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Wait. What is that? My one and only UFO Story - Printable Version

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Wait. What is that? My one and only UFO Story - BodhisattvaStyle - 12-06-2023

I took this from ATS, but this is my story and I wanted to share it here with my new family of rogues.

This is my one UFO story that took place sometime around the summer of 99 in Ponte Vedra beach FL.

I'm 21 years old and dating what would turn out to be the one true love of my life, and her and I decided to hop in the car late one night and take a cruise out to the beach for some late night fun.

We get to the beach and walk up the coast a while. We climb up to the top of a really high dune, and we end up having a little romp sesh. As we're getting up and wiping the sand from everything and putting our clothes back on, and as I'm buttoning my pants, I look out at the ocean and see something odd.

Wait, what is that, I said as I pointed her to look at what I was seeing.
She sees it and same response, what is that?

What we see is at just about halfway from the shore to the horizon. It's dark, but you can see the shrimp boats out there. There were two we had seen earlier. One way to the north, the other way to the south. About 10 miles apart maybe. But in the middle of them these three ultra bright lights appear. We're high up on a dune looking down on the ocean and could see it was a few miles out. It was three bright lights that, yes, were in a triangular formation. They seemed to be about 50-100 yards apart, maybe more maybe less.
The three lights kept zipping from one position to the next, as if switching positions, but in a rotating triangular pattern. One would zip toward where one was positioned, and fast as lightning it seemed the other would flash zip to where the other one was and then stop for a moment, and then do it again.
We stood there in bewilderment as we rationed it out. It wasn't search lights. Too big and it was only single round lights. No boats or planes could ever move that fast, and especially that close to the water. Whatever it was they appeared to of come out of the ocean, and were hovering right above the water, possibly only feet off the water.
We watched this go on for about 3-5 minutes with the weird shifting triangle pattern, and then it was like it all froze, for one brief moment, and then zip away all in different directions and it looked like shooting stars coming out of the ocean and all zipping off in opposite directions in a flash, and then all three disappear simultaneously.

20 years later I reconnect with this girl. We fell right back into that old love and we got to talking and I mentioned that night, and she almost hit the floor with how she had held onto that as well, and how we had both wondered all those years of what the hell that was we saw in the sky that night on that beach.