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The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Printable Version

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The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - kdog - 08-23-2023

I went digging through some old bookmarks I had and came across article that probably will not show up on any searches because it goes against the climate change narrative. 

Some Basic Earth Science
In the following statements, I summarize the pertinent headlines from the real (as opposed to the virtual- or computer-generated) science of climatology/paleoclimatology/earth science:
  • Earth scientists have learned that earth was significantly warmer than present (by perhaps about 8 to 10 °C) for about 80% of the earth’s 4.6-billion-year history (see temperature and CO2 reconstructions for past 600 million years in figure above).
  • From a historical as well as a geological perspective, warming trends are beneficial for humans, for agriculture, and for plants and animals.   No “tipping points’ were reached during past geologic intervals when temperatures and CO2 concentrations were much higher than present.  In fact, life flourished during these relatively warmer conditions.
  • For the past 2 million years (Quaternary Period), the earth has been in an ice age comprised of some 20 major glacial/interglacial cycles.  Each cycle was characterized by very wide swings of temperature and precipitation.
  • For the past 10,000 years, the earth has experienced an unusually warm and stable (interglacial) climate known as the Holocene Epoch.  The stable and favorable climate of this interglacial allowed for the development of agriculture and human civilization.
  • 71% of the earth is covered with ocean water.  90% of the world’s ice is in Antarctica.  Our instrumental climate records only extend about 100 to 150 years back.  There are still not enough weather stations on the earth to determine the average temperature of the earth.  The best data from satellites and the Argo (ocean robot) systems suggests the planet has been cooling slightly since 1998.
  • Exhaustive analyses of proxy paleoclimatic records (deep sea cores, ice cores, tree-rings, glacial deposits, soils, loess sequences, cave deposits, pollen studies, etc.) by scientists reveal that past climate changes are complex and of varying frequency and magnitude.  There is still much we still don’t agree on.   Many scientists, including myself, believe climate change is cyclical and these cycles are of varying periodicities.
  • The main climate drivers include variations in solar output, ocean circulation dynamics (the ocean stores some 22 times more heat than the atmosphere and circulates that heat around the globe), and orbital variations in the earth-sun-moon system.
  • Carbon dioxide has a negligible effect on atmospheric temperatures.  Rather, because the oceans hold about 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere, and because the oceans and atmosphere exchange CO2, CO2 fluctuations are mainly caused by changes in ocean temperatures.  And ocean temperature changes are mainly driven by the sun.
  • Because we have seasons, the earth is constantly warming and cooling in various locales. Weather and climate change is a constant.   But is the earth as a whole warming or cooling?   The answer to this question depends entirely upon the length of the climate record being analyzed.  On the basis of many paleoclimatic records, earth scientists agree that the general trend over the past 3 million years has been toward cooling; the trend over the past 15,000 years has been toward warming; the trend over the past 5,000 years has been toward cooling; and there has been a warming trend since Little Ice Age maxima about 1650 AD.  The earth warmed very slightly between about 1975 and 1998, and since 1998 the trend has been toward cooling.
Regarding the many ancillary “alarmist” claims (propaganda ploys) that the media reports almost daily, these too are lies.   As I point out in my “Disproofs of Man-Caused Global Warming” paper (this website):
1) CO2 is not harmful at all.  Conversely, this trace gas (comprising about 4 molecules in 10,000) is essential for photosynthesis and hence, for all life on the planet!
2) As noted, the claim that atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been rising in the atmosphere is based on “cooked” data.  In reality, there has been very little to no increase in either CO2 or temperature over the past 100 years.   We are simply looking here at science fraud, which apparently pays well enough to motivate some scientists to commit that fraud.
3) The earth has been cooling very slightly since 1998.  Thus, all the computer projections of future warming are proven to be wrong.
4) Sea levels have been rising by a modest 7 inches/century for the past 350 years or so, as the earth has been warming from the coldest part of the Little Ice Age.  There has been no increase in rates of sea level rise due to human industrial activity over the past 150 years.  Current best estimates are that world sea levels are now rising by less than the thickness of a nickel each year (about 1.5 mm).  However, sea level changes are very complex and this is just an average figure.
5) Polar bear populations have expanded in the northern hemisphere during the past 50 years.  Like most other organisms, polar bears do better in warmer climates.  Incidentally, they can swim 100 miles or more, if they need to.
6) There has not been an increase in the number of extreme weather events in the latter part of the 20th century.  However, extreme events of recent decades could be due to human activity…. namely, geoengineering/weather warfare/weather modification (see section with that title).
7) The net amount of glacier ice on the planet may have actually increased during the last 100 years or so.  Nearly 95% of the world’s ice is located in its two ice caps; Antarctica, which has been cooling for the past 40 years, and Greenland, which seems to have warmed slightly but whose interior ice sheet has thickened.  Whereas some mid-latitude mountain glaciers are retreating, an equal number is advancing.   In any event, mid-latitude glaciers hold a small percentage of the world’s ice (about 5%).
8) Tropical diseases are not spreading due to human industrial activity.
9) There has been no mass extinction of species in the past 100 years.

V. Behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud
Why, then, are we repeatedly told just the opposite of the truth, as summarized above?  Alas, the young science of climatology has now been thoroughly “politicized,” that is, to say, it has been co-opted and corrupted by political and economic agendas.  (Other instances of sciences that have been co-opted and corrupted to serve political objectives include the phony “sciences” of eugenics and “Lysenkoism,” to name just two historic examples.)   Thus, in the climate change issue, we are no longer dealing with science, per se, but rather with political propaganda.   Thus, while much of this site is dedicated to addressing the real science, it is also imperative to try to understand the political/economic objectives associated with the man-caused global warming fraud.  These goals can summed up as control of resources and human populations, world government, de-industrialization of industrial countries, and depopulation.
I recently gained an unexpected insight when viewing a 1985 BBC TV series entitled “The Day the Universe Changed.”  It was a fast-paced waltz through the history of scientific discovery and invention, narrated by science historian, James Burke.  The last program focused on two seemingly unrelated subjects: supercomputers and Tibetan Buddhism, with the camera flipping back and forth between banks of Cray supercomputers and chanting Tibetan Buddhists.  Burke ended the series with the remark:  “In the age of supercomputers, reality is what we say it is.”
Well, that helps explain the emphasis on supercomputers.  But what is the point of including the Buddhists?  Perhaps the message is that “reality is in the mind” as well as “perceptions can be managed and manipulated.” The global warming hoax, I’m afraid, is a perfect example of what happens when virtual (or computer- and propaganda-generated) reality is intentionally confused with real reality, which, in this case, is the actual physical world we live in.

Read this again from the end of the article....

“In the age of supercomputers, reality is what we say it is.”

Well, that helps explain the emphasis on supercomputers.  But what is the point of including the Buddhists?  Perhaps the message is that “reality is in the mind” as well as “perceptions can be managed and manipulated.” The global warming hoax, I’m afraid, is a perfect example of what happens when virtual (or computer- and propaganda-generated) reality is intentionally confused with real reality, which, in this case, is the actual physical world we live in.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Infolurker - 08-23-2023

Doesn't matter if it is a hoax or not. 

I surely believe we are responsible for some but the climate is ALWAYS changing and it has been much hotter many times in the past and species adapt. 

It really wouldn't matter if we had a sudden reversal because this "CRISIS" is an "EXCUSE" to execute totalitarianism at a global scale (for a good cause of course).

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - kdog - 08-23-2023

(08-23-2023, 09:00 AM)Infolurker Wrote: Doesn't matter if it is a hoax or not. 

I surely believe we are responsible for some but the climate is ALWAYS changing and it has been much hotter many times in the past and species adapt. 

It really wouldn't matter if we had a sudden reversal because this "CRISIS" is an "EXCUSE" to execute totalitarianism at a global scale (for a good cause of course).

The key word is adapt . We as a species have survived for so long because we could adapt to our changing environment. But we have become weakened in some societies . Those weaknesses  are being are being extorted against us for gain of the powerful elites to control the masses.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Michigan Swamp Buck - 08-23-2023

If humans want a perfect climate, they can create one in an enclosed environment, just the rich guys though, not us poor bastards. The rich have no need to adapt until we drag them from their sheltered existence and let them get a whiff of the real world outside.

