirely. The implication is that the "undocumented" is legal, just without papers. that's entirely different from illegal at the base of it. I was "undocumented" for several years, right here in the US, the country of my birth. I was "undocumented", yes, but NOT "illegal". There is a huge difference, and as I said above, I call 'em like I see 'em.

I NEVER refer to illegals as merely undocumented. I'm too honest a person to speak that willful lie.


RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - Ninurta - 06-12-2024

Also, I note that just last night, 8 ISIS-affiliated terrorists were arrested in a mass roll-up in the cities of Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia. All of them were ethnic Tajiks from Tajikistan, and all were affiliated with "ISIS-K", also known as "ISIS in Khorasan".

All of them had infiltrated via the southern border owing to the BidenHarris policy of non-enforcement of US borders. All of them had been here a year or less.

They got rolled up because they were dumb enough to use the telephone to discuss making bombs.

If 8 have been caught in a single evening, how many more are here? How many of those are bright enough to follow ISIS OPSEC guidelines and NOT discuss attacks over clear phone lines?

I actually have a copy of the ISIS encryption software package. None of it is original - it's just cobbled together from other primary sources - but it would appear to be very effective at what it is intended to do, if used according to their guidelines. There was a version released into the wild that the NSA had built a back door into after they intercepted the software, but there is no way of knowing what percentage of the software out there has been infected. If security guidelines are followed, then there is every reason to believe that not all of the software packages in use were infected.

We may not see the next attack coming due to that encryption and OPSEC, so why are we allowing them free passage to get in in the first place? To my way of thinking, one of the best ways to prevent them from attacking here would be to simply not allow them into the US in the first place. They can't attack places where they are not there to attack, eh?


RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - EndtheMadnessNow - 06-13-2024

@NightskyeB4Dawn - Minor correction: the barbarians are already inside and past the gate, imo. But, yea I get your point and agree with your comments.

Ironic: back in the 50-60s (possibly 70s too) "The Illegals" were Russian sleeper agents hiding in plain sight all over the USA. They were indoctrinated in western education & ideology and spoke perfect English without a Ruskie accent. They were eventually caught (all of them? Nobody really knows) and deported. Some were swapped with American spies being held in Soviet Union.

[Image: RK6ffvz.jpg]
Course that was then. Today as we all know we have illegals from just about every damn country.

And some things haven't changed in 73 years...

[Image: CU1eksS.jpg]
But at least back then our gov't imposed a limit on how many were allowed in and they weren't invited either, unlike Joe Biden's open invitation to the world.

Regardless who gets installed in 2025 we may have a world of trouble on our hands. False flag or real event coming it sure feels like it's been carefully orchestrated and we're being setup. Mixing millions of radically different cultures into one has always been a bad idea and never ends well for the host.

The icing on the cake is if they start loading ships with Palestinians bound for America. Kinda like what Obama did with Somalians, except with planes.

On the flip-side maybe it'll just work out and everything will be fine.
Meh, I think not.

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - Snarl - 06-19-2024

Got an invite to go out to the range this a.m. There were ten of us and four illegals jabbering in their home tongue. Everyone was in a good mood. Then the illegals flicked the switches on their Glocks and emptied their magazines at their targets downrange.

Fun is fun and all, but illegals come here and don't obey any laws. I've been wondering how they got those automatic upgrades ever since. I can't get one -shrugs-.

I honestly think the elites imported the illegals so we wouldn't turn our attention onto 'them'. Let the illegals become a problem and act like bullet sponges. Ya'll remember the ammo shortage -wink wink- from before, right?

RE: Dumbfounded: 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants - Ninurta - 06-20-2024

(06-19-2024, 08:29 PM)Snarl Wrote: Got an invite to go out to the range this a.m. There were ten of us and four illegals jabbering in their home tongue. Everyone was in a good mood. Then the illegals flicked the switches on their Glocks and emptied their magazines at their targets downrange.

Fun is fun and all, but illegals come here and don't obey any laws. I've been wondering how they got those automatic upgrades ever since. I can't get one -shrugs-.

I honestly think the elites imported the illegals so we wouldn't turn our attention onto 'them'. Let the illegals become a problem and act like bullet sponges. Ya'll remember the ammo shortage -wink wink- from before, right?

My! The times certainly are a-changing!

Several years ago, I and some associates packed up a bunch of automatic weapons and suppressed weapons (some were both auto AND suppressed - I moved in interesting circles in those days) and hauled it on down to a shooting range at Uwharrie National Forest in NC., just outside of Troy where all the Robin Sage exercises get centered on.

When we got there, there were several illegals already at the benches, trying their hands at shooting, but when we started unrolling all that stuff - there was an M60, a Stemple SMG with silencer, shotguns, pistols, AK's, suppressed .22 assassin weapons, just all sorts of stuff - those illegals got quiet... then they got pale... then they skied it the hell out of there while the getting was good.

Now they're bringing their own auto-gats? My! The times certainly are a-changing! I thought illegals were not allowed to be armed... or is that just Virginia and NC? Or is it that they're just bold enough these days to give no shits?
