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A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-26-2023

A few years ago I was led to an area of thought I never would have imagined I would be exploring. One thing leads to another and two years later I am deep into studying things like dark magic, evil spirits, and demon possession/oppression. 

There aren't many places I can discuss topics such as this, but I would like to present a theory of mine on demon possession, and how I believe we have an over-sensationalized image of it. I think these possessions are more common than we realize, and we have been thinking about them wrong all along. Thanks to Hollywood imagery.

We all have an image in our minds of what demon possession would look like. I always think back to The Exorcist movie. I think of that girl's head spinning as she vomits like a waterfall all over the room, her hideous appearance, bed levitating, and so on. 
But what if demon possession was a more subtle-looking event? What if it was, in fact, so subtle that we don't even notice it; especially for what it is? 

In the New Testament accounts of Jesus' ministry people were always coming to him for healing. No matter where he went people always brought the demon oppressed to him, and he would cast out the demons from the people. "Many people" were brought to him for this. No matter where he went he would heal the sick and cast out demons. This means that a lot of people were walking around with demons back in the days of Jesus. 

I believe it is the same today. I believe that many people are demon-oppressed, but simply don't realize it. We think if we aren't vomiting pea soup with our head spinning as we are levitating then we don't have a demon latched on to us. I do know there are some cases where the possession is so bad that supernatural things happen to the individual who is possessed. But from my research demon possession/oppression can be as subtle as a voice in one's head. A small voice that can be extremely influential. I also think of things like hate, greed, and strife to be "spirits." The Bible refers to "fear" as a spirit. Fear can come over us and cause us to do, or not do things we would never do in a stable state of mind. If fear is a spirit, then it is an "evil spirit." If we apply this same approach then could we classify something like depression as an evil spirit? Couldn't we use the same frame of mind when considering someone who has serious clinical depression as being "oppressed by an evil spirit?" 

I have looked deep into this thought, and I do. I believe we are dealing with more of the spiritual realm than we realize. 

I think Hollywood, TV, and movies, have given us a false image as to what demon oppression looks like, and plays out like. 

What if demon possession and oppression were much more common than we think, and what if it is much more subtle looking than we have been programmed to believe?

Any thoughts or comments are welcome here. There simply aren't many places one can go and have a civilized, out-of-the-box conversation about these matters. I figured I would finally see what you all thought about this.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - NightskyeB4Dawn - 10-26-2023

I think you are on to something.

Part of the reason why we embrace the devil is because we have been conditioned to do so. What was once thought of as inappropriate, moral, and civil, has been dumped in the pit to be replaced the dregs that have been dug out.

I honestly feel that I am face to face with demons more frequently than ever before. Children are a primary target, but there are master demons afoot. With the master demons they don't care if their victim is 6 days old or 90 years old.

The majority of my patients are trauma victims but they are just the ones that come forward. Imagine what happens that is not reported. And a large number of children are too young to tell what happened to them, or they are dead.

It is a sad world we live in sometimes. I can only pray that one day we will want better and do better.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - GeauxHomeLittleD - 10-27-2023

So I know this might seem unrelated but just earlier today I was reading about voice-to-skull sound technology and they were talking about directing it at people and beaming the "voice of God" directly to their heads- and of course this got me thinking.

What perfectly wonderful and horrifying things might mankind do if it thinks the voice of God is directly ordering them to action?

Maybe someone is also operating a "voice of Legion" mission and beaming the voices of demons directly to the heads of humans?

Maybe enough people aren't being possessed so now the minions of Hell are using weapons of mass demonic oppression to up their numbers before the final battle? 

Maybe TPTB are using Biblical prophecies like a playbook and they are using technology to speed the process along? 

Demons are nothing to play with. possession is nothing to play with. I believe demons can temporarily possess people and then jump to someone more useful to it when it wants or maybe under certain conditions. I think that's why so often when someone commits a particularly heinous crime all the friends, family and neighbors are like "He was such a nice, hard working, family orientated, religious guy!" I think a demon would love hopping in for a ride, destroying their lives and families- then move to the next victim with no one the wiser.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - p358 - 10-27-2023

Consider how this is done.

The whole concept of greed and the love of money is taught to us at  a young age and reinforced through schooling.

