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The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - Printable Version

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The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - BodhisattvaStyle - 09-25-2023

Hello, for those who don't know I used to post on ATS under the name AOx6179 and I touched on this subject a few times. I want to say hello to all of you who may remember me.

Well, I, personally, see this as the end result of MK-ultra and now it's time to share it with the world, by letting the world play with subliminal messages. That'll let them off the hook for it, right?

This will not be good.

AI-Generated 'Subliminal Messages' Are Going Viral. Here's What's Really Going On

ere it is, gang. With the help of AI Now even you can implant your own subliminal messages into images and control people's minds. 
This is flat out in our faces as to what's been going on with all the movies, TV, computer and phone screens we've all been staring at, and TPTB's secret little tactics and how they have weaponized these images and devices against us all. 
Makes me wonder how much freewill we've all actually lost...

Every week, the social media hype-train seems to find new ways to sensationalize generative AI tools. Most recently, a new technique that allows users to produce optical illusions went viral, with some describing the results as AI-generated images with “subliminal” messages. 

The technique, called ControlNet, essentially lets users have more control over the generated image by specifying additional inputs—in this case, letting you create images or words within other images. Some users characterized this as a form of “hidden message” that could be used to implant suggestions in the form of subtle visual cues, like a McDonald’s “M” logo appearing in the outlines of a movie poster.

On Twitter—which is now called “X” for some reason—algorithmically-boosted blue-check users hyped up the technique as either nefarious or revolutionary, posting various images with “hidden” messages. But the messages are typically not very subtle, and the method for creating them—while certainly novel—is fairly simple.

“I think the ‘subliminal message’ angle is a bit sensationalist/tech-bro-y,” Apolinário Passos, an AI researcher at HuggingFace, told Motherboard. 

ControlNet uses the AI image-generating tool Stable Diffusion, and one of its initial uses was generating fancy QR codes using the code as an input image. That idea was then taken further, with some users developing a workflow that lets them specify any image or text as a black-and-white mask that implants itself into the generated image—kind of like an automated, generative version of the masking tool in Photoshop.

“What happened there was that this user discovered that if they used the QR Code ControlNet but instead of feeding it a QR code, they fed it some other black-and-white patterns, they could create nice optical illusions,” said Passos. “You can now send a conditioning image and the model blends in a pattern that satisfies that while still making a coherent image at the same time.”

So while ControlNet-produced images will probably stick around, the reality of the tech is far less sensational than the AI hype crew makes it out to be.

“Will this be a subliminal message nightmare where brands hide their logo/products into seemingly innocent images and manipulate us? Probably not,” said Passos. “Will we see this in ads very soon, but with a double-meaning where you look/look again/squint to see […] and have people talking about it? I think so!”

And there you have it. An omission in my book. Now we get to have this capability and so it'll be more accepted that this subliminal war on the citizens of the world. Let us do it so it's okay.

I won't get into the use of demonic/satanic symbolism that's been used in all these images we've all been staring at our whole lives. I'm going to leave most of this up to the reader. Just know that this is not "new tech." It's tech that we are being shown so to normalize this. That way we will all just accept it and move on as we ourselves can now plant what ever we want into someones mind with a simple image.

We now get to see MK-ultra perfected, and used against us through the use of subliminal messages.

What a world we live in. IMO I see this is an actual omission from TPTB.  

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-25-2023

Missed you. 

I wrote a response to your thread that got gobbled up.

I think it was just a reminder that I am not in control.

So let me try it again.

I knew immediately that the cat pic was off, but I did not see the subliminal until I read the article.

I looked for the hidden message, but I did not see it until I read it.

They really don't have to go to any extra effort to control what we think, believe, or desire. Most of us have had an Internet presence for so long that they know us better than we know ourselves.

They could write a book titled "My Self Autobiography", and it would be so spot on that we would believe that we actually wrote it, and be puzzled that would could not remember when we wrote it.

They control everything that we see and hear. Remember the opening to The Outer Limits?

There is nothing wrong with your TV set or your electronic devices, they are functioning exactly as planned.

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - Ninurta - 09-25-2023

Subliminal messages have been a "thing" for a long time, but this is a new, novel hook to make them with that places their creation into Everyman's hands.

Several years ago, in the mid 1980's, I spent a short amount of time studying art at a college. One of my assignments was to create a subliminal image for advertisement. I knocked one out advertising pears that had every male in the class wanting to buy pears, and they didn't know why. It didn't affect most of the females the same way, oddly enough.

