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RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-16-2024

(07-15-2024, 10:14 PM)Ninurta Wrote: And so it begins... The Meme Edition:


Unfortunately, they are going to be coming out of the woodwork.

I don't like memes because they are are usually reactionary and give people excuses to say ugly, nasty, divisive, cruel, and deceptive things.

For many the humor is dark, and for some very offensive.

I have seen the ugly coming out of both sides. I see nothing promoting unity. I just see the divide getting wider, and the behavior becoming more aggressive, and bold.

In the mean time the great America they claim to want is going to be nothing but a soon forgotten memory. Reconstruction this time is very likely to be made in China.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 12:50 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I have seen the ugly coming out of both sides. I see nothing promoting unity. I just see the divide getting wider, and the behavior becoming more aggressive, and bold.

In the mean time the great America they claim to want is going to be nothing but a soon forgotten memory. Reconstruction this time is very likely to be made in China.

To be honest, I don't even know what a "meme" is - I only know something is a meme if someone else that knows how to recognize them tells me it's one. I personally have utterly failed to grasp the concept, despite several attempt to educate myself on it.

As far as seeing "nothing that promotes unity", the BidenHarris campaign apparently pulled all of their attack ads the night of the shooting, so that's a step i reckon. I've also heard in the wind that going forward the Trump campaign intends to run on "love and unity", but I reckon we'll see if that was true or not.

And as far as Reconstruction Made in China goes, that'll be fun! Last time around, we had a good ol' time shooting Yankees that overstayed their welcome after the war was over, and I don't reckon CCP troopers are any better - but they're shorter, and so make more challenging targets!

Another tiung about the assassination attempt that has been bothering me - Trump says "let me get my shoes" twice. Why were his shoes not on his feet where they are supposed to be? I've seen people knocked right out of their tied shoes when hit by a car - I thought that was weird, and wondered how in the hell it happened - but I have never seen anyone shot out of their shoes. Now, it may be because most of the folks I've seen shot were wearing boots, which I'd imagine might be a great deal more difficult to remove someone from by sheer striking force alone, but still, I don't see how anyone could get shot out of their shoes just by having an ear pierced. I don't think an ear could transmit that much force to a body, surely not enough to snatch it right out of it's shoes.. Additionally, all the folks I've seen knocked out of their shoes were likely dead before they hit the ground - none ever survived.

So why in the hell weren't his shoes on his feet?


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 02:16 AM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-16-2024, 12:50 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I have seen the ugly coming out of both sides. I see nothing promoting unity. I just see the divide getting wider, and the behavior becoming more aggressive, and bold.

In the mean time the great America they claim to want is going to be nothing but a soon forgotten memory. Reconstruction this time is very likely to be made in China.

To be honest, I don't even know what a "meme" is - I only know something is a meme if someone else that knows how to recognize them tells me it's one. I personally have utterly failed to grasp the concept, despite several attempt to educate myself on it.

As far as seeing "nothing that promotes unity", the BidenHarris campaign apparently pulled all of their attack ads the night of the shooting, so that's a step i reckon. I've also heard in the wind that going forward the Trump campaign intends to run on "love and unity", but I reckon we'll see if that was true or not.

And as far as Reconstruction Made in China goes, that'll be fun! Last time around, we had a good ol' time shooting Yankees that overstayed their welcome after the war was over, and I don't reckon CCP troopers are any better - but they're shorter, and so make more challenging targets!

Another tiung about the assassination attempt that has been bothering me - Trump says "let me get my shoes" twice. Why were his shoes not on his feet where they are supposed to be? I've seen people knocked right out of their tied shoes when hit by a car - I thought that was weird, and wondered how in the hell it happened - but I have never seen anyone shot out of their shoes. Now, it may be because most of the folks I've seen shot were wearing boots, which I'd imagine might be a great deal more difficult to remove someone from by sheer striking force alone, but still, I don't see how anyone could get shot out of their shoes just by having an ear pierced. I don't think an ear could transmit that much force to a body, surely not enough to snatch it right out of it's shoes.. Additionally, all the folks I've seen knocked out of their shoes were likely dead before they hit the ground - none ever survived.

