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Tongues of Fire - BodhisattvaStyle - 01-06-2024

I have put this in the metaphysics forum because that is what this is. I will be presenting Biblical references, but will not quote the Bible, or share the verses involved. I will leave it up to the reader to seek these answers out themselves. I will share what I discovered in my quest for truth, and this post is to break down the "religion" aspect, and present what this really is--------Spirituality.

In the book of Acts Jesus had been crucified at this point. His disciples, those who had walked with him and believed Him to be the man that would save Israel, take the thrown as king in the their land, and he would be their new king David, and Jesus would lead them to war to take back the land that was promised to them, and boot out the Roman occupiers.

Even after walking with Jesus they hadnt wrapped their minds around that Jesus' kingdom would not be of this world. It was not until that faithful day they were in an upper room praying (200 ppl in all) and suddenly Tongues of Fire came upon them. These were a spiritual manifistation of the Holy Spirit. When this happened they all starting speaking in different languages.

This was only the beggining, the first step/sign that Jesus had held to his promise to, "not leave them as orphans, but to send them the Holy Spirit." 

After this they went around spreading the good news of the coming of Christ. Some people would hear this good news, believe it, and one of the disciples would lay their hands on them and those people would start to speak in unknown languages and prophecy. Each time....same thing. They'd hear the news of their salvation, that Jesus was the son of God and the messiah, and the belief they had, their faith would allow (invite) the Holy Spirit in, and they would all start speaking in tongues. Every single account.

Once this took place these people were now guided by the Spirit and not by the flesh. Their eyes were opened and they were now able to see past all the lies, all the manipulation, and were now able to see the truth.

The Truth that they were FREE...

Now, modern day times, and the "church" that is in place now. I am speaking from an American stand point, because thats all Ive ever experienced. But, what I found in my search for Truth, and having had taken that road of the modern church, and all their dogmatic laws, human tradition, customs, varying beliefs, and church attendance, it was all a dead end. I had gotten involved deeply with a church for the first time. I was a newbie coming into a small community's church with people who had been members for decades, so to earn my way in with them and become active within the church I scrubbed toilets, swept floors, cut the grass, pressure washed the building, painted, cleaned and waxed pues, and any little job that church needed. I was a poor man and did not have much to put into the collection plate, so I did things like this to help the church. Needless to say, none of this earned me any position in their church. I became the janitor instead to them.

After a couple years of this, going to church every sunday am, pm, and wednesdays, i honestly felt no closer to God.

This did not sit right with me, so I dug deeper.

I started Biblical studies and ministry college next. I thought to myself, what happened to me was wrong, and I wanted to start a church that this didnt happen in. So, I studied.

I had ended up getting extremely ill and ended up being unable to keep pace with my classes and was forced to quit. I was in and out of hospitals and was spending a lot of my time laid up in bed unable to do anything productive, so I continued my studies on my own. At this point I had read the entire Bible many many times. Yet, somehow I kept feeling something was missing. I kept noticing holes in the story. As well, as references to other scriptures that were nowhere to be found in the King James Bible. I called these verses "bread crumbs" because they were a trail left behind that ended up pointing me to reading all the books (scrolls) that King James had omitted.

The more of those I read the more I started to see why King James banned all those books...

The whole Truth was in them.

You see, when one looks for God, and only having the 66 books of the KJV as your guide, we are easily controlled thru the "law." Fear of being tossed in hell is a pretty good motivator for people to do what they are told. 

Now, i cannot sit here and share everything I learned from all those other lost books. What I can say is, once you read it all, you will see that what we have in the KJV of the Word of God is a smidget of the story. A drop in the bucket of the whole truth. I also cannot share that whole truth with you. It is something that each individual needs to find for themselves-------and we need a guide. Just not a human guide.

This is what the Holy Spirit is for...

You see, once a person is baptized in the Holy Spirit and he comes upon them, and the Tongues of Fire being the first sign the Holy Spirit has entered a person, almost immediately after that God starts to reveal many many things to you. These things have to come slowly over time. Our human brains could not take all that Truth at one time. So we experience life, but with the Holy Spirit teaching us things thru those experiences, and thru the Word of God. You start to experience major synchronicity, and Our eyes start to truly open. 

After I had gone thru this, the first thing I said to God was (my first official request), "show me the lies."

That is exactly what happened. Over the next couple of years it was if all the lies I had been fed over the years started to come into the Light and become exposed. I was questioning everything. I had to unlearn everything that had been taught to me. I had grown up in church. There was never a time I didnt believe in God. But I had always questioned His power over and in my life. That was until my baptism.

What i eventually came to learn was what the true purpose of the human church (organized religion) actaully was.

It was a block... to keep people from actually "entering into Gods Kingdom." They will lead us to religion, but it is a personal relationship with God, thru his Word, and thru His Spirit, and in the faith of the Messiah (His Son) we need. Its as if this church will lead you to the promised land, show you and let you see it from a distance, but never allow you to enter. Moses is a great example of this, and the road of religion, and where that actually leads to. 

The Truth of the gospel is, we are no longer to see and live thru the flesh. We needed Gods divine help to break us free from the mountains of lies we are fed. No human can lead us past these lies. Only God can reveal these Truths. This is why the Bible says that we no longer need teachers, or we are not to call anyone on earth our "Father" (different from dad), or call anyone our "rabbi" (teacher). Unlocking the truth is a long arduous journey. One does not find these truths in an afternoon, week month or year. It is a constant learning thru experience and knowledge of Gods Word. 

