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BREAKING: Milwaukee Election Director Terminated from Position - Printable Version

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BREAKING: Milwaukee Election Director Terminated from Position - Infolurker - 05-07-2024

Nothing to see here.

Quote:She is the (was) the most corrupt election clerk in Wisconsin. I took her sworn deposition in a lawsuit I filed against her as Milwaukee City election clerk. She printed 64,000 ballots in the back conference room of City Hall, Room 501. For the Nov.3rd 2020 election. She had city employees and others (CTCL) fill some of those out on the 4th, 6th and other floors of city hall. Then kicked out observers around 10-10:30pm on Nov.3rd. Then brought in large amounts of ballots at 1:15am on Nov. 4th. All illegal, unconstitutional – number one way however the liberals stole the Presidential election in 2020.”

Unsupervised Ballot Counting

Further scrutiny was drawn to Woodall-Vogg after video footage surfaced of her feeding ballot totals into a machine in the early morning hours without election observers present. This act was criticized for violating protocol, prompting accusations of misconduct.

Reporters actually FILMED Milwaukee Election Commission Senior Executive Claire Woodall-Vogg feeding totals into a machine in the wee hours of the morning WITHOUT any election observers!

Quote:Wisconsin activist Peter Bernegger filed a criminal complaint against Claire Woodall-Vogg for her latest lawlessness.

Woodall-Vogg set up a tent in a back alley and sent two untrained Public Works employees and not trained election workers on August 9, 2022. The harvesters were collecting ballots from cars and were not asking where the ballots came from. There were no election observers at the location to oversee this travesty.

Quote:This email was sent around the same time a still unexplained drop of over 140,000 ballots for Joe Biden was dumped in Milwaukee in the wee hours of the morning.

Also, back in August, The Gateway Pundit reported that corrupt Milwaukee Election Director Claire Woodall-Vogg was giving daily reports on voting data to Democrat operative Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein and private liberal organizations before the election on exactly who was voting. This occurred in the run-up to the November election.
The MacIver Institute in Wisconsin gained access to the emails from Spitzer-Rubenstein and Woodall-Vogg. Woodall-Vogg admits to handing over the daily reports to the liberal groups.