So why in the hell weren't his shoes on his feet?


Maybe they were loafers. With so many people around him pushing him in different directions, and trying to keep him in a small space they stepped on his feet causing his shoes to come off.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - MrJesterium - 07-16-2024

(07-15-2024, 03:27 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: As @"727Sky"#11 so frequently tries to remind us of Voltaire. I have three I would like to add to think about... It is a time to think, not a time to react.
I like the sound of that!

I wanted to weigh in on Trump being shot, but waited for things to simmer down first. Most just react to the news right away, few analyze the event, but I prefer to analyze the discussion itself.
From the news, we only what know what most people know, which is practically nothing. This has been my approach to the Ukraine and Palestine conflicts: everything I write is in reaction to what someone else commented about it.

For 727Sky, I'd recommend reading humanist Georg Brandes' biography, he accounts for the social conditions in the 17-18th century and is the most representative, emphasizing Voltaire's ideas. (I've also sampled his biography for Shakespeare, Brandes' consistently adheres to the facts.)

(07-15-2024, 03:27 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: If it wasn't for the number of people ready to lay down their lives for him, and the number of innocents that will be harmed because they trust a system that is corroded, corrupt, evil, and sees them as useless pawns, it would be almost comedic.
This realization seems like the best starting point for any free-spirited American, question is, how can we help the others see the absurdity of this situation?

I recently dug up this old quote while reading Gertrude Stein's book: "It is funny, this business of being right. Everybody wants to be right, even the one who said he would rather be right than president. It is so natural to say 'and I was right, was I not?'"

(07-16-2024, 12:50 AM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I have seen the ugly coming out of both sides. I see nothing promoting unity. I just see the divide getting wider, and the behavior becoming more aggressive, and bold.
Every situation comes with a positive side, we musn't look for ugliness everywhere; it's what led Luther to make his tragic mistake.

"Instead of grasping, with profound thanksgiving, the miracle that had taken place: the conquest of Christianity at its capital—instead of this, his hatred was stimulated by the spectacle. A religious man thinks only of himself." (Nietzsche)

"If given more time, I think the Church would have reformed from within. Erasmus had about the right ideas and he was offered a cardinal's hat before his death, though he refused it." (Alfred North Whitehead)

Instead we must focus on what attracts, unites, and builds up; meditate on these things daily, and you'll start noticing it everywhere.

Weishaupt wrote in Diogenes Lamp about how different the world would look if we were strictly concerned with the continuation of human existence, the preservation of the species:

"What a gathering-place of delight this Earth would be, if this manner of thinking would only become the primary one for all humanity? For people of this type there would be no discontent... All our discontent results from our inability to see into the future."

(07-14-2024, 08:37 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Idolizing anyone is a bad business. It's religiously WRONG for Christian types to do so, at a minimum.
Idolizing is wrong, but whatever fosters admiration for another person is good.

Louis Moreau Gottschalk once observed, “These nice fellows take Communion fifty-two times yearly, have five or six hundred Masses said, and follow in all the processions,” yet did not understand the most basic principles of their faith.

Goethe: "Worship and love were the only things the good woman understood; disinterested admiration for a noble work of art, brotherly reverence for another human spirit were utterly beyond her ken."

(07-15-2024, 06:03 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I am not mad at Trump. He has never tried to hide what he is. It is not his fault that so many people are insistent on making him what they want him to be and remain blind to what he is.
Jacque Fresco was once interviewed about how he managed to dismantle a KKK organization by befriending its leader, he repeatedly emphasized people project their values on others.

An American hiker once told me, "Most people have knee jerk reactions to any mention of Hitler's name, but they know nothing of him and they have never read a word he said. They don't even have any curiosity about something they claim to be passionate about. Their passionate hatred has no connection to any actual reality."