You don't have to have a demon living inside of your soul ... you just have to be open to demonic teachings and greed is a big port of that ideal.

Greed is more than just a love of money, greed is a way of life.

Just a note to the OP ... why keep trashing your own posts and threads.  This particular board (and I am thankful to be here) is a lot slower and laid back that any others.  Instant gratification is not the style here ... thankfully.


RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - NightskyeB4Dawn - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: So I know this might seem unrelated but just earlier today I was reading about voice-to-skull sound technology and they were talking about directing it at people and beaming the "voice of God" directly to their heads- and of course this got me thinking.

What perfectly wonderful and horrifying things might mankind do if it thinks the voice of God is directly ordering them to action?

You ever heard the story of the man visiting an area where shepherds were out with their flock?

The man was out walking, and he saw thousands of sheep walking along the hills with a single man among each group. He watched as the sheep went down to the water's edge to drink, while the shepherds gathered and talked.

When it was time to leave, the men, and there was about 10 or 15 of them. said their good byes and walked off calling to their sheep. The sheep stopped drinking and followed their shepherds.

The man was in awe of how they each went with their own group. So the man asked one of the shepherds how did the sheep know which group to follow. He said, "My sheep know the sound of my voice and they follow me." The man asked if it was possible for the sheep to follow the voice of a stranger? The shepherd said it was possible, if the sheep was sick. 

I think we will know the voice of God if we hear it. Unless we are sick.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - EndtheMadnessNow - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: So I know this might seem unrelated but just earlier today I was reading about voice-to-skull sound technology and they were talking about directing it at people and beaming the "voice of God" directly to their heads- and of course this got me thinking.

What perfectly wonderful and horrifying things might mankind do if it thinks the voice of God is directly ordering them to action?

The scary part is those sorcerers developed that technology back in the 70s. Who knows where it stands today.
Quote:Microwave Voice-to-Skull Success, Announced 1974

Artificial microwave voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal “American Psychologist” in the March, 1975 issue, article title “Microwaves and Behavior” by Dr. Don Justesen.

Now think about 5G or Elon's Neurolink.


This is a mega huge topic that I'm not in right frame of mind to opine much about. As of 2020 I think some occult group or 'some thing' opened a portal to hell and let out all the demons to enter our world. What some classify as esoteric knowledge on the demon spirit world was perhaps eXoteric knowledge to the many back in ancient times. I guess in modern day they just label it mental label to fit all that don't side with so-called normal types. Like you said the Hollywood propaganda machine does not help anyone.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Since a lot of this demon like possessions are occurring today due to 5th gen warfare (where everyone is a combatant) the last damn thing you need is for the abyss to record your micro-expressions and correlate that data with logged activity. Demons have gone digital and some are human.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: So I know this might seem unrelated but just earlier today I was reading about voice-to-skull sound technology and they were talking about directing it at people and beaming the "voice of God" directly to their heads- and of course this got me thinking.

What perfectly wonderful and horrifying things might mankind do if it thinks the voice of God is directly ordering them to action?

Maybe someone is also operating a "voice of Legion" mission and beaming the voices of demons directly to the heads of humans?

Maybe enough people aren't being possessed so now the minions of Hell are using weapons of mass demonic oppression to up their numbers before the final battle? 

Maybe TPTB are using Biblical prophecies like a playbook and they are using technology to speed the process along? 

Demons are nothing to play with. possession is nothing to play with. I believe demons can temporarily possess people and then jump to someone more useful to it when it wants or maybe under certain conditions. I think that's why so often when someone commits a particularly heinous crime all the friends, family and neighbors are like "He was such a nice, hard working, family orientated, religious guy!" I think a demon would love hopping in for a ride, destroying their lives and families- then move to the next victim with no one the wiser.

This is exactly the direction of thought, or hoped this might lead to.

I have found evidence of this in fact. We all know low frequency transmissions (messages) can be sent through our phones. The neurol transmitters are the next stage of that game.

I also think tptb may be using certain texts, including the Bible as a play by play guide. Now, after reading the Key of Solomon and having been studying symbols for a while now, I am fully convinced dark magic has been being used on us all. 

And all for mind control.