Besides, humans can adapt and can use the same tools as any other humans.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Schmoe - 08-23-2023

I agree with Infolurker.  I work in a non-air conditioned machine shop, so you know I pay attention to the weather.  10 years ago, we would have a handful of heat waves over 100 degrees.  The past few summers, we've had MAYBE one or two 100 degree days.  I've been commenting that the summers actually haven't been so bad.

I also believe the earth has cycles that we understand little of.  Everyone wants to go green and cut carbon emissions.  I'm all for helping out mother nature, and I don't think people help like they should, but I don't think people are the main cause behind global warming.

I might try to dig it up, but I read an article saying it's theorized we might be moving into a warmer part of the universe as well.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - xuenchen - 08-23-2023

Yup.  Earth's natural ongoing occurrences are 10 million times stronger than anything Humans can do. 


RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - kdog - 08-24-2023

I’m not sure which is more arrogant – to say we caused global warming or that we can fix it.

[img=18x18]data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 16 16'%3e%3cdefs%3e%3clinearGradient id='a' x1='50%25' x2='50%25' y1='0%25' y2='100%25'%3e%3cstop offset='0%25' stop-color='%2318AFFF'/%3e%3cstop offset='100%25' stop-color='%230062DF'/%3e%3c/linearGradient%3e%3cfilter id='c' width='118.8%25' height='118.8%25' x='-9.4%25' y='-9.4%25' filterUnits='objectBoundingBox'%3e%3cfeGaussianBlur in='SourceAlpha' result='shadowBlurInner1' stdDeviation='1'/%3e%3cfeOffset dy='-1' in='shadowBlurInner1' result='shadowOffsetInner1'/%3e%3cfeComposite in='shadowOffsetInner1' in2='SourceAlpha' k2='-1' k3='1' operator='arithmetic' result='shadowInnerInner1'/%3e%3cfeColorMatrix in='shadowInnerInner1' values='0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.299356041 0 0 0 0 0.681187726 0 0 0 0.3495684 0'/%3e%3c/filter%3e%3cpath id='b' d='M8 0a8 8 0 00-8 8 8 8 0 1016 0 8 8 0 00-8-8z'/%3e%3c/defs%3e%3cg fill='none'%3e%3cuse fill='url(%23a)' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cuse fill='black' filter='url(%23c)' xlink:href='%23b'/%3e%3cpath fill='white' d='M12.162 7.338c.176.123.338.245.338.674 0 .43-.229.604-.474.725a.73.73 0 01.089.546c-.077.344-.392.611-.672. 0-1.5-.546-1.5-1V7.665c0-1.23 1.467-2.275 1.467-3.13L7.361 3.47c-.005-.065.008-.224.058-.27.08-.079.301-.2.635-.2.218 0 .363.041.534.123.581.277.732.978.732 1.542 0 .271-.414 1.083-.47 1.364 0 0 .867-.192 1.879-.199 1.061-.006 1.749.19 1.749.842 0 .261-.219.523-.316.666zM3.6 7h.8a.6.6 0 01.6.6v3.8a.6.6 0 01-.6.6h-.8a.6.6 0 01-.6-.6V7.6a.6.6 0 01.6-.6z'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e[/img]

All reactions:
5Hannah Doyel, Ray Masalas and 3 others


RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - OmegaLogos - 08-24-2023

Explanation: Climate Change exists BECAUSE Weather weapons and weather wars exist ...

Weather Weapons ...

Personal Disclosure: We have the knowledge and the technology ok!


RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Ninurta - 08-24-2023

I've been screaming this same message now for about two decades or so, ever since Algore started his crazy "the sky is falling!" bullshit.

However, I think saying the earth has been warmer than now for 80% of it's existence may be a low estimate - I only know of 3 cooling periods in Earth's history, and it has been warmer, usually MUCH warmer, at all other times. Those 3 cooling events are 1)the "snowball Earth" incident, where the entire planet froze over all the way to the equator, and stayed frozen for a couple million years, 2) the end of the Carboniferous period into the Permian, when the Earth cooled, ice caps formed, and mass extinctions took place due to a dearth of warmth - the Carboniferous rain forest collapsed during that time, and the Permian had a number of extinctions as well as getting much dryer due to the cooling, and 3) the Pleistocene/ Holocene cooling event, what we call "the ice ages" now, which we are still in, which is what explains currently below-average temperatures.