(07-14-2024, 09:53 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I felt the same about Gerald Ford. He didn't do a damned thing to help the country, but he didn't do anything to hurt it, either. He just didn't really do anything at all.
This is how Hitler actually viewed the Jews who remained in Germany, he accused them of not coming out into the open with their views against their tribe, they only behaved acceptably insofar as they abstained from aggression. Wagner also got upset with his Jewish friend Berthold Auerbach about not accepting an invitatation from his friends to openly publish his views about Wagner's poems which had been ignored by the establishment.

These anecdotes illustrate how inaction, neglecting one's duty, can be just as harmful as actively combating new ideas.

"Man thinks, feels, acts, wishes, enjoys unceasingly; he has daily a hundred opportunities of doing right: if he make good use of them, it is his merit—if he neglect them, his fault. But worse than the neglecting of good, is the doing of evil;" (Justinus Kerner)

"In estimating the value of India or Greece, we compare the good with the evil. In estimating the value of Christianity, we set the evil aside. We set things aside without knowing we are doing so; that is precisely where the danger lies. Or, which is still worse, we set them aside by an act of the will, but by an act of the will that is furtive in relation to ourselves." (Simone Weil)

“And by spiritual life I do not mean just setting aside one hour of one day of one week for worship, but to seek the things of the spirit every moment of every day. I ask you, then: What did these people do to seek spiritual enlightenment and rapture? Did they just give in to a life that was little more than work?” (Tom Brown, Jr.)

(07-14-2024, 10:47 PM)Ninurta Wrote: It's a sad fact of life that only narcissists even WANT that thankless job.
I think that's because we make life difficult for those who want to officially help, I remember reading a comment once about how decent people who entered into politics felt discouraged or hardened by people's unreasonably high expectations for them. Because people forget politicians are still people.

When I was reading up on this discussion, a few commenters pointed out that their politicians seemed very much like themselves when they weren't putting on a show:

(07-14-2024, 10:47 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Only people seeking power for themselves will seek power at all. One has to be a narcissist to think they know what is better for other folks than those other folks know themselves.
Not necessarily. Stalin was an exception, he sought power not for himself, but for his revolution, he was once called "man of the idea."

According to Stalin's interpreter Berezhkov, Stalin "amazed everyone with his ostensible modesty and total lack of desire to impress. Unlike Hitler, Stalin thought that if his limitless power over millions of his subjects was evident, there was no need to advertise it."

Of Hitler, Ernst Hanfstaengl said he "did not make a revolution to acquire power, but acquired power in order to make a revolution. It was a process which very few people foresaw."

Stalin once told Khruschev, "You are blind like young kittens. What will happen without me? The country will perish because you do not know how to recognize enemies." Incidentally, he also called Hitler a kitten, Berzehkov asked, "He could have called him a hyena or a jackal or some such other offensive word. Why a kitten?"

Recently, there was a dream shared about Trump being cast as a Jackal in a new movie, what are the odds?

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

Here's another example of the Left trying to tone down the rhetoric.

Cenk Uiyghur (I know I butchered that last name, and apologize, but it has always reminded me of the Central Asian Uiyghurs, and that's how I recall it at all) of "The Young Turks", actually commends "the MAGA people" who saw the shooter crawling into position and who then tried to alert law enforcement. The discussion does eventually devolve into an anti-gun tirade - as if that rifle jumped up all by itself and tried to shoot Trump on it's own... and then the cops gun jumped up all by itself and perforated the shooter's melon) but still, I appreciate their effort in at least giving it a go at toning down the rhetoric:


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-16-2024

The building the shooter was on was supposedly close to the staging area for the local police. Also the local police officer who climbed the building to confront Crooks might have actually saved Trump's life (in a cowardly way) by making Crooks rush his shots..? 

More will come out over the next few days and weeks. The FBI is doing an investigation but IMO no matter what they say there will be many who will doubt the official findings and words in the report as the FBI's reputation presently is lower than whale poop which is at the bottom of the ocean. .

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 04:04 AM)MrJesterium Wrote:
(07-14-2024, 10:47 PM)Ninurta Wrote: Only people seeking power for themselves will seek power at all. One has to be a narcissist to think they know what is better for other folks than those other folks know themselves.
Not necessarily. Stalin was an exception, he sought power not for himself, but for his revolution, he was once called "man of the idea."