Now, as it was pointed out, the spirit of greed and things such as that are primarily just human nature at its worst. We invoke sin (or evil) all from our own desires. But, say a demon or evil spirit comes into play, then someone who would never pull the engine shut down levers on a plane would actually do something so violent and destructive. And yes, I am speaking about the off duty airline pilot who just tried to kill 88 people.

There is also this recent mass shooter. I read an article that this man was complaining about hearing voices in his head prior to the shooting. He had even told someone he was hearing a voice telling him to shoot up a base. 

These stories keep popping up about normal people having complete meltdowns like this. And I keep reading they are "hearing voices" in a lot of these severe cases of violence and murder. I think this is something that should be explored a little further, and not dismissed so quickly. 

I myself, have now witnessed too many things that cannot be explained any other way. And believe it or not, but i am a realist. I'm just very open minded.

@NightskyeB4Dawn, the Holy Spirit is the only way. That is the Guide we need to navigate these turmulous waters we are all in. And when in a spiritual battle, we need a (The Holy) Spirit to fight fire with fire. In a manner of speaking.

(10-27-2023, 03:15 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote:
(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: So I know this might seem unrelated but just earlier today I was reading about voice-to-skull sound technology and they were talking about directing it at people and beaming the "voice of God" directly to their heads- and of course this got me thinking.

What perfectly wonderful and horrifying things might mankind do if it thinks the voice of God is directly ordering them to action?

The scary part is those sorcerers developed that technology back in the 70s. Who knows where it stands today.
Quote:Microwave Voice-to-Skull Success, Announced 1974

Artificial microwave voice to skull transmission was successfully demonstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a seminar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal “American Psychologist” in the March, 1975 issue, article title “Microwaves and Behavior” by Dr. Don Justesen.

Now think about 5G or Elon's Neurolink.


This is a mega huge topic that I'm not in right frame of mind to opine much about. As of 2020 I think some occult group or 'some thing' opened a portal to hell and let out all the demons to enter our world. What some classify as esoteric knowledge on the demon spirit world was perhaps eXoteric knowledge to the many back in ancient times. I guess in modern day they just label it mental label to fit all that don't side with so-called normal types. Like you said the Hollywood propaganda machine does not help anyone.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Since a lot of this demon like possessions are occurring today due to 5th gen warfare (where everyone is a combatant) the last damn thing you need is for the abyss to record your micro-expressions and correlate that data with logged activity. Demons have gone digital and some are human.

I hit that point that Nietzche warned about. I don't think I could turn back now, even if I wanted to.

I am so glad i am not the only one who sees this. You hit the perverbial nail on the head, my friend. 

The sacry part, imo, is things are going to get even worse.

I wish I could thank you all for your posts, but unfortunately, I do not have that option on my phone. Thank you everybody for your contribution to the thread! Great insight!!

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - Grace - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: Maybe TPTB are using Biblical prophecies like a playbook and they are using technology to speed the process along? 

I've believed this for a while now... for real. Remarked on that observation to hubby some time back. 

As far as what people will do if they believe God is directing them? 

Quite frankly anything. This is why it's so very important to know God and the word of God well enough to know what God would not ask someone to do in our day and time. 

Satan, Demons, and all things demonic (including demonic people) know Scripture very well, and also know how to twist it. In the Bible during the temptation of Jesus, Satan used Scripture to tempt - and Jesus answered with Scriptures correct interpretation in order to defeat the temptation and thereby defeat Satan himself. 

It's why really learning Scripture is important. You have to know more than what Scripture says, you have to also know what it means by it. Then no one can trip you up in this department.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - NightskyeB4Dawn - 10-27-2023

I think we should take a look from a slightly different perspective.

We have all heard about entities from a different plane, or the thinning of the veil. What if the veil and the plane were entered through an simple change in frequency.

The key being exactly that, but not a physical metal key, but the right musical key, the right notes, the right tone. Combined with the right frequency of light.

The doors that can be opened, not just in our minds, but physically here on Earth, once we tap into the right spectrum.

The possibilities are wide open.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 03:37 AM)Grace Wrote:
(10-27-2023, 02:25 AM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: Maybe TPTB are using Biblical prophecies like a playbook and they are using technology to speed the process along. 

I've believed this for a while now... for real. Remarked on that observation to hubby some time back. 

As far as what people will do if they believe God is directing them? 

Quite frankly anything. This is why it's so very important to know God and the word of God well enough to know what God would not ask someone to do in our day and time. 

