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Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America - Printable Version

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Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America - Infolurker - 01-26-2024

Yeah, the DNC party of the rich and stupid really doesn't like Freedom.... who would have guessed? LOL

Quote:The nation’s ruling class holds deeply authoritarian opinions widely divorced from the rest of the American electorate, finds a survey out this week. It found nearly 60 percent of American “elites” think there is too much individual freedom in America. Meanwhile, nearly 60 percent of registered voters have the exact opposite opinion, reporting the United States has too much top-down control, limiting liberty. 

The study, titled “Them Vs. U.S,” defined the American “elite” as “having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile.” Such people account for about 1 percent of Americans. The study also examined a sub-sample of the 1 percent who graduated from Ivy League schools or other name-brand institutions such as Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago.

The study from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity found ruling class opinions on climate policies were particularly harsh and despotic. More than two-thirds of the 1 percent support rationing vital energy and food sources in an attempt to control the globe’s weather. That number jumped to nearly 90 percent among the Ivy Leaguers. Around two-thirds of normal registered voters, however, oppose rationing vital resources.
Limiting food and water consumption is a serious proposition to global leaders. For example, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, an environmentalist organization of city leaders across the globe, has proposed annihilating meat and dairy consumption by 2030. 
“An astonishing 72% of the Elites – including 81% of the Elites who graduated from the top universities – favor banning gas cars,” the study authors continued. “And majorities of elites would ban gas stoves, non-essential air travel, SUVs, and private air conditioning.”
Elites’ view of other elites is very different from regular registered voters’ view of elites. On the education front, “Two-thirds (67%) [of the 1 percent] say teachers and other educational professionals should decide what children are taught rather than letting parents decide.” Only 38 percent of registered voters felt the same. 

“About six of ten elites have a favorable opinion of the so-called talking professions—lawyers, lobbyists, politicians, and journalists,” wrote the study authors. Additionally, “In stark contrast to the rest of America, 70% of the Elites trust the government to ‘do the right thing most of the time.’”
Unsurprisingly, “about three-quarters of these cultural elites are Biden supporters.” While only 20 percent of Americans say they are better off financially under Biden, nearly three-quarters of the elites say they are better off under Biden.
The study comes as global leaders meet in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting to discuss draconian climate policies and crackdowns on freedom of speech and therefore freedom of thought. So far at the conference, elites have discussed establishing a “new world order,” lobbied for censorship in the name of “disinformation and misinformation,” and labeled farming and fishing “ecocide.” 
The WEF policy proposals and the results of this survey reveal what the Committee to Unleash Prosperity describes as a “Grand Canyon-sized chasm” between regular citizens and those who largely claim the expertise and power to rule over others with or without their consent. 

“These results confirm what people have long suspected,” wrote the study authors: “Today, there are two Americas. One is wealthier, more highly educated, and attended the best schools. They put much more trust in big government ‘to do the right thing’ and, by their own admission, benefit from more expansive government policies. They have also been hurt far less by the high inflation of the Biden presidency than those who live from paycheck to paycheck and are in the lower and middle classes.”

RE: Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America - ancientlight - 01-26-2024

I don't think I've read a bigger pile of trash in my life! Such utter BS. They have utter contempt for us and want us imprisoned basically and arrested for breathing. 

Let's see the list of things these so called 'elites' think should be banned:
  * meat/diary
  * homegrown vegetables
  * AC 
  * gas stoves
  * air travel
  * the private use and owndership of gas cars 
  * private property
  * unrestricted internet and freedom of speech
  * the 2nd
  * parents  having a say what's taught to their kids
  * elections  (as they are considered 'no longer needed' WEF)
These are just off the top of my head and based on what's mentioned here.
 This list alone is insane and you can bet more will be added. Then they want to push 'vaccine' passports in order to have the right to travel freely.

 All while the 'elites' enjoy fine dinging, $85k holidays, private jets and yahts , mulitiple mansions and cars etc etc.
The 1% own/use up more than 50% of the world resources  Angry

And yet, they dare say we enjoy 'too much freedom'. I don't think I've seen a country as corrupt and spiteful of it's citizens as the US . I absolutely hate it here now! F these a**holes.

RE: Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America - Ninurta - 01-26-2024

"Ecocide"? ROFLMFAO! What they call "ecocide" - farming, fishing, etc. - we call "feeding folks" around here. Looks to me like what they are planning is pretty far-fetched. No one to lord it over if everyone is dead of starvation. On top of that, these so-called "elites" are not likely to make it on a hunting and gathering economy, which is what you get when you eliminate farming and fishing... but it would be funny as hell to watch them try. Might be a good idea for the next reality TV show. Instead of calling it "Survivor", they could call it "Dying of stupidity with a pocketful of useless cash".

Fuck 'em, and the private jets they rode in on. Who gives a shit what they think? I know, I know,,, inevitably, someone is gonna say "but they rule the world and our lives! We Gotta give a shit what they say!".

No, we don't, and no, they don't, either. They rule NOTHING that someone else doesn't allow them to rule, and that includes the lives of us peons. When they come around to rule yours, then in the words of Nancy Reagan, "just say no".

When it comes right down to a choice between me eating and me listening to them bitching, the odds are in favor of me just eating them, and picking my teeth with a sliver of their rib bone. Kills two birds with one stone.

Probably a better idea to just leave some of us the hell alone. Much healthier for them to just mind their own damned business, and keep their noses out of ours.


RE: Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s Too Much Freedom In America - Snarl - 01-28-2024

Less Freedom = New Chains

As if taxes weren't bad enough.