Flash forward  a few years, and I was on a night stock crew at Kroger's. One night I was filling a shelf with Glade air freshener in aerosol cans. The picture on the can was a mass of potpourri. Imagine my surprise when I found subliminals in that image on the can - in several places, the potpourri was arranged to form penises. It wasn't obvious, or even detectable unless you knew what you were looking for, but the subliminals must have worked well to make the air freshener fly off the shelves in the hands of housewives... after all, I WAS restocking an empty shelf of it!

So the basic concept has been around for a very long time. it's just that now anyone can do it by letting a computer do their thinking for them!


RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - p358 - 09-26-2023

Subliminal messages have been around for thousands of years.

This has nothing at all to do with MK-U, nothing at all!

This is just another blatant attempt to water down what MK-U was all about, and it was and still is about the torture of children.


RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - BodhisattvaStyle - 09-26-2023

Thanks for the comments everyone. This topic has always been of great interest to me. I had actually deleted this post after I had written it because of the sloppy way in which I presented it. I hadnt been posting recently because IMO there hasnt been much interesting news lately. I ran across that article and posted my thoughts in a hurry. After reading it later I realized how sloppy and rushed the post was. I had deleted it, but it was back up this am. I was going to rewrite and present this a little mot constructively.

Thanks, NightSkyB4Dawn. I missed being here. I have been watching and keeping track of everything on this site. In my observation I just see more and more how the "news" is used as a tool to control and manipulate, and it has just gotten worse and worse. I never take an article at face value. I look at it like I do any manipulative person. When the news is telling me something Im reading between the lines. I know we are seeing things as they want us to see them. Using the truth, but manipulating and twisting that "truth" into their lie. 

At least a part of Mk-U was about mind control. We know 1% of what that all was actually about. But if you look deep into that 1% you will find that hypnotic suggestion, subliminal messages/suggestions was an area they were studying. The use of symbols was an area of the hypnotism. I looked into this one area and found evidence of symbols all throughout movies, going all the way back to the beginning of film/movies. In the late fifties or early sixties they were caught using subliminal messages in movies. They admitted it and used the excuse "We were just using it to sell snacks at the concession stand." I found this to be rhetoric. Anytime I bring this subject up to anyone old enough to remember, and I mention the "subliminal messages" they were caught using and how they made it illegal after being caught every single person I interviewed used the same exact words in response to the topic. "They were just using it to selll stuff at the concession stand." Thats the power of rhetoric.

Truth is, who knows how far this type of subliminal messaging goes. I even looked into the side affects of too much subliminal suggestion on the mind. What I found was what we see today. Mass psychosis would be one possible side affect, if we had all been affected by this. If, for example we had all endured a lifetime of subliminal implants, then we would all have some side effect consequences. Mental health issues are an epidemic. Hypothetically speaking, What if these subliminal implants has caused your anxiety, or your insomnia, or depression, paranoia, or bipolar? How would you feel about it then? Side effects to this sort of thought altering can absolutely lead to life long mental health issues. And with all side effects these tactics would affect us all in different ways. Some may just accept the "implant" while others may reject the implant. This rejection of the hypnotic/subliminal implant can cause a person to have a negative reaction and thus cause some sort of mental health issue. Of course I'm speaking hypothetically here, but this is where my research on this had lead me. When I stepped back and looked at the state of mind from the masses I could see the possibility for our mental health crisis being caused by the over-use of subliminal messaging, ie "mind control."

Now we have AI in the mix putting this weapon in the hands of the general population. 

On a side note. The use of satanic/demonic/witchcraft/dark magic symbols is everywhere. I took a walk down this evil subject and explored satanic symbolism. I find these symbols, which are now just being flashed at us, all throughout movies, commercials on tv, and on products we buy everyday. I will not post these symbols tho. I leave it up to the reader to look into that, if they so choose. once you start to see it, you will never look at the world the same again. I now wished I had never gone down that rabbit hole...

To put this out there into the hands of any tom dick or harry is beyond careless. So careless its down right stupid. TPTB are not stupid. This is tactful. 

We only know the 1% of what the Mk-Ultra was completely about. Just looking at this one area is enough for great concern. We write it off as no big deal. But that was part of the plan. Now we hastily and happily just click "accept," and open the doors wide open to whatever "suggestion" they want to implant deep within our minds.

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - NightskyeB4Dawn - 09-26-2023

(09-26-2023, 05:05 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote:
Quote: We write it off as no big deal. But that was part of the plan. Now we hastily and happily just click "accept," and open the doors wide open to whatever "suggestion" they want to implant deep within our minds.