Satan, Demons, and all things demonic (including demonic people) know Scripture very well and also know how to twist it. In the Bible during the temptation of Jesus, Satan used Scripture to tempt - and Jesus answered with Scripture's correct interpretation to defeat the temptation and thereby defeat Satan himself. 

It's why learning Scripture is important. You have to know more than what Scripture says, you have to also know what it means by it. Then no one can trip you up in this department.

I couldn't agree more. If you all knew the time and energy I spent trying to convince people of this you would be amazed. Exhausted myself trying. I am glad The Word of God is securely written on my heart. 

I've learned that even with that I can be fooled. But it was in me being fooled that I truly learned what these evil spirits are capable of, how they can make you believe they are God speaking to you, and even convince you to do things you wouldn't ordinarily do.

I'm embarrassed to admit that, but it happened for a reason. I'm hoping to make it a good one.

(10-27-2023, 03:39 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I think we should take a look from a slightly different perspective.

We have all heard about entities from a different plane, or the thinning of the veil. What if the veil and the plane were entered through an simple change in frequency.

The key being exactly that, but not a physical metal key, but the right musical key, the right notes, the right tone. Combined with the right frequency of light.

The doors that can be opened, not just in our minds, but physically here on Earth, once we tap into the right spectrum.

The possibilities are wide open.

It's mind blowing. I never imagined it ran that deep; even though I had heard my whole life that these things were "evil." Technology is the new form of sorcery (when used in this capacity).

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - Snarl - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 03:15 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: This is a mega huge topic that I'm not in right frame of mind to opine much about. As of 2020 I think some occult group or 'some thing' opened a portal to hell and let out all the demons to enter our world.

I am _extremely_ interested in your developed opinion. Please PM me if you post.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 05:25 PM)Snarl Wrote:
(10-27-2023, 03:15 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: This is a mega huge topic that I'm not in right frame of mind to opine much about. As of 2020 I think some occult group or 'some thing' opened a portal to hell and let out all the demons to enter our world.

I am _extremely_ interested in your developed opinion. Please PM me if you post.

Same here, as I have a similar theory.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - NightskyeB4Dawn - 10-27-2023

Still thinking outside the box.....

What if what we are being told about the climate changing, has nothing to do with man or with Earth, but with what is going on outside our Earth? What if the Earthly plane is a cosmic plane?

What if breaks or intrusions of our cosmic atmosphere creates changes on our Earthly plane, including our brains?

If we can shatter a glass by exposing it to the right frequency, what do you think can happen to our minds when exposed to the right frequency? Or the wrong one?

What if those voices that many say they hear are not just voices?

Thinking outside the box, when they say this world was spoken into existence, that they meant that literally. What if the voice of God is what created us and why something was made from a nothing that we do not understand?

We can't see all that is present around us. We can't hear all the sounds that are around us. What we can't see or hear are likely far more important than those we can, but are completely out of our control.

Maybe the question we should be asking ourselves is, "Is there an entity that does control what we can't hear or see?"  and "Who or What is that entity?"

Another question, "Is it our hearts, or our minds they are after?"

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - Skye - 10-27-2023

Darkness can be painted to be appealing.
Add some music and slick effects, this is the
mainstay of Hollywood and the music industry.

The enemy loves propaganda to mislead and
deceive, and break the morale of the target.

Sum total: The media is controlled by the
darkness; news and entertainment is in
the front of most peoples minds.

Had a veteran for a teacher at some point,
one thing he impressed on us over and again.
Winning the battle takes a concerted
effort, study being a main key to that.

He told us to study the truth, so when the
lies came we would recognize them. This
stuck with me from an early age.

No need to study the enemy in depth, I believe
that is a trap. This is where a lot of people are 
getting tripped up today.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 06:00 PM)Skye Wrote: Darkness can be painted to be appealing.
Add some music and slick effects, this is the
mainstay of Hollywood and the music industry.

The enemy loves propaganda to mislead and
deceive, and break the morale of the target.

Sum total: The media is controlled by the
darkness; news and entertainment is in
the front of most peoples minds.

Had a veteran for a teacher at some point,
one thing he impressed on us over and again.
Winning the battle takes a concerted
effort, study being a main key to that.