All other times, the Earth has been warmer than now, sometimes vastly warmer. For example, in the carboniferous Period, average temperatures were about 14 degrees (F) higher than right now, world wide, and life flourished. That is what gave us the current coal fields. Also, during that era, CO2 atmospheric levels were about 400% of current levels, which is why plant life flourished. On the negative side, oxygen levels were about 50% higher than currently, 32% or so as opposed to the current 21%, which created a fire hazard, so there were more forest fires (sparked by lightning and such), than there are now..

During the Permian, deserts spread like wildfires, and covered much of the Earth, because so much of our water was getting locked up in ice caps, no longer available to allow plant growth.

This whole "climate change" religious hysteria is just that, and probably for the reasons stated in that article.


RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - NightskyeB4Dawn - 08-24-2023

(08-23-2023, 07:25 AM)kdog Wrote: I went digging through some old bookmarks I had and came across article that probably will not show up on any searches because it goes against the climate change narrative. 
ome Basic Earth Science
Quote:The Fourth Bowl

8 The fourth poured out his bowl on the sun. He was given the power to burn people with fire,
9 and people were burned by the intense heat. So they blasphemed the name of God,s who had the power over these plagues, and they did not repent and give Him glory.

Something to think about. Those bowl seem to be pouring on our heads a lot lately.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - NightskyeB4Dawn - 08-24-2023

462 active fires in the US right now. Not talking about Canada and the rest of the globe.

Fire Map

Fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, those bowls are really rattling. Shocked

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Grace - 08-25-2023

Have you caught the newest Nobel Laureate who is taking a public stance on climate change @Kdog?

John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has decided to sign the World Climate Declaration of Clintel with its central message “there is no climate emergency”. Clauser is the second Nobel Laureate to sign the declaration, Dr. Ivar Giaever was the first. The number of scientists and experts signing the World Climate Declaration is growing rapidly and now approaching 1600 people.

Clauser has publicly distanced himself from climate alarmism and this year he also joined the Board of Directors of the CO­2 Coalition. In the announcement by the CO2 Coalition, Clauser was quoted in the following way:

“The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people. Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills. It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists. In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.”

IPCC is spreading dangerous misinformation
In July Clauser gave a talk at the event Quantum Korea 2023. He warned the audience about the growing amount of pseudoscience and misinformation

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - NightskyeB4Dawn - 08-25-2023

(08-24-2023, 11:37 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: 462 active fires in the US right now. Not talking about Canada and the rest of the globe.

Fire Map

Fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, those bowls are really rattling. Shocked

This showed up in my feed. I guess I am not the only one that feels there is not much natural about all the fires, and other weather anomalies that we are having all together, all around the globe.

Conspiracy theory, biblical, an oddity, or abnormality, it could be a lot of things. The one thing that it does not feel to me, is natural. And I am not buying the man made global warming, crap either.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - ABNARTY - 08-27-2023

nope. I watched CNN. 

They said this last 4th of July was the hottest in history. 

How they determined data for the entire 4.5 billion years of Earth's history, they never said.

But it must be true.

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - 727Sky - 09-02-2023

Cycles and new discovery about Methane release.. The big boys probably already know this but will continue to blame civilization, CO2, and mankind; is it about total control or an innate hatred of human useless eaters ?

RE: The Great Cycle of Climate Change Is Not Caused By Humans - Snarl - 09-05-2023

(08-24-2023, 08:29 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I only know of 3 cooling periods in Earth's history, and it has been warmer, usually MUCH warmer, at all other times. Those 3 cooling events are 1)the "snowball Earth" incident, where the entire planet froze over all the way to the equator, and stayed frozen for a couple million years, 2) the end of the Carboniferous period into the Permian, when the Earth cooled, ice caps formed, and mass extinctions took place due to a dearth of warmth - the Carboniferous rain forest collapsed during that time, and the Permian had a number of extinctions as well as getting much dryer due to the cooling, and 3) the Pleistocene/ Holocene cooling event, what we call "the ice ages" now, which we are still in, which is what explains currently below-average temperatures.

Milankovitch cycles

Only way to survive them (cold ones) is by being underground.

Once you've figured that out, why come up at all? Shplains where the UFO people are coming from too.