What is a good work around? My bank came out with some weird vague changes to my account.

I could not gain access to my online account without clicking that accept button. I tried reading the 145 page pdf and was not going to accept until I fully understood what changes they were making. 

Until my Mother came in and told me that she had lost her wallet while out with my Brother. She has duplicates of my bank card so I had to go in immediately and lock the cards.

So I just fell right onto the trap. I am looking into changing banks but I feel I will likely be swapping the devil for the witch.

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - Ninurta - 09-26-2023

(09-26-2023, 05:05 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: Thanks for the comments everyone. This topic has always been of great interest to me. I had actually deleted this post after I had written it because of the sloppy way in which I presented it. I hadnt been posting recently because IMO there hasnt been much interesting news lately. I ran across that article and posted my thoughts in a hurry. After reading it later I realized how sloppy and rushed the post was. I had deleted it, but it was back up this am. I was going to rewrite and present this a little mot constructively.

I restored the thread. I saw that it had been deleted, read through it, and felt it was a worthy and timely topic. The last iteration of it was the one I restored.


RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - BodhisattvaStyle - 09-27-2023

(09-26-2023, 09:18 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(09-26-2023, 05:05 PM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote: Thanks for the comments everyone. This topic has always been of great interest to me. I had actually deleted this post after I had written it because of the sloppy way in which I presented it. I hadnt been posting recently because IMO there hasnt been much interesting news lately. I ran across that article and posted my thoughts in a hurry. After reading it later I realized how sloppy and rushed the post was. I had deleted it, but it was back up this am. I was going to rewrite and present this a little mot constructively.

I restored the thread. I saw that it had been deleted, read through it, and felt it was a worthy and timely topic. The last iteration of it was the one I restored.


Okay, thanks. I had sort of figured that's what it was. It is a fascinating topic.

I'd like to drop this here and show where I started and where I made the connection. This is from the CIA declassified files.
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification

MKULTRA Subproject No. 83

This declassified CIA memo was written on April 18, 1958 by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, chief of the Chemical Division of the agency's Technical Services Staff. Gottlieb, who oversaw many of the MKULTRA projects, reviewed covert CIA support for research studies of "controversial and misunderstood" areas of psychology such as hypnosis, truth drugs, psychic powers and subliminal persuasion.

[Image: blackBox.gif]
[document begins]


18 April 1958

18 April 1958


SUBJECT: MKULTRA, Subproject No. 83

MKULTRA Subproject No. 83

This declassified CIA memo was written on April 18, 1958 by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, chief of the Chemical Division of the agency's Technical Services Staff. Gottlieb, who oversaw many of the MKULTRA projects, reviewed covert CIA support for research studies of "controversial and misunderstood" areas of psychology such as hypnosis, truth drugs, psychic powers and subliminal persuasion.

In addition [portion censored]  will begin to develop similar technical surveys on other controversial and misunderstood areas. These will include, though not necessarily in the next year:

              a) a revision and adaptation of material already developed on deception techniques (magic, sleight of hand, signals, etc.)

              b) psychic phenomena and extrasensory perception

              c) subliminal perception

              d) hypnosis

              e) "truth serums"

              f) expressive movements (body type, facial characteristics, etc.)

The definition of "subliminal perception:"
Subliminal perception refers to visual and auditory information presented at a speed and or intensity that is below the conscious threshold of perception through one or more channels and thus not readily apparent to the subject (Moore, 1982),subject%20(Moore%2C%201982).

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - xuenchen - 09-27-2023

The Big 3 all tie in: *new modified versions of*:

1. MKUltra
3. ProjectMockingbird

All Better Now 

[Image: Blackshirts2.png]

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - BodhisattvaStyle - 09-27-2023

(09-27-2023, 12:12 AM)xuenchen Wrote: The Big 3 all tie in: *new modified versions of*:

1. MKUltra
3. ProjectMockingbird

All Better Now 

[Image: Blackshirts2.png]

And now one of their weapons is a simple app that's fun for the whole family.  Big Grin 

RE: The end result of MK-ultra shared with the world through AI - xuenchen - 09-28-2023

(09-27-2023, 12:37 AM)BodhisattvaStyle Wrote:
(09-27-2023, 12:12 AM)xuenchen Wrote: The Big 3 all tie in: *new modified versions of*:

1. MKUltra
3. ProjectMockingbird

All Better Now 

[Image: Blackshirts2.png]

And now one of their weapons is a simple app that's fun for the whole family.  Big Grin 

[Image: LoL.gif]