According to Stalin's interpreter Berezhkov, Stalin "amazed everyone with his ostensible modesty and total lack of desire to impress. Unlike Hitler, Stalin thought that if his limitless power over millions of his subjects was evident, there was no need to advertise it."

I think a key there is your use of the phrase " 'his' revolution". Stalin sought power in order to oversee the prosecution and administration of "his" revolution, to make sure it was handled according to his own vision and understanding of it. Therefore, the revolution under Stalin was merely an extension of his own ego... so I would argue that indeed he DID seek power for himself ultimately.

But I may have an inkling of what you are trying to get across. I've been put in positions of "power" a few times, and I've declined to accept such a position as many times more. Generally, although not always, when I accepted it was because I didn't like the job I was already doing, and just wanted to get out of it and into something else. Some times, I only took it because I could see that everyone else around me needed someone to stand in the gap between them and the even higher-ups who was a little better at absorbing the heat and not allowing it to pass downward. Some times, I accepted it only because no one else wanted it, but someone had to do it.

However, I've never accepted any such position because I felt a need to hammer on any "underlings" or "bend them to my will". In all cases where I did accept, I did everything in my power to make life easier and better for the folks under me. I always saw my position in the pecking order as a way to serve them, rather than as a way to force them to serve me. That has always paid off dividends in units of loyalty .I've gotten the best out of people because of that, and whenever I received recognition for work THEY did (let's say a "bonus" or something like that) I always made sure it filtered down to them ultimately - I'd use the proceeds to give them a party or something like that - rather than keeping it for myself. After all, if THEY did the work, I saw no reason that all the benefits of their work should accrue to myself, who didn't really do the work, y'know?

So, while I understand that not everyone who GETS power is in it for themselves, I still feel that people who SEEK it are ultimately going there mostly for their own benefit.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-16-2024

For 26 minutes the shooter was known by the authorities .

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 04:52 AM)727Sky Wrote:

The building the shooter was on was supposedly close to the staging area for the local police. Also the local police officer who climbed the building to confront Crooks might have actually saved Trump's life (in a cowardly way) by making Crooks rush his shots..? 

Yes, what I've heard is that the company that owned the building closed it's area and only allowed the parking lot to be used  for police vehicles, so that would make that parking lot a natural staging area for police operations.

Quote:More will come out over the next few days and weeks. The FBI is doing an investigation but IMO no matter what they say there will be many who will doubt the official findings and words in the report as the FBI's reputation presently is lower than whale poop which is at the bottom of the ocean. .

I'm in that camp. I'm not likely to trust the FBI report due to the way they've been acting over the past several years. So, I'll probably read the report with an extremely critical eye, looking for loopholes and hidden agendas and the like.

To my way of thinking, considering what the FBI has become, allowing them to do the investigation is a bit like setting the fox to guard the hen-house.

To be honest, I can't think of a single government agency under the current regime (or even the last few administrations) that I would trust to do the investigation impartially. I think a better way would be to turn over the investigation to local or state agencies, or a consortium of such agencies, augmented with a "council" of citizens who know the way the security field works - that latter group there only to keep the official state or local groups honest.

So long as only "official" or federal agencies are involved, they'll be able to "officially" sweep problems or discrepancies under the rug.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - p358 - 07-16-2024

Why not give it to the NCIS and the army and air force equivalents as a joint operation.

Possibly include The Texas Rangers as civilian involvement.

Military is the only way!


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 07:01 AM)p358 Wrote: Why not give it to the NCIS and the army and air force equivalents as a joint operation.

Possibly include The Texas Rangers as civilian involvement.

Military is the only way!


20 or 30 years ago, I'd have been down for that. But now, with the "woke" infiltration even infecting the military, especially the higher-ups that make the decisions, I'd mistrust it to handle the investigation as much as I'd mistrust any other federal agency,

Now, I might be persuaded to give the investigation to the Texas Rangers, along with a couple of other state investigative agencies, running the governmental wing of the investigation, along with truly "civilian" (i.e. not beholden to ANY government agency, state or federal) as the adjuncts in the investigation.