He told to study the truth, so when the
lies came we would recognize them. This
stuck with me from an early age.

No need to study the enemy in depth, I believe
that is a trap. This is where a lot of people are 
getting tripped up today.
I'd like to back this claim up. 
Messing around in the "dark" is extremely dangerous. I may have even knocked on some doors that I shouldn't have with all this. 
And I have paid for it already...

My advice is not to look into these dark places. There are things one cannot unsee...but you'll wish you could. 

Love is the most powerful force and the one direction all of our minds should be fixed upon. Love will conquer all of this. Ask to perfected in Love.

I'm on that same page. I think "they" know something they aren't telling us (of course, right?). I think they have knowledge of the earth being destroyed soon somehow, or they have messed with forces that cannot be controlled, and as NSB4D pointed out, now we have side effects (tye craziness the world is slipping further into). 

I believe they have been messing around, in a manner such as NightSky pointed out, and now we are in all out spiritual warfare.
I think we are going to start hearing a lot more about people hearing voices and doing violent acts from them.

((I reiterate the point: we need the Holy Spirt. That was the entire reason for sending Him to us. This is a battle that yiu cannot see the enemy with your eyes. We need the Holy Spirit (of Yaweh/I am/Heshua/Jesus) to fight this battle.))

Again, thanks, everyone for your posts. Great stuff!

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - Skye - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 06:25 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: I'd like to back this claim up. 
Messing around in the "dark" is extremely dangerous. I may have even knocked on some doors that I shouldn't have with all this. 
And I have paid for it already...

My advice is not to look into these dark places. There are things one cannot unsee...but you'll wish you could. 

Love is the most powerful force and the one direction all of our minds should be fixed upon. Love will conquer all of this. Ask to perfected in Love.

You are not alone, I am reminded of an old story about
C.S. Lewis. One of his works of fiction - The Screwtape Letters
a story about an old experienced demon writing to a new
underling demon. I read the book, which was enlightening,
but after I read it, even though it did help me with identifying
very simple human thoughts that were in reality harmful,
I felt a little scared, albeit I was still young. Its not a heavy
duty work by any means.

Many refer to it as "the safest road to hell"

Even C.S. Lewis wrote of it afterwards -

"Though I had never written anything more easily, I never wrote with less enjoyment. … [T]hough it was easy to twist one’s mind into the diabolical attitude, it was not fun, or not for long. The strain produced a sort of spiritual cramp. The work into which I had to project myself while I spoke through Screwtape was all dust, grit, thirst, and itch. Every trace of beauty, freshness, and geniality had to be excluded. It almost smothered me before I was done. "

I will keep you in prayer, and remember that God is all powerful.

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18 NIV). Jesus never leaves us to battle alone.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 06:56 PM)Skye Wrote:
(10-27-2023, 06:25 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: I'd like to back this claim up. 
Messing around in the "dark" is extremely dangerous. I may have even knocked on some doors that I shouldn't have with all this. 
And I have paid for it already...

My advice is not to look into these dark places. There are things one cannot unsee...but you'll wish you could. 

Love is the most powerful force and the one direction all of our minds should be fixed upon. Love will conquer all of this. Ask to perfected in Love.

You are not alone, I am reminded of an old story about
C.S. Lewis. One of his works of fiction - The Screwtape Letters
a story about an old experienced demon writing to a new
underling demon. I read the book, which was enlightening,
but after I read it, even though it did help me with identifying
very simple human thoughts that were in reality harmful,
I felt a little scared, albeit I was still young. Its not a heavy
duty work by any means.

Many refer to it as "the safest road to hell"

Even C.S. Lewis wrote of it afterwards -

"Though I had never written anything more easily, I never wrote with less enjoyment. … [T]hough it was easy to twist one’s mind into the diabolical attitude, it was not fun, or not for long. The strain produced a sort of spiritual cramp. The work into which I had to project myself while I spoke through Screwtape was all dust, grit, thirst, and itch. Every trace of beauty, freshness, and geniality had to be excluded. It almost smothered me before I was done. "

I will keep you in prayer, and remember that God is all powerful.

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18 NIV). Jesus never leaves us to battle alone.

Thank you so much for that.

