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China Banks running out of money and want salaries back from employees - Printable Version

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China Banks running out of money and want salaries back from employees - 727Sky - 01-12-2024

More hard times in China as every where I look there are desperate times for the Chinese Peons. Even government workers have had the salaries cut or just not paid at all as even many of the local (call them states/provinces) do not have money to pay their people..

Quote:With businesses going bankrupt and owners drowning in debt, the banking sector is also facing financial challenges. In May 2023, a collective wage claim incident occurred at Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. And then at the end of the year, China Merchants Bank, one of China's leading commercial banks, initiated a 'reverse wage claim' from its employees. Is it possible that even such a prominent bank needs to ask employees for money to get by?

Maybe some good news as they are having problems paying the military and police !! Yeah !! When will the people take the CCP bastards down !!

RE: China Banks running out of money and want salaries back from employees - 727Sky - 01-12-2024

RE: China Banks running out of money and want salaries back from employees - 727Sky - 01-12-2024

Quote:A former officer of the People's Liberation Navy has brought to light a shocking aspect of corruption in China's military: air force personnel using solid missile fuel for cooking traditional Chinese hotpot. This revelation comes after recent reports from the US intelligence claimed widespread graft in the Chinese military, including instances of missile fuel tanks being filled with water. Palki Sharma tells you more.