The real problem there would be finding civilians qualified to participate - folks with knowledge of executive protection and security setups, but I think a diligent search would turn up enough of them to do their proper oversight.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

The hate is real, and it's still out there. Some of the far-Left reactions to the assassination attempt, from Sky News Australia:

My first question is: where is Rita Panahi?

I've seen a lot of discussion regarding the Secret Service "Diversity Hires" It's true, up to a point. The women in that PSD have no business being there, and are pretty clearly "diversity hires". Now, before you go to calling me misogynistic, understand that there ARE women out there who are tailor-made for this sort of work. Over my career as armed security, I had the good fortune - or maybe misfortune - to run into a couple of them. They weren't necessarily beefed up or "butch", either. One of the prettiest women I ever saw in that line of work absolutely scared the hell out of me. If she hadn't been so damned friendly and professional, I might have ran away screaming like a little girl.

So there are some women cut out for that line of work, but there are also a lot that are not, just like there are a lot of men not cut out for it. It's not for everyone, any more than being a secretary or a construction worker are. The women in that candidate PSD appear NOT to have been cut out for it, just going by my eye. They appear to be "diversity hires".

Now, diversity hires are fine in the Secret Service, IF THEY ARE TASKED PROPERLY. The Secret Service has a lot of other jobs that don't involve executive protection. That's just the job we hear the most about. They also investigate monetary crimes, like counterfeiting and such. Those women might have been primely capable of that sort of task, they might be able to investigate their asses off, and will probably notice details that a lot of men won't, but PSD personnel they are not.

There is more to getting people placed properly than simply hiring them because they check a gender box. They have to be vetted, and then tasked with the job they are best suited for. You don't task a cook to walk point on a patrol - if you do, you get a substandard patrol, and probably waste a perfectly good cook... and maybe the rest of the patrol gets killed, too. You put the cook in a kitchen where he can scramble up several thousand eggs to feed the patrol when they get back inside the wire. For point on patrol, you put the jumpy guy that seems to be watching everything all at once. He's the one you want looking for ambushes and such... and you don't put that guy in the kitchen, where he's just going to burn all those eggs and make everyone else grumble about it.

Proper tasking. Maybe the diversity hire currently heading and running the Secret Service hasn't been properly schooled in it.

BTW, the woman in the recordings saying "what are we doing? What are we doing?" is taking a lot of crap in the media and across the internet for saying that, but most of the crap is coming from MEN who clearly do not understand "woman-speak". She's neither lost nor confused, she is saying, in "woman-speak" "let's get all our asses on the same page, and in gear."


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - MrJesterium - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 05:16 AM)Ninurta Wrote: So, while I understand that not everyone who GETS power is in it for themselves, I still feel that people who SEEK it are ultimately going there mostly for their own benefit.
Thanks for clarifying your pov!

Well, Stalin offered to step down from power several times and declined praise from his subordinates.

Actually, I think Stalin remained steadfast in carrying out Lenin's vision, but Stalin also had his own aims from the beginning. Molotov claimed Stalin admitted to him that they no longer had a dictatorship of the proletariat. "He didn’t state this firmly, but he said it."

(07-16-2024, 05:16 AM)Ninurta Wrote: However, I've never accepted any such position because I felt a need to hammer on any "underlings" or "bend them to my will".
Stalin found it necessary to be harsh and brutal at times, he also took into account the Russian people's low level of culture.

"Stalin had won the battle for the succession because he knew how to organise men and subject them to his will. Trotsky was full of his own personality." (Sergo Beria)
Stalin did not impose his views on people, he wanted to get to know other people's views, so he asked to be shown their library and he was a good listener, which Trotsky was not.

Historian John Lukacs pointed out in Historical Consciousness (his least read book): "Trotsky had his Jewish characteristics, Stalin his Georgian ones; and in the struggle for political power in Russia this was to harm Trotsky more than it harmed Stalin."

Alfred North Whitehead said Russian greatness was made known to the world "from the departure of Trotsky and the arrival of Stalin in power. Stalin's being a Georgian, I think, does have a good deal to do with it."

