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German Defense Plant Fire & NATO Worries - EndtheMadnessNow - 05-16-2024

Quote:May 10, 2024 / Joseph P. Farrell

But why do I say stories? Very simple: today's blog started out as a blog about a fire at a German firm in Belin-Lichterfelde named Diehl, but the story quickly morphed into something else.  When I first heard of the story of the fire at the Diehl Metal Applications plant in Berlin-Lichterfelde, my ears perked up because of the general location. Berlin-Lichterfelde was the home prior to and during the war of self-taught Nazi nuclear physicist Baron Manfred von Ardenne, who managed to build for himself a functioning cyclotron underneath his (rather large) house, and with that cyclotron he devised an ingenious means of uranium enrichment very similar to E.O. Lawrence's beta calutrons in the American Manhattan project. And of course, von Ardenne was doing so for the same reason.  Intriguingly, it was von Ardenne that alone of Germany's nuclear scientists, we know that Adolf Hitler personally visited, and on a regular basis. After the war, von Ardenne, unlike most high-ranking Nazi scientists, opted to cooperate with the Soviet Union, presumably on its atom bomb project. Whatever von Ardenne did, he gained the considerable appreciation and gratitude of the Soviets, for he was the only foreign scientist ever to win the "Stalin Prize" for science, the Soviet Union's equivalent of a Nobel prize, for the work he had done, "whatever" that was. He returned to East Germany and Berlin-Lichterfelde, and the Soviets shocked the world by detonating their bomb well ahead of western predictions.

So, a fire at a German metallurgical plant located in Berlin-Lichterfelde grabbed my attention, and sure enough, it soon came out that the firm of Diehl Metal Applications was connected to the German defense industry infrascture... 
and more:

The "and more" part of the story is this:

Quote:Diehl Metal Applications is a subsidiary of Diehl, known for its involvement in the defense industry, including the production of IRIS-T air defense systems supplied to (the) Ukraine.

Now, when I first heard the story, my immediate thought was that this fire was perhaps an example of what I've been warning about: increased use of active covert operations measures by Russia against the West in response to the West's insistence that it is allowed to meddle in the Ukraine and that that Russians should be nice boys and girls and let them do so, and sit there and be quiet. The direct Ukrainian connection here only served to intensify my speculation.

But no sooner had this fire occurred than a few days later we got this encyclical from the cardinals at NATO:

Hybrid war: NATO sounds alarm over 'hostile' Russian activity across Europe

[Image: RIa7wBi.jpg]

Now note what this "hybrid war" consists of, according to the article:

Quote:NATO has issued a sharp warning over "hostile" Russian activity across Europe.

In a statement released on Thursday, the 32-member military alliance said it was "deeply concerned about recent malign activities" by Moscow, which it called a threat to Western security.

It pointed to "disinformation, sabotage, acts of violence, cyber and electronic interference... and other hybrid operations."

Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the UK have all been affected, according to NATO.

So it has finally happened folks. For years I've been warning that the West's and NATO's actions would eventually provoke a Russian response in kind, and that "two can play the covert operations game." And now NATO is confirming that, indeed, Russia has begun to respond in kind.

Or at least, that is what we're being told. Bear with me, for I have two wildly different high octane speculations to advance. Let's assume that Russia is responding and is conducting such covert operations. Just how, and when, they will escalate to include what the west has already done to the Ukraine and Russia - such as an actual coup d'etat against a foreign government (the Ukraine), or assassination attempts (remember Putin's chauffeur and the strange car accident in Moscow? or blowing up Alexander Dugin's daughter?) - remains to be seen. But it should be obvious that, when those types of actions are considered, Russia has only begun to horizontally "escalate". When western leaders' chauffeurs start having accidents on Trafalgar Square or in the traffic circle at the Arc de Triomphe or in front of the Kanzleramt or drones start dropping on Davos  or there are sudden outbreaks of "turbocancers" in the NATO College of Cardinals, we'll know something is definitely afoot.  My point in advancing this is simply this: my long-predicted "two can play this game" response has arrived, and NATO is officially acknowledging that it has arrived, and that the covert wars have begun in earnest. But my main point is that, while NATO and the West have been playing this vicious war against Russia for years, Russia has only just begun to respond. In other words, expect matters to escalate dramatically, and that escalation I predict will include actual "wet works" against western leadership. After all, as far as the Russians are concerned, they have made themselves targets.

And this bring me to my second concern, which is the opportunity for false flags, and indeed, we need to ask the question: are we looking at a Russian response at all, or only at something being blamed on Russia, but actually perpetrated by the West to further its own escalation agenda? Answer: I don't know, and no one does, but we have to maintain the possibility because every institution in the west is co-opted, has proven itself capable of bottomless corruption, endless lying, and blatantly murderous deeds.  The whole Ukrainian fiasco has been a tale precisely of bottomless corruption, endless lying, and blatantly murderous deeds.   In fact, I am bold to suggest that until specific western leaders or their chauffeurs start experiencing curious accidents, sudden onset cancers, or accidental explosions, there's really not much to suggest that "Putin did it."  And that should give everyone a bit of pause before buying any narrative from the swamps of the West, be they Brussels, Paris, London, Berlin, or Swampington DC.

The Giza DeathStar

RE: German Defense Plant Fire & NATO Worries - EndtheMadnessNow - 05-16-2024

Just adding this on.