I'd like to explain why I went digging around in this subject. 
Plain and simple: I believe a family member is oppressed by an evil spirit. I went digging into all of it to learn to see signs of it. How to deal with it. Basically I was educating myself so I could wrap my mind around it all.
Back Then I was deeply involved in MK-ULTRA research. This all started with the study of symbols. I had been looking into demonic symbolism (sigils) and had been researching how these symbols are all throughout movies and TV. One thing leads to another and I ended up looking at witchcraft. I wondered if a family member had messed around with any form of Magik that may have resulted in some of our "family curse." I looked into magic, to see the rituals and how it all looks so I could learn to identify it.

I wish I had just went surfing instead...

What I found is, black magic is everywhere. 
And even thinking about communing with "spirits" is nothing but danger. It will be a very bad thing for whoever attempts it.

Now, a little background. In the summer of 2018 I started to attend Biblical studies and ministry school
 I wanted to be a preacher. I have studied God's word for almost a decade now. I've read the entire KJV, as well as the Catholic Bible, and all the scrolls pertaining to the God of Israel (Yahweh). That includes all the text from the Ethiopian Bible, as well as the Key of Solomon, and all his lesser books.

But, the most important piece of my puzzle is, I am strong in faith. As is my relationship with our Lord.
Otherwise I never would have attempted looking into such dark material. But even with that, I do NOT recommend looking into any of this.
I'm gearing up for spiritual warfare, and I wanted to study my "enemy."

I do not recommend it to anyone else. These things are very real, and extremely dangerous. 

Thank you for your prayers. I receive them! God bless.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - NightskyeB4Dawn - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 07:12 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: But, the most important piece of my puzzle is, I am strong in faith. As is my relationship with our Lord.
Otherwise I never would have attempted looking into such dark material. But even with that, I do NOT recommend looking into any of this.
I'm gearing up for spiritual warfare, and I wanted to study my "enemy."

I do not recommend it to anyone else. These things are very real, and extremely dangerous. 

Thank you for your prayers. I receive them! God bless.

Just remember that even Michael the mightiest of all of God's angel, did not dare to take on Satan, he placed that is God's hands.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - BodhisattvaStyle - 10-27-2023

(10-27-2023, 07:24 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote:
(10-27-2023, 07:12 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: But, the most important piece of my puzzle is, I am strong in faith. As is my relationship with our Lord.
Otherwise I never would have attempted looking into such dark material. But even with that, I do NOT recommend looking into any of this.
I'm gearing up for spiritual warfare, and I wanted to study my "enemy."

I do not recommend it to anyone else. These things are very real, and extremely dangerous. 

Thank you for your prayers. I receive them! God bless.

Just remember that even Michael the mightiest of all of God's angel, did not dare to take on Satan, he placed that is God's hands.
Sage advice...

One Love!

I would now like to share even deeper into my theory.

Some good came from my little adventure through the dark places. I did learn a good bit more about our enemy's weapons.

This was an area that fascinated me but horrified me at the same time.
I am aware most of us know all of this, but I'd like to share just in case.
 Symbols are used in magic and the conjuring of spirits. I have found evidence of the use of these types of symbols in movies, as I have previously stated. What I didn't know was, that a symbol can be used to invoke a spirit. All that needs to happen once the spirit is invoked by someone they can use a symbol to posses others with the conjured spirit. A symbol can be flashed on a screen. The person doesn't even need to be aware of the symbol, so long as the subconscious can pick it up. Once the subconscious is infested with the symbol the invoked spirit us now free to roam around in the victims mind.

This is the "magic of Hollywood." (Disclaimer: A theory. I'm an idiot and no one should take me seriously)

I gathered that while studying the magic and power of symbols.

In the gospel of Mary Magdeline there is a short excerpt where Mary asked Jesus, "How does one see a vision, throught the spirit or through the soul?"

Jesus replied:
One does not see a vision through the soul, nor the spirit, but through the mind that is between the soul and the spirit."

According to this, our mind is a gateway to our soul and spirit. A door, if you will. A door to the soul and the spirit. If one see a vision through the mind and not the soul or spirit, then this is what Jesus was telling us when he said, "if the eye is clean, the whole body is clean." I take this as a warning to what we absorb through our eyes. (As well as it to mean other mesages)
Now, with the knowledge of symbols, the knowledge of invoking spirits, the knowledge of subliminal messaging, we have a very powerful force. If someone evil, and with a tremendous amount of influence (tptb), we're to use this sorcery on unsuspecting victims they would have the ultimate source of "mind control."
If they had this power readily available to them at all times with all of us, with something like a cell phone we have on us all day, then they could manipulate the entire world with this magic.