(07-16-2024, 05:16 AM)Ninurta Wrote: Some times, I only took it because I could see that everyone else around me needed someone to stand in the gap between them and the even higher-ups who was a little better at absorbing the heat and not allowing it to pass downward.
Honestly, this country could use more guys like you in influential positions.

My friend Kate was exactly like this, I believe
I may have mentioned her meeting Biden once, she claimed to have been an assistant to celebrities and politicians. She told me,

"My dad was a soldier a veteran as well as my uncles. Grew up in an environment where you stand up for people and defend them and stand up against injustices. I never thought it was actually hard for people to do it and I think a lot of us would do the same. Seeing their struggle is heartbreaking and they seem to look up to me. The owners can’t fill up the spots fast enough and employees said that over past weeks the bosses have treated them better than ever before because of it.
I think because they look up to me I feel responsible for making their life better and the fact they would follow me wherever I go next. It’s like they see the American dream right there and they treat me like I’m their door into it.
Most of the employees have a hard time speaking English so the bosses think they can exploit them. Recently I’ve been standing up for them. The bosses hate that. Glaring at me and when I smile cockily back and them they just smile all friendly to me. Even bosses treat me like that, even though I stand against them, they think simply having me in their store will raise their company to American standards."

I don't know if she'll be picked up anytime soon, but I think she stands a good chance of being sworn in as the president one day.


WanderingMrM claims the 1st legitimate US female president was born either in 1996 or early 1990s, neither Clinton nor Harris, "I think someone a bit younger, maybe mid 30s or early 40s." I read a similar prediction here, but the timing was wrong:

Two scenarios involving influential women: The user told me, "She seemed to be involved with leading the US government. Authoritative, assertive and confident, as if in those moments most eyes were on her, as a beacon of hope."

In this interview, an user described for me the appearance of a woman he saw, as well as a symbol featured on the US flag:

There was a recent topic which may have described the same symbol seen on the US flag:

I also know of another guy who could possibly contest the presidential office, he posted under the username "Irredactable", he's an inventor who's brimming with ideas, he had both a scientific-artistic disposition. It's a pity he removed his account due to being fed up with social media, I still have his posts saved up, although I don't agree with him on everything.

His view on female politicians:
Hillary and Harris both are putting on this high power woman pose and that's why it falls apart. Just be you and don't apologize for it. Instead, they hide themselves, put on a mask and wonder why people won't "support a woman."

His policy positions:

His political views: "I'm hoping that eventually I can get involved enough and forge enough connections to actually run for some sort of office, while developing my ideas further. I'd also promote the idea that there shouldn't be a false-dichotomy between individual responsibility and individual expression, that both are actually valuable and contribute a lot to the well-being of society."

Meeting those two users are the whole reason why I started searching for pioneers out there. I can confirm that they exist, they just pass by unnoticed. If enough people come out in support of them, wouldn't the ruling authorities of the day be forced to step down from their pedestal and pay lip service, in hopes of not being condemned by the public?

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-16-2024

C'mon this can't be real, can it??

[Image: wvdRWil.jpg]
Daily Mail

[Image: o7E6D9f.jpg]

Unreal, lol...

[Image: 0nueeYP.jpg]

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-16-2024

(07-16-2024, 06:06 PM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote: C'mon this can't be real, can it??

[Image: wvdRWil.jpg]
Daily Mail

[Image: o7E6D9f.jpg]

That's what I was thinking when that dumbass opened her mouth and that stupid shit just fell right out - too much slope? The roof the counter-snipers were on had a little more slope, but you put 'em there all the same.

That slope can work in favor of the counter-snipers. If the sniper gains the same roof, he's unlikely to stay on the same side as the counter-snipers, because they'll just punch his ticket then and there. So he'll stay to the reverse slope from them... and that means the ridge crest is available to give them concealment when they gain the roof crest, whereas at that point the reverse slope is wide open for them to shoot down.

I'm told that the roof crest was providing cover to the shooter, and that's why they had a delayed response - because they couldn't get a good sight picture due to that cover the roof crest was providing. Had they had a team on that roof, all they would have had to do would have been to crawl up to the crest and lay waste to what was beyond. In this case, a sniper. The story currently is that the sniper was on the reverse slope from the counter-sniper team, and on an entirely different building, so the counter snipers couldn't just gain the crest and light him up.

If they had had a team on that same building, that wouldn't have been an issue.

Here is what I mean by "reverse slope":

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2138]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2139]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2140]

Here is a shot of the ladder that some folks are claiming the shooter used to gain rooftop access - it's hidden behind that clump of arborvitae trees, leaned against the connecting hallway that provides access between the two buildings and across that little alley between them:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2141]

You can see the same clump of arborvitae in some of the other views, on the parking lot end of the shooter's building.

Some reports claim you can see the shooter's body laying there, but you can't. I can see what appears to be an AR platform rifle closest to the crest of the roof, some small unidentifiable blackish clump midway down the roof, and what looks like a black duffel down near the roof edge. No bodies, no blood stains. The shooter's body was at the other end of the roof, but on that same sloped side. IF he used that ladder to gain access, I think he may have used the duffel to smuggle the rifle in, then discarded the duffel once he gained rooftop access, and then low-crawled along the roof edge to prevent observation from the ground. Once at the other end (the rally end of the building), he would then have low-crawled along the edge towards the roof crest, which is when the video showing him crawling was shot. The roof crest would have concealed him from the counter-sniper's position, and made their shot more difficult... until he raised his head up just enough...

So the counter-snipers could get to their own roof crest, and that gave them access to the reverse slope of their own building and the near slope of the sniper's building, but the reverse slope the sniper was on was less accessible, with the roof crest providing him cover and concealment. It's likely that when the counter-sniper took the shot, the only target he had was a slightly raised head.

But I reckon that was enough.


RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - NightskyeB4Dawn - 07-16-2024

Plan B.

Be prepared for the talk of the draft to escalate.

Quote:US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Se...

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Infolurker - 07-17-2024

(07-16-2024, 08:53 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: Plan B.

Be prepared for the talk of the draft to escalate.

Quote:US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Se...

I tend to agree that there may be a plan B and I hope I am wrong.


The Leftist / Progressives have spent years (even during the Trump years) stacking political stooges in positions of power in all major Government agencies to include the US Military. DEI is rampant and it is still just in the early stages.

Knowing that a Trump admin most probably will attempt and may succeed at undoing all of that and shit canning them all...... over a decade of planning and execution to set up single party rule just.... "Dismantled"???

Am I the only one who believes that they may not simply step down from unchecked power now after all of those years of planning and implementation?

We shall see. Hopefully I am completely incorrect.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - EndtheMadnessNow - 07-17-2024

Here's another short analysis.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - 727Sky - 07-17-2024

Now the same idiots who set the ROE and to hold your fire are telling the SS to not say anything or lose your job. I would like to think this is due to stupid people in positions they are not qualified to be in but alas I fear there is more to this than being stupid and the government sponsored current story line of excuses.

RE: Looks like Trump has been shot - Ninurta - 07-17-2024

(07-17-2024, 03:44 AM)727Sky Wrote: Now the same idiots who set the ROE and to hold your fire are telling the SS to not say anything or lose your job. I would like to think this is due to stupid people in positions they are not qualified to be in but alas I fear there is more to this than being stupid and the government sponsored current story line of excuses.

I'm with ya on that, and to make matters worse I've just found out that apparently Merritt Garland has personally taken over direction of the investigation. If there is anyone on God's green earth that I trust less to be straight, honest, and forthcoming than the FBI, it's Merritt Garland. He's made a living on lying, and it's become so ingrained in him that I seriously doubt if he would tell the truth about what he had for breakfast.

"Keep your mouth shut or lose your job" translates into normal English as "We've already concocted our coverup story, and we really don't want you confusing people with facts".

So, yeah, I expect nothing but coverup and obfuscation from this point forward from the government "investigation" of the assassination attempt.

In other news:

This guy is legit, and knows what he's talking about -