How close are we to nuclear war with Russia? Well, if the panic, hysteria and nuclear rhetoric on the interwebs, coupled with our insane globalist regimes are any indicator it sounds danger close.

[Image: KrLPNKR.jpg]

What are the odds that any F-16s buzzing around over there are in fact piloted by American and/or other western pilots?

[Image: EgKfnBY.jpg]
^^ If that is true then the British regime have lost their minds.

[Image: G5nlwcw.jpg]
Briefly Noted: Russia's Nuclear Message

A tell-tale warning about what is perhaps really going on here...

Quote:Western leaders are ‘infantile morons’ – Medvedev

The US, the UK, France and other Western nations [Germany] should take a Russian nuclear drill as a reminder of where escalation of the Ukraine conflict could take them, former President Dmitry Medvedev has said.

On Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry announced an imminent exercise to test the capability to deploy non-strategic nuclear weapons. It said the training was ordered by President Vladimir Putin after “provocative statements and threats” by Western officials.

Medvedev, who serves as deputy head of the Russian Security Council, referred to debates in the West about possible deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine, as well as “active encouragement [of Kiev] to use [Western] missile weapons against the entire Russian territory” as grounds for the drill.

Russia “will have to respond” to the proposed deployment of Western soldiers, “and this response will not be” in Ukraine, the Russian official warned. In that case “there will be no hiding on Capitol Hill, in the Elysee Palace or at 10 Downing Street.”

The situation is comparable to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, according to Medvedev. He said current Western elites were “infantile morons” who refuse to see the risk, unlike US President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who managed to walk back the escalation six decades ago.

Let that sink in for a minute as to how the Russian leadership are thinking concerning their escalation strategies. If the monster called NATO continues in their current form we are going to have these "wag the dog" scenarios. Like the Germans threatening to send cruise missiles to the Ukraine for carrying out strikes within Russia territory which according to the top article, David Cameron in the UK had already "green lit" for the crazy nuts in Kiev.

By degrading and allowing our own conventional forces to the extent they are now, especially with all the wokery doctrine being promoted within is telling in that the West has no means of escalation in a conventional sense.

We have no conventional weapons to escalate an intimidating response with and even if we did as Col Macgregor points out, we would lose. The logistics nightmare alone would kill us. Ukraine is learning this the hard knox WWI way.

The nuclear weapons the Ruskies are talking about deploying are tactical...  small yield and perhaps "clean" weapons. Meaning the "fallout" is much more contained and not like the cold war nuke detonations in Nevada and elsewhere. Even so, with Russia using tactical nukes in Ukraine and with the prevailing winds would carry fallout onto Russian soil. So, either the Russian nukes of today's generation are much more cleaner and devoid of the massive amounts of fallout of the past and thereby (in the minds of madmen) make a nuclear war fightable and winnable. Now, that's a big problem. Note that most of America's strategic nuclear weapons are running on outdated and obsolete delivery systems. We (USA) have not updated our ICBMs (except for the nuclear core) since the Minuteman III, a project started under JFK. That's how old the missiles are. We do have updated airplane deliverable bombs and submarine launched missiles, but if the recent experience with the UK Royal Navy inability to carry out successful launches which are supplied by US Navy and American tech, then we are dealing with an old worn out nuclear deterrent. The Russians know this better than whatever is printed in the media.

Meanwhile, the Russians have continued to update & upgrade their nuclear arsenal. They have designer nukes or what is called dial-a-yield which makes them tactical and possibly much "cleaner". We (USA) have the same but how well do they work? Nobody has done a live test since early 90s.

The Medvedev threat is along the lines of we know where all your bunkers are located and aside from worrying about bombs dropping on your bunker command & control hideouts we also have "wet-work" teams on standby to decapitate your leadership. As the West (USSA, London, Paris, Berlin) & NATO escalate, the Russians will now escalate in kind. I'm expecting more escalated sabotage this summer.

Meanwhile, on the front lines...

Quote:Russia amasses over half a million troops at Ukrainian border (May 15, 2024)

In a significant escalation, Russia has deployed over 500,000 troops along the Ukrainian border, a move analysts describe as a direct attempt to overwhelm Ukrainian defenses. The dramatic increase in troop numbers places immense pressure on Ukraine, which relies heavily on Western support.

Dr Jack Watling of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) emphasized the gravity of the situation, saying, "The Russian forces have now expanded to 510,000 troops. The outlook for Ukraine is bleak. Its allies must replenish stockpiles." This stark assessment underscores the urgent need for continued and enhanced support from Western allies to sustain Ukraine's resistance.

The intensification of Russian military presence has resulted in heightened activity in northern Ukraine, particularly threatening Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city. Images from the region show significant military deployments and the aftermath of strikes, which continue to destabilize the area.

Amidst these developments, US secretary of state Antony Blinken visited Kyiv to reaffirm US commitment to Ukraine. "We know this is a challenging time. But US aid is going to make a real difference against the ongoing Russian aggression on the battlefield," Blinken asserted during his visit. His trip follows the recent approval of a $60 billion support package by Congress, aimed at bolstering Ukraine's defense capabilities against the ongoing Russian onslaught.

I guess Blinken the other night singing "Rockin' in the Free World" in a Kiev bar was a mocking goodbye to Ukraine. I dunno, just not normal nor what is real anymore on the Geopolitical lines.