The Tongues of Fire is simply the first sign. Not a sign someone asks for in a manner like, asking for it so God can prove Himself to you. It is when we already have the absolute faith in Gods divine help in our lives. It is only when we are ready in this way, and have faith (the faith is key) in Gods ability to work thru us in supernatural ways. We have to fully give ourselves over. We have to realize that we have no power in this world and in this flesh when we are doing things on our own strength knowledge and abilities when it comes to Gods work. Sure, we can accomplish a lot. Just look at all the amazing things we humans have built and created all on our own. I myself have built houses and huge buildings. I can go to someones home and think to myself, "I built that." But we are still limited to our own selves.

We need that Divine Help to truly see.

Now, what I have learned about the actual Tongues of Fire, or as some people know it as, "speaking in tongues."

We all know the importance of language, words and the vibrations we produce when we speak. If, and when a language is spoken that is not a human language, but instead, a heavenly language; a language spoken by both angels and demons alike, it sends out a unique vibration. If someone were to start speaking in this angel language then whatever demon is around will hear it, and take notice, because it is not something spoken by humans. It even has a supernatural vibration to it that spans the globe. Once this language is spoken every evil spirit (demon) comes near and listens. 

I have witnessed this. I have witnessed God calling out names and giving instructions. I have heard him command both angels and demons. I have heard him command angles to do His Good Work, and I have heard him warn, chastise and rebuke, and cast out demons; sending them away. This is not something I witnessed with my human eyes. It is something I witnessed thru my minds eye; the third eye.

I have also learned there is a language that only the angels can understand. So when orders are given the demons are ignorant (in the dark) as to what God has instructed. There is also a language that only God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit can understand. I have witnessed all of this.

God even has other names (for himself) that can only be spoken thru these languages. When this name is spoken it is like an invisible, very powerful wave of energy goes throughout our entire universe.

These are things I truly wish I could describe to you, but these are things one can only truly know or understand through actually experiencing it themselves. We just don't have the words to describe these things since all we know are worldly things. Our experiences in this world, even the most powerful and groundbreaking things fail in comparison to these supernatural experiences. The only word i can use is "awesome" to describe any of it.

I am starting to wake up to the knowledge of casting out demons is done thru the Tongues of Fire. I am starting to believe that is one of the main purposes for it. As well as a sign.

Okay, now its time for my disclaimer portion. I know that this is a topic that is more debated than the book of revelation, and more misunderstood than anything else; and this always insights arguments. This is the one subject that is never talked about. Most people know of Jesus, know of armageddon, know of hell, know of a second coming, but very few really know about the Tongues of Fire; i.e. speaking in tongues. So, after I write this I will be fading off and into my next step in life. I know, from experience, that this will destroy all credibility I have here. But, this is something I have had on my heart to share with the world for a long time. I have observed this crowd long enough now to know that the minds here are open enough to hear me, and not slam me for my beliefs. Although, im expecting a lot of backlash. But the message is more important than the messenger, so I have finally put it out to an audience I believe would hear me. Im not saying to just believe me. I am simply showing the Door and planting this seed in this garden.

I am also not saying someone isnt saved, or a child of God if they havent had a visit from the Tongues of Fire. I am also not saying, "dont go to church." If your heart leads you there, go! Seek God! I have heard of people finding God in church. But I have also heard of people finding God in ditches and dumpsters. It is not a matter of being in the right place. We can find God in the exact spot we are sitting in now. Just know the church is merely a door, and someones church attendance is fleshly, not spiritual. Seek God in His Spirit. That is the completeness of it. Know the Father. Know the Son (which this is where most are), and know the Spirit (this is the intent of my post).

Now a warning: Beware of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I urge everyone who wants to comment to tread lightly, since blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the only "unforgivable sin." Im not saying you have to believe as I do, or agree. Voice your opinions. Just please be careful with your words here. (Matthew 12:22-37)

I need to move forward and I will be moving on in life. I'll still be lurking. But, A new chapter is beginning for me, and I see which direction I need to head in. Unfortunately I need to get my head out of the thoughts and problems we discuss here. Its me, not you. lol Ive become too dependent on this, and need to explore new territories. This just distracts me. I wanted to make this my final note. I didn't really put this up to discuss it, merely to sow the seed in some minds. If there is anyone out there, who is fervently seeking God, and still feel like something is missing then this post is for you. Seek these things out for yourself.

Seek and you shall find.

Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Ask, and you shall receive!

One LOVE, Rogue-Nation!!!

RE: Tongues of Fire - NightskyeB4Dawn - 01-06-2024

I am listening and interested in what you choose to share.

I joined the church I now attend after going and serving there for 5 years. I told them when they first asked me to join, 5 years ago that I could not join the church because I strongly believe that the quickest way to Hell was through religion.

They said they understood how I felt. No one pushed me, and they all treated me like family. They allowed me to serve when I chose and before I knew it, 5 years had past. 

I was surprised when the pastor's wife came to me and told me that she was updating the directory of church members, and wanted to know if I would mind if she added my name to the directory.

I laughed. Then I joined the church.

RE: Tongues of Fire - BodhisattvaStyle - 01-07-2024