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UNICEF Video urging children to accept Extraterrestrials - Printable Version

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UNICEF Video urging children to accept Extraterrestrials - EndtheMadnessNow - 09-11-2023

Remember this story from Chilean UNICEF 8 years ago depicting "Marciano" the "ET boy"...?

[Image: ihocXYy.jpg]
Quote:UNICEF Video urging children to accept Extraterrestrials

A video released in Chile by UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund) shows an alien child being integrated into a classroom with human children.

At first the alien child was mocked, but after showing his advanced psychic skills he was accepted by the human children.

You have to know that UNICEF has an agreement with an organization of the Vatican called Scholas Occurrentes” initiative.

This organization founded by Pope Francis is sponsoring UNICEF in an attempt to change the way children are educated.

This UNICEF alien video is not only evidence that there is a direct link between UNICEF and the Vatican but it suggests that behind the scenes the Vatican is part of the United Nations secretly initiative to prepare the human race to accept alien visitors with the ultimate goal to integrate these alien visitors into the human society, reports

The text in the description box below the video released on the Facebook page of UNICEF Chile is clear: “Knowing someone else is a great opportunity to live valuable experiences. Say yes to integration!”

The message of the short "commercial" is clear: accept the integration of ET into human society:

Why does this advert have clear occult symbolism within it? Blue apples?
Why was that name chosen?
LGBTQxy propaganda for children.

In Italian it means "they march", but it also could be a play on "Martian".
Marciano’s parents could be the "Little Green Men" that Ronald Reagan and later General Milley was warning or joking about.

Just part of some covert transhumanist experiment somewhere?

Perhaps, part of the "Plan"-ET for planet Earth.

A precautionary note: in all those old stories about our "genetic cousins", there is one very clear motif that runs through all of them: they are not necessarily our friends and, in fact, in some cases those stories seem to indicate a deep and profound disgust for and hatred of humanity to the point that they have engaged in "genuscide" against us.

When, why, and how did the Vatican come to sponsor UNICEF, and thereby to tacitly endorse such a commercial, in spite of the biblical version of those old stories and its implicit warnings?

"From our investigation we can see that the term “Royal House of David” may mean either the House of the Dove, the House of the Pillar or the House of the Dew. Its function is to produce the elixir of immortality, the nuclear mother substance. This is precisely what the Bible claims Jesus did at his Crucifixion. This mother substance is the Blue Apples."
— William Henry, "Blue Apples - Stargate secrets of Jesus and Mari Magdalene."


[Image: 9HVxBjX.jpg]

RE: UNICEF Video urging children to accept Extraterrestrials - Infolurker - 09-11-2023

There is no "War On Children".

So says the people who support all this BS. Sprit of Anti-Christ.