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A Thanks Giving - Printable Version

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A Thanks Giving - BodhisattvaStyle - 11-23-2023

Today is a day that a nation gives thanks by gathering with family at the dinner table with a feast of some kind or another. Not everyone can afford to go all out on the celebration with fancy spreads and all the trimmings, or have family close enough to gather with, but this does not mean that there isn't still much to be thankful for.

I am one of those who live by meger means, and I live alone and don't have family left around to have those nice family gatherings. But I am also very thankful for exactly the way my life has turned out. 

Truth be told my life has been a mess quite a bit. I have had seasons of blessings and seasons of hardships. I have struggled equally for both. I have witnessed the darkest corners and the brightest skies. I have been surrounded by loved ones with laughter dancing in the air, and I have felt the cold and lonely silence of solitude. I have felt the finger of God touch my soul with the most blissful joy our bodies can handle, and I have felt the devil kick me in my teeth as he raked me across his coals. I have felt the sweetest victories and the bitterest of defeats. I have been loved and I have been hated. 

Even with having a tougher than normal life (imo), with all the struggles I have faced, I am thankful for every bit of it.  

I am thankful I know the darkness as well as I know the Light. I am thankful I know both joy and pain. I am thankful for this stubborn mind that pushed back against everything that didn't seem right. I am thankful for the lashes I have endured at the hands (or mouths) of my enemies, as much as i am thankful for the embraces of those who love me.

I am very thankful for the fact that my life hasn't been easy. I am thankful for the meekness in which I have lived. I am thankful for these eyes that can see that.

I am thankful I know the difference in what is right and what is wrong. 
I am thankful for the fact that I am happy for everyone in all their blessings and that I truly do not covet or despise those more fortunate than myself. 

Which makes me most thankful that I know Love. I am thankful for the love in my heart for others. I am glad I know the pain of loving others, as much as being loved by others. 

Sum it all up, and I am thankful I know the Truth.

Regardless of what I have, or where I am at in life; whether in abundance or in need, I have learned the Secret of being content.

One Love, Rogue-Nation! I am thankful for this place and all of you.

Feel free to share whatever it is you are thankful for, if you'd like.

Happy holidays to all!

RE: A Thanks Giving - NightskyeB4Dawn - 11-23-2023

I hear you. I am so blessed that my family covers every nook and cranny of life. Love of family is the foundation from which we grow.

We are far from perfect, but we grown and improve with every failure.

RE: A Thanks Giving - Macsen191 - 11-24-2023

I am thankful for a lot of things... but mostly for the love I and support I feel and get from my family and friends... I wasn't able to make it to my family's Thanksgiving today(I can't do steps and they have steps), but thanks to technology I was there watching, talking and interacting with family by way of Facetime and I have a plate of food being sent home and given to me by my SO and our son who went and had fun.

RE: A Thanks Giving - NightskyeB4Dawn - 11-24-2023

I had a couple of surprises this year.

We also had 7 new friends that where grafted into the family that attended our family reunion / Thanksgiving, this year.

They were a joy to have, and their children fit in so well that you would never know they had never met each other before.

Next year is likely to be in Tennessee. Maybe you can make it.  Love it

RE: A Thanks Giving - Chiefsmom - 11-24-2023

I was very thankful, that my oldest reached out to me yesterday morning.  We have a long, hard road ahead of us, but I am hoping that the lines of communication continue for us.

RE: A Thanks Giving - EndtheMadnessNow - 11-25-2023

I'm thankful for having survived all the maelstroms (real & manufactured) since 2020 AND had our annual feast with family & friends. Then we watched the Macy's day parade...

[Image: GKJRbTt.jpg]

From 1999 and partied like it was 1999 and reminisced about the good 'ol days...

[Image: EzUpyVc.jpg]

While the younger crowd was entertained downstairs with...

[Image: GPIhrUu.jpg]

[Image: 43VJGnN.jpg]

RE: A Thanks Giving - ChiefD - 11-25-2023


Thank you for sharing your story. Such a lovely, heartwarming post. 

Thanks the remainder of you that have commented on here. There is so much to be grateful and thankful for.

I got the opportunity to visit my youngest sister and her husband. He also had his mother there, aunt and uncle. His mother is a sweet little lady, probably about 90 years old. I had a great conversation with her. I can see she really loves my sister too. My sister told me if she has Christmas, she would like me up at her place again. I'm so glad to still have family around. 

I'm grateful and thankful for family and friends. I'm grateful for good health.

RE: A Thanks Giving - BodhisattvaStyle - 11-25-2023

Such a nice thread, Rogue-Nation. My spirit was lifted as I was reading all of your different blessings. It made my night, thank you all for sharing.

(11-24-2023, 12:35 AM)Macsen191 Wrote: I am thankful for a lot of things... but mostly for the love I and support I feel and get from my family and friends... I wasn't able to make it to my family's Thanksgiving today(I can't do steps and they have steps), but thanks to technology I was there watching, talking and interacting with family by way of Facetime and I have a plate of food being sent home and given to me by my SO and our son who went and had fun.
That's great. I know how it is to be thankful for that tech. When my son was younger the only way I could spend any time with him was through Skype/video calling.

Glad you were able to able to have that time with family.

(11-24-2023, 02:05 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I had a couple of surprises this year.

We also had 7 new friends that where grafted into the family that attended our family reunion / Thanksgiving, this year.

They were a joy to have, and their children fit in so well that you would never know they had never met each other before.

Next year is likely to be in Tennessee. Maybe you can make it.  Love it

Ah!, that is cool that everyone meshed together so well. And so many new additions to the family is a mountain of blessings for you.  
Makes me smile.

And I'll take ya up on that. I'll make my family's favorite broccoli casserole dish. It's one of those super southern recipes; I'm sure yall will love it. Haha

(11-25-2023, 12:31 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: I'm thankful for having survived all the maelstroms (real & manufactured) since 2020 AND had our annual feast with family & friends. Then we watched the Macy's day parade...

[Image: GKJRbTt.jpg]

From 1999 and partied like it was 1999 and reminisced about the good 'ol days...

[Image: EzUpyVc.jpg]

While the younger crowd was entertained downstairs with...

[Image: GPIhrUu.jpg]

[Image: 43VJGnN.jpg]
This is just plain ol stylin.  Cool Sounds like a really cool day.
I want to come hang with you guys one year. Lol I bet it was a blast (from the past).

(11-24-2023, 08:06 PM)Chiefsmom Wrote: I was very thankful, that my oldest reached out to me yesterday morning.  We have a long, hard road ahead of us, but I am hoping that the lines of communication continue for us.

That is wonderful! 
When my son first graduated HS him and I got into it after he had disrespected me really badly. I had stood my ground for a year after I told him he was not going to speak to me like that, etc, and so a whole year went by where him and I didn't speak.
It was heart wrenching...but I had to stand my ground due to the severity of the situation...

Finally one day, just out of the blue,  he texts.
That was a couple of years ago. We never spoke about it. Just moved forward from it.

He's been nothing but respectful. 

Boy did I miss him during that time tho...

I'm super stoked for you!

(11-25-2023, 01:43 AM)ChiefD Wrote: @"BodhisattvaStyle"#121 

Thank you for sharing your story. Such a lovely, heartwarming post. 

Thanks the remainder of you that have commented on here. There is so much to be grateful and thankful for.

I got the opportunity to visit my youngest sister and her husband. He also had his mother there, aunt and uncle. His mother is a sweet little lady, probably about 90 years old. I had a great conversation with her. I can see she really loves my sister too. My sister told me if she has Christmas, she would like me up at her place again. I'm so glad to still have family around. 

I'm grateful and thankful for family and friends. I'm grateful for good health.
Sounds like a really nice time and a great way to spend your holiday.  I hope you spend many more days like that with them.