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A vivid dream. - Printable Version

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A vivid dream. - Bally002 - 05-11-2024

G'day all, 

It's 4.52am here.  Just saw 'true love' off to work.   She gets up at 4.00am.  Anyway I got up at midnight, had a smoke, checked the web and went back to bed.  Heavy rain outside.

In this dream I was alerted to a mega Tsunami that originated in the northern Pacific up near the Bering Strait close the the North American Continent.  The alert came from a ship's distress call and I was in some form of operations room.

Before me was a table about the size of a large dining table.  It was illuminated with a map of the world.  The map was gridded and showed the ocean in a very pale green and the land masses in a darker olive green.

The path of the Tsunami and predicted paths, rate of travel and direction was indicated in red patterns.  The current flow was in singular lines and the predicted flow was broken patterned dots.

Looking at this map I saw the predicted wave patterns striking the main continents all the way south along the Americas and west into Asia.  This must have been a large one as the flow entered the Antarctic region, turned, came up the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, going north.  In my dream I was a bit perplexed about this thinking why isn't it striking the continent directly from the east.  The wave travelled up the east coast.  I looked south the saw the lights travel beneath Australia in the Bight and into the Indian Ocean.  It crossed westwards towards Africa.  

When the wave struck the south east of that continent it went inland.  I looked to the map along the Eastern coast of Aussie which by now was completely lined with red dots.

I yelled out "Have you heard from that ship about how high and fast the wave is travelling!"  My wife replied, "What ship?"

She was waking up to go to work and here I was in bed wondering WTF.  

So I thought I may put this down while I still have memory and the picture in my head so to speak.  I irregularly have dreams likes this.  A follow up dream would be nice to see how it ends.

Kind regards,


RE: A vivid dream. - F2d5thCav - 05-12-2024


I have dreams related to old work situations sometimes.  Most of the thrust revolves around seeing old faces again.  I think my brain wonders why it isn't encountering those people anymore!


RE: A vivid dream. - Bally002 - 05-12-2024

(05-12-2024, 05:39 PM)F2d5thCav Wrote: Bally,

I have dreams related to old work situations sometimes.  Most of the thrust revolves around seeing old faces again.  I think my brain wonders why it isn't encountering those people anymore!


Yes, I have those occasionally.  I'm back in uniform mostly.  The brain can be a strange critter when sleeping.


RE: A vivid dream. - MrJesterium - 05-21-2024

Hey Bally,

I wanted to reply back sooner, but I was preoccupied for a whole week.

Did the tsunami feel natural or artificial? Before an earthquake occurs, do you feel headaches or body aches? How does it affect your sleep? Did the April 8 eclipse or recent auroras affect your sleep in any way?

A friend who has visions recently told me she saw "a huge wall of water" heading for the west coast, "the waves reached parts of Alaska", but there was no quake when it happened. It's not caused by the Big One.

That sounds like an unusually detailed map! Could you perhaps reproduce the map with less detailed features?

What did the table look like? There was a recent dream of the US map with a wooden table, but diamond-shaped.

Have you heard of Gordon Scallion? He glimpsed a possible future world map in which parts of Alaska and a huge chunk of the west coast were either submerged or sunk.

Scallion also claimed to be able to read the earth and feel when something was wrong with it, "I would watch some of the part of the earth in pain." Does it seem like the earth can change its mind about a natural disaster at the last minute?

It's also worth noting the claim that Scallion warned about a hum phenomena caused by tectonic plates rubbing against one another, which would cause people to feel sick/nauseous with flu-like symptoms (but no fever?) and possibly heart failures (heart attacks?). (Here, it's unclear where Scallion's words begin and where the site owner inserts his own words, you'd have to watch an interview to confirm these claims.)

There was a prediction about crippling heart attacks and vascular problems, which I assumed was related to solar flares, but now I'm not so sure.

(05-11-2024, 07:35 PM)Bally002 Wrote: In my dream I was a bit perplexed about this thinking why isn't it striking the continent directly from the east. The wave travelled up the east coast.
This part seems important, your guess is as good as mine.

RE: A vivid dream. - Bally002 - 05-22-2024

(05-21-2024, 06:20 AM)MrJesterium Wrote: Hey Bally,

I wanted to reply back sooner, but I was preoccupied for a whole week.

Did the tsunami feel natural or artificial? Before an earthquake occurs, do you feel headaches or body aches? How does it affect your sleep? Did the April 8 eclipse or recent auroras affect your sleep in any way?

A friend who has visions recently told me she saw "a huge wall of water" heading for the west coast, "the waves reached parts of Alaska", but there was no quake when it happened. It's not caused by the Big One.

That sounds like an unusually detailed map! Could you perhaps reproduce the map with less detailed features?

What did the table look like? There was a recent dream of the US map with a wooden table, but diamond-shaped.

Have you heard of Gordon Scallion? He glimpsed a possible future world map in which parts of Alaska and a huge chunk of the west coast were either submerged or sunk.

Scallion also claimed to be able to read the earth and feel when something was wrong with it, "I would watch some of the part of the earth in pain." Does it seem like the earth can change its mind about a natural disaster at the last minute?

It's also worth noting the claim that Scallion warned about a hum phenomena caused by tectonic plates rubbing against one another, which would cause people to feel sick/nauseous with flu-like symptoms (but no fever?) and possibly heart failures (heart attacks?). (Here, it's unclear where Scallion's words begin and where the site owner inserts his own words, you'd have to watch an interview to confirm these claims.)

There was a prediction about crippling heart attacks and vascular problems, which I assumed was related to solar flares, but now I'm not so sure.

(05-11-2024, 07:35 PM)Bally002 Wrote: In my dream I was a bit perplexed about this thinking why isn't it striking the continent directly from the east. The wave travelled up the east coast.
This part seems important, your guess is as good as mine.

G'day mate.  Cheers for the reply.  No, I didn't feel anything.  I had no real interest in the eclipse or solar flares for that matter.  No headaches, nothing other than waking up speaking out aloud.  Confused, yes.  The dream was quite real.  

As for the predicted travel of the wave I was thinking it was backwash, if you may, from the continent of Antarctica.  The broken dots were the predicted path.  What perplexed me was this didn't seems normal to where the wave initiated from and I had no way to explain it.  

From memory there were no Pacific Islands on the map.  New Zealand disappeared along with Tasmania. 

Kind regards,


RE: A vivid dream. - GeauxHomeLittleD - 05-22-2024

It's so weird, I also had an apocalypse dream recently but mine was last night/early this morning. In my dream it was a fiery apocalypse- and it wasn't just Earth but our entire solar system! As I was trying to escape the flames and chaos (and there was NO place to go that was safe) the other planets were moving so close to Earth that everyone could see them in the sky. The planets were all engulfed in flames and some even appeared to be melting! Scary shit but very interesting- and colorful to boot!