The end of my road is: I believe this is exactly what's been done. Now we have all kinds of evil spirits doing their worst, and we are all unaware of this fact because of all the programing that we've all endured. The programing that has taught us that this is crazy talk, and anyone who speaks such things is just a lunatic. 

It has all worked seemingly. The power of rhetoric has blinded us to the spiritual side of things. 

Learning to recognize when someone may be oppressed by an evil spirit has proven beneficial in my daily walk. I know who not to argue with, first and foremost. I've seen murder in people's eyes over having to count out change. 
Discernment is a powerful tool.

My hope here is that someone's eyes may be opened to the spiritual side of things for answers. 
The answer/solution/our weapon:
John 4:16-17
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."

I apologize for getting preachy, but it was what I was lead to in my thoughts on this. I wanted to supply the answer, as well as the question.

RE: A discussion on evil spirits and demonic possession - EndtheMadnessNow - 10-27-2023

Sometimes when I read unusual or obscure threads/articles or a passage from a book, the very next day up pops something related on my interweb travels. And so I thought I'd share it in this thread...

This is from someone who goes by the handle "Open Minded Approach":

Quote:Every time men acquire knowledge on a larger scale, destruction happens. It threatens the 'gods.'

Keeping this as a secret and living in the material world while being spiritually deprived is what they want.

All those Loosh theories and interdimensional entities feeding off emotions, or that they want to steal your soul, have their roots in ancient times. This material realm is an illusion ruled by the Demiurge, and the seven Archons are chains that keep your soul.

Now, I was getting this feeling from what I've read so far. I had my theory about Eve and all the goddesses in the ancient religions and why suddenly the serpent disappeared or was associated with the devil, or why the feminine gods disappeared in the new religions, and it was confirmed by the new material (for me) that I've read.

By keeping this as a secret, the gatekeepers are maintaining the status quo. They think this is the way and that they will develop a plan to counterattack these forces.

The notion that Jesus, Osiris, Dumuzid, Quetzalcoatl, Buddha, Krishna had a similar role and were incarnations that brought wisdom is true; they are all related, just with different names.

And why they all promised to return one day is the fact that evil is not destroyed; they were just the spark that lit the fire.

I know this might sound like the ramblings of a crazy man to someone reading this for the first time without walking the path of the ancient teachings, but it is what it is. If there is interest among the people who follow me, I will elaborate further on this because I think it's important to see the UAP phenomenon from this perspective. The extraterrestrial might be a decoy 80 years old; this one is old and passed down from the antediluvian civilization.

While I forgot Prometheus and Mithras, they are essential too, but there are many other reincarnations that were lighting the spark.

[Image: mUi4grL.jpg]

The photo should not be viewed as a literal representation.

He has an interesting twitter feed & Youtube channel if you're into this type of symbolism stuff (with an open mind) coupled with UFOs & consciousness.

@Snarl, @BodhisattvaStyle - To answer in more detail is going to require me to reflect on some old notes. 2-3 years ago I took a hard left turn (unknowingly at the time) down a dark path of research and ended up having some really weird, dark nightmares that I do not care to ever revisit again. However, I can keep that aside (compartmentalized) and reply back later.

If you're familiar (or not) with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell's lectures/books/interviews, he goes very deep into this demon/spirit/Gods/Occultism/humanity subject that can blow your mind clear out to Saturn & beyond.

He's the one that set me off down a dark road, but that's on me, not him.

Another person on this subject both in ancient (pre-history) right on up to modern day parallels and everything in between is Gigi Young (@mysticinthemoon) and her Youtube channel. Her esoterica knowledge is way beyond mine so I have a difficult time buying into all her lectures, I can only go so far out in woo-woo land as some call it, however, there is also a lot she says that I believe is directly over target. She teaches psychic development through her online courses. Don't let that detour you, she is quite unique. I don't have direct links to her specific vids on occult groups/sorcerers that may have opened a portal to hell & demons influencing society, but browse her YT channel and I'm sure a few